Biopsy is done. Yay! I should get the results in a couple of days. When I thought my cold was better after only one day, I think I was delusional. The next day my temperature went up to 101.7 and it's still hanging around 99 after a week. My normal temperature is 97.7. The neph who did the biopsy on Friday suggested getting a throat swab to make sure I don't have strep, so I'm headed in to a clinic this afternoon. Since I can't eat much, I'm taking extra phosphorus and magnesium. I worked so hard to bring up my levels. I don't want to start all over again.
Now I'm just plain p*ssed. The biopsy results are in. No sign of rejection, but they think I have reflux and I need to go back to urology for a VCUG (Voiding cystourethrogram). It all goes back to that blasted bladder stent.
They found casts in the biopsy sample and said reflux can cause them. If it's reflux, I think it means surgery to re-position the ureter.
I'm still having a temper tantrum. They want me to stay on prednisone. I was too shocked/horrified at the news to question them about it. I'll wait until after the test tomorrow to bring it up again. I need them to explain the benefit of prednisone on this condition. "Just because" won't cut it.
I went in to our clinic at work to ask about strep. It's kind of a mini doctor's office, staffed with a couple of doctors and nurses. They agreed with me that I have your run of the mill, common cold.