podpeople, I love your choice of screen name.
Welcome to our IHD 'Family'. We have a number of members that are the careperson for the actual kidney patient and wanting to learn more about the desease and how to help the patient cope with it. You have come to the right place to ask any and all of your questions that the Dr's and Nurse fail to address.
When I was first diagnosed I learned a lot studying at Kidney School
http://kidneyschool.org/ They have a lot of great self-paced modules addressing kidneys, how they work, what they do, how diseases cause our need for dialysis, the different types of dialysis. All in all a very enlightening site. The more you know the less confusion and easier to make better informed decisions as to your Husbands treatment. Diet, learning what foods to limit to reduce the work load on his remaining kidney function can make a huge difference.
Post any and all questions, we will be here to try to help.
Take Care,
Charlie B53