1) You can set your own schedule but your partner needs to be present. Machine time is about 2.5 hrs., 5-6 days a week.2) I know several who use it at night but currently it requires an external heparin pump, as NxStage does not have one.3) Buttonholes are develpoed stick sites like pierced ears. You need at least 3 in case one fails.4) Buttonholes are used for in center hemo but not frequently.5) You do have to stock a lot of supplies.6) Supplies are shipped to you from the supplier.7) NxStage is portable for travel Extensive cleanup is required after each session9) Waste handling is up to your local ordinances. Many require specific handling for biohazardous waste.10) Home hemo has to be approved by the nephrologist at the home dialysis center you use.