My wonderful friend and massage therapist has offered to publish a blurb about me and my need for a kidney in her weekly e-newsletter to her clients. I want to take her up on the offer. What sort of things should I write? I want to keep it short and basically to get anyone interested to email me so I can give them more information. What would make you compelled to contact a stranger to discuss potential kidney donation?
Hello all,I never did follow up on this with my friend. However, I did receive a kidney transplant from a deceased donor on April 16, 2013 and have been doing very well since.As far as the massage, I actually stopped going as the cost was quite prohibitive to go on a frequent basis. She did Shiatsu massage, it was really good to help with the stress of sitting for so many hours a week. To me, that was one of the most debilitating side effects of being on dialysis....the time spent sitting wreaked havoc on my back, hips and legs and I had to go to the chiropractor quite often to keep in adjustment.