Hi Texasstyle; I also do PD, so thought I'd put my 2 cents worth here too, just to show that every person is different, even if using the same type of dialysis. I also use the cycler, but I still have to do one exchange during the day also, so there is that one extra "hook up/un hook" thing goin' on. Like the others say though, I focus on what I do, do it cleanly (is that a word?), and all has been working for me for 8 months so far. I do carry 1500 in me during the early part of the day, and then after my afternoon exchange and the rest of the day/night, it's 2000 ml. I am actually loving the diet. Pre-dialysis I could not eat Potassium (among other things). That was the hardest for me... I am a tomato girl!! lol Well, the PD does take out the potassium. Many PD patients are fine and have no problem with that. For me, it takes out more than I can handle. I eat potassium like crazy now, but still have to take potassium supplements to keep it up there. I've been in the hospital for the last few weeks (not peritonitis!), and they even put potassium in my dialysis bags! Everyone is different. Take it all in, learn, and you'll do fine. :-) Oh, I have traveled also... went to Mexico several months ago! Baxter delivered the bags -- awesome.