i quit, 30 years ago. i don't care if you smoke, just not around me, i have asthma. and not in my house, i'll hand you an ash tray, you can go outside, snow, rain, etc. my daughter smokes, even the baby, when he comes over smells like smoke. if he's staying with me, i give him a bath. babies should smell like babies, not cigarettes. my son smokes, the 30 year old, the one i quit because of. colorado has a no smoking law, not in any building public building anywhere.(except cigar bars) which is good. which is not as restrictive as the city of boulder. no smoking within the city limits period. exceptions, your private car, with the windows rolled up or your home with the windows and doors closed. the major exemption to the state law is the casinos, and they are now trying to charge that. if the do maybe i'll go do a little gamboling.