There was no hunk in the recovery room, darn it. I went back for surgery at 3 p.m. and they told my husband that I should be done by 4:30 p.m. and back in my room by 6 p.m. When I awoke in recovery (and I was barely awake - I couldn't keep my eyes open for 5 seconds) I told the lady I felt like I had to urinate. She helped me up and asked me if I had someone there with me. I asked "What time is it?" and she said "Eight p.m.". I almost fainted. I had been asleep a.k.a. knocked out in recover all that time!!! I wasn't sure if my husband was still there or not! She wheeled me to the bathroom and about at time my husband and my post transplant doctor walked in. They had both been on the patient floor looking for me for the last hour! They must have gave me mega anesthesia because I was a zombie until this afternoon.
I got in my room last night and felt like I had been in a fight and had been kicked in the stomach a lot. They did the surgery laproscopic and replaced the stint and cut a "large whole" in the lymphocele. My tummy is big and sore. And up to 15 minutes ago I'm still peeing green dye.
But the important thing is I am peeing. My creatinine was 1.25 on my labwork done on the 7th, and labwork done this morning showed it at 1.5, but he said it's probably because I was dehydrated, not having drank anything for 32 hours or so. I'm going to have lab drawn again on Monday just to be sure the kidney is working good.
The surgeon said the surgery went well. I hope he's right. I'm super glad to be home.