Hi Everyone, and thanks for letting me join the group.
I'm not a kidney patient, but my hubby is. His kidneys were damaged by high blood pressure that resisted all attempts at being lowered. The good news there is that he doesn't also have diabetes. If it weren't for the damaged kidneys, he'd be pretty healthy for a 70+ year-old person.
My hubby started Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) nearly a year ago, so this has been a year of transition and stress (as you all well know, eh?).
So far, so good. He had a difficult start because the catheter was misplaced: Had to have a second surgery and even that didn't help, so usually he has to sit up for the machine to drain without complaining of "Patient Low Flow".
My job is as his 'support staff': I keep the supplies ordered and organized, I keep the place clean, I manage our diet.
The best things about PD is that he has more energy to do his hobbies (way better than the year before it began, when he was sleeping 12-16 hours a day), and we can carry supplies with us and do our own treatments when we travel. We are also blessed to have a fine team at our local VA Hospital to help us manage his PD and his health.
But we are the only people we know on dialysis, so it's a little lonesome, a little isolating. I'm here to be able to share what I've learned, ask questions that are outside the realm of what the medical staff deals with, and generally get better at this life style.
So thanks for letting me be a part of the community.