NOW RECRUITING Open-label, Non-Randomized, Multi-Center Study to Assess the Safety and Effects of Autologous Adipose-Derived Stromal Cells Delivered Into the Renal Artery and Intravenously in Patients With Renal Failure
Adipose-Derived Stromal Cells (ASCs) are a novel therapy for patients suffering from Renal failure. By injecting ASCs, these regions may become populated with the ASCs, thereby potentially restoring kidney function. ASCs are a patient-derived ("autologous") cell transplantation technology that is delivered to the patient. The therapy is composed of cells derived from a patients' own adipose tissue that are isolated within
Procedure: Harvesting and Isolation of Stem cells
Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (ASCs) will be derived from the patient's adipose-derived tissue. Liposuction using local anesthesia and syringe collection will be performed to collect the adipose tissue specimen for subsequent processing to isolate the stem cells. The cells will be delivered via catheter into the renal artery and intravenously.approximately 1 hour and immediately delivered back to the patient. Description:
Adipose-Derived Stromal Cells (ASCs) are a novel therapy for patients suffering from Renal failure. By injecting ASCs, these regions may become populated with the ASCs, thereby potentially restoring kidney function. ASCs are a patient-derived ("autologous") cell transplantation technology that is delivered to the patient. The therapy is composed of cells derived from a patients' own adipose tissue that are isolated within approximately 1 hour and immediately delivered back to the patient.
This study is currently recruiting participants.