... but then I used to manage a bar, which is excellent training for dealing with unreasonable medical staffers. . .
Goofynina.....so does that mean we CAN talk about constipation??!!! I always thought that was for "old" people who always talked about being regular......have I just gotten older and didn't notice or is it one of those wonderful side effects of dialysis!
It is a sign of being irregular, too. One suggestion: Read more Winnie the Pooh!
I could have titled this thread either "Invasion of Privacy" or, "I"m not an idiot, leave me alone." I was reading some of the other threads, the ones about home visits for PD patients and constipation, to be exact, and I thought I'd start this thread about something that has been bothering me for awhile.I am a 49 year old, successful woman with a great job. Since they found out I have ESRD, but especially since I have started dialysis, I have been treated like an untrustworthy 10 year old.Why do they need to do home visits for PD patients? I have to go to their clinic once a month for my labs, and to have the little chat with all of them. Why do they need to come to my home? I fully understand the need for cleanliness, and, whether they believe it or not, I was clean before I got started dialysis. And I was clean without anyone checking up on me.Why do they need to ask you to quantify exactly how often you poop, for heck's sake? Can't they just say constipation can be a problem, let us know if you have an issue and we'll give you something? I don't need them to tell me that I have constipation because they counted it up for me, I am fully capable of figuring it out for myself. And it's not just that, the social worker asks me all these questions that simply have nothing to do with dialysis.I feel like they think that everything about my life is their business, and I don't agree. Is it because we qualify for Medicare? Do they think that gives them the right to invade our privacy? I'm tired of being treated like they can't trust me to take care of myself. I'm tired of answering questions that don't have anything to do with my medical condition. And, while I'm at it, I'm tired of the stupid stickers the dietitian sticks on my labs like "Good Job!" and "Wow, Excellent!" I haven't been motivated by stickers since I was six years old.I admit, I am a very private person, and I don't like people to speak down to me. Does this bother anyone else? Should I just get used to it?EDITED: Moved Thread to Proper Topic, Home Dialysis - Sluff, Moderator
I wasn't thrown by the home visit or constipation questions, the one that has me wondering is on my transplant questionnaire. The questions is, "Have you ever had an abortion?" Umm, why? For the life of me I cannot see how that would matter. Maybe they are interested in pregnancies terminated for medical reasons, but they need to rephrase it if that's what their after. I keep visualizing some poor woman who has never told her family/husband about something in her past and is confronted with this during what is already a stressful time.