Well done George & TK.I will be so prepared when my time comes they wont know what to do with me.So the people who delv. supplies also have to place them in your home? I would have never known this. Thanks for that heads up. I dont think i would mind doing it but i can see where some elderly woudlnt like to do this themselfs.21Ft of tubuing huh. I will have to measure some things in my home. Sadly the bathroom will be out of reach. As for good sleeper thats not me at all. Im up a cuple times a night and tossing turning nonstop. Hopefully my doc can give me some sleeping pills. Thx guys for all this useful info.And im glad you both seem to be getting on with it with little problems.P&K
So how is everyone doing? I am on week two now, this are starting to fall into place. I noticed that the "full" feeling is mostly gone now. I am only awate of the fluid in my abdomen while I have the 4% in me. George 40 how is your training going?TK101