On the surface, it would appear that my hubby has the perfect job for his condition. He essentially monitors television feeds and makes sure what airs is what should be airing. He works totally alone--not another soul in the building. This means he is not entitled to a lunch per se. He can leave the room with the equipment to eat but ultimately there is no back-up person so he is responsible for what airs even when he is eating. He is paid for this. Ever since he told his boss he was on dialysis, it appears that his boss has switched to the training by discipline method. He's up for a 3rd write-up this week.Now I fully know several things: The quality of his work could be decreasing due to dialysis. His boss could be an ass-hole. His boss could just really be trying to manage a situation he is unfamiliar with.With the type of job he has, what type of reasonable accommodations could my husband request? I think he needs security from adjacent buildings to at least check on him on a regular basis, more formal training, written responsibilities, etc.