Like I said I thought the SGU treatment of the kidney failure/transplant issue has been pretty good (much better than some other shows) - the only really glaring "mistake" for mine was the donor being taped up all over his chest area, which I found pretty hilarious, but to their credit in episodes since they've covered infection to the donor and that he shouldn't be trying to run a marathon etc right after big surgery. Yes, a minor aspect to the point of the show, but I like that they didn't just deal with it in one episode then forget it ever happened.
A pity the show got cancelled, because it was just coming into its own, IMHO.
Only one other show I've seen in recent years actually blew me away prop wise. That would be Torchwood (UK show for those that don't know of it). In one episode, in the 2nd season I think our heros go visit this old billionaire recluse type guy living in this mansion, close to death etc, well while it's not explicitly stated during the show(that I can recall) in the scenes when they are in his hospital/bed room there's a freakin Fresarius 4008K machine hooked up to him, complete with appropriate settings for dialysis on the screen(yes, I hit pause and read!!
). Such a small thing, but for me it was amazing work by the prop dept!!! Most people would have just go "oh life support machine with lights" but it was no shit a real(or as real as I could tell) actual dialysis machine. that was kind of awesome for me to see at the time.
Of course I don't watch any of those medical shows where this stuff is probably on every other episode - with the exception of Nurse Jackie - I bet they'd handle kidney failure in an interesting way:)