Your story does not surprise me at all. Did you see a military doctor??When I was just a little girl I suffered from chronic ear infections. My father was in the military and so each time I went to the doctor it was a military doc. I can remember at every appointment the triage nurse always mentioned that my BP was high. Here sat a skinny little 8 year old girl with high blood pressure and nothing was ever done about it. They always blew it off as “Oh, you’re just nervous at seeing the doctor” or “Oh, you much have had a lot of sugar with your breakfast.” There was always an excuse as to NOT check out my high blood pressure. By the time I was 16 my school nurse saw that I was spilling protein into my urine….I had a school physical because I was trying out for the field hockey team. The nurse said I needed to get check out by a doctor before I could play on the team. So back to the military doctor I go….Did he check to see why I was spilling protein into my urine??? Oh He!! No. He just signed the paper saying I was fine to play on the field hockey team. By the time I was 20/21 years old I had less than 10% kidney function.Two kidney transplants later I am still here despite the military’s total disregard for my health. I feel sorry for soldiers who have nowhere else to go for health care. Hang in there Joy!! It’s terrible thing when the very people you’re supposed to trust when you have a health problem fail you to the point where your life is put into danger.