I had sent this video to Patrice, Jenna's donor, and she and I both found it very moving.
I sent Patrice this note:
Watching that video reminded me of going to your room, right after surgery. I have never been so happy to see someone throw up in my life!
Truthfully, my biggest fear, beyond Jenna's outcome, was that somehow you would be harmed. The relief and joy I felt when I saw you that day was incredible!
I am grateful everyday I look at Jenna and see opportunity she was given, it really is a miracle. All thanks to you Patrice!
This coming Thursday is the 2 1/2 year anniversary since the transplant. Every minute has been a gift. As they say in the video, it's not just the recipient who benefits, but the whole family, and friends, anyone who loves the person who has been sick.
Living donors ROCK!