Do you go to dialysis with your husband? It sounds terrible, but I ENCOURAGE the spouses to stay home during the treatement. They sometimes think we are trying to hide something in the clinic or whatever. It's to get the spouse away from dialyisis for a short time. It is sometimes your only break. You need to take that time, or whatever time you can get for yourself. If you cna't take care of yourself, you can't take care of your husband. "Sharpen your saw"...
I went to dialysis with my husband whenever I could when he was in center. During the school year I could only go on Saturdays (I'm a teacher) I didn't necessarily stay at the unit though. I often when shopping - not always buying something but just looking. I made friends with other people that were there with family members and we would often have a great chat in the waiting room. We do most things together anyway so dialysis is no different. Usually when you see one of us you see both!! We just enjoy spending time together and we also enjoy doing the same things.