I think these "kids" rebel a little, even after 20, when they think their parents are monitoring everything. Jenna seems to surprise me with being more independent and responsible when I sit on my hands and back off from being her nurse. I know you only want the best for him. But he's gotta want it too. Hopefully the maturity will improve and he can get a transplant later on. I know that sucks, but if you take a little break, maybe you will be able to stand back and relax a little, and tell him you are going to let him take charge.
Hi LoriPlease don't take this as criticism, but I think you have to stop being his mom and just be a friend, someone who will be there when he needs something or when he needs to be saved/helped. Anger is an emotion that needs to come out (rebelling) and he may have to hit an all time low in order for him to realize what has happened and turn things around. Acceptance of a situation such as Dustins doesn't happen quickly.I think if he could talk to others with freedom he would find it helpful. Dustin will ultimately have to want to quit and be willing to work at it. Any expectation of a drug doing the work for him is an unrealistic expectation. There are no rights or wrongs, all we can do is the best we can, the best we know how. I hope that Dustin continues to improve and that you all find your way as easily as possible.