Hi everyone,
I'm new to this, I mean really new! I don't make it a habit to write to anyone much less write on the net!
But I like to view the net once in a while and I came across this web site and thought it might be a good source of info and support. So here I go!
I started dialysis just three months ago in December of 2010. It was a pretty scary ordeal. I had diabetes for over 14 years and really didn't watch it very well until maybe the last 5 years before going on dialysis. Anyway, I found out 3 years ago, when my mother passed, that I was having kidney probems. I started taking care of myself, watched my sugar, watched my diet and completely stopped any alchohol intake. But my kidneys just got worse over time and well, here I am.
What I hate the most about being on PD, is that I can't swim. Before this happened I used to take my grandson swimming every thursday. We often had taken short trips to nearby lakes, rivers, hot springs, places were there was a lot of water involved. I just love swimming. But that's apparently over and it just kills me. The times I spent with my grandson were special "bonding" moments that even with just a few months in this situation, I really miss.
So I've been trying to find a way to waterproof this thing hanging out of my belly in hopes of returning to the water. I guess for starters, does anyone have any suggestions?