My husband who has been on PD since January, met with the transplant team today and will be on a list by early next week after he gets one more blood test. He is young (44), has no hypertension or diabetes and has a very beneficial blood type (AB-) but....he had a rare cancer last year and will need to be at least 2 to maybe 5 years cancer free before he can get a kidney. The good news is that he will get credit for the one year that he has been cancer free. The possibly bad news is that his type of cancer is aggressive and he could be looking at more of a 4-5 year wait as opposed to 2-3 years. Are there any other cancer survivors out there who have gone through this process? His renal failure was kind of a 1-2 punch. The chemo weakened his kidneys and an infection that resulted in severe dehydration delivered the fatal blow. He still has pretty good residual function. He urinates normally, his filtering is just gone.
All in all, he got a lot of hope today and came away with a better understanding which was just what he needed at this point!
Thanks everyone:)