My name is Pam, I am 54 years old. Married, three kids and five grandbabybears. I am a registered nurse with and have done hospice for 18 years. I have steroid induced diabetes and am now ESRD with a GFR of 13. I'm getting ready to have a PD cath placed and will try that. I am not optimistic about any of this. My oldest child, and only daughter, passed away from ESRD. She was on hemo for 11 years and decided to come off and go on hospice. She was always so brave. I think I am afraid that I won't be as brave as she was. I am afraid and I can't talk to her about all this. Anyway, thank you for having me.
Hello Pnoe,
My condolences on the loss of a close one.
When push comes to shove, you will bear up wonderfully and strong.
Been there, experienced loss, ready to give up, yet did find strength to survive.