Newbie caretaker, so I may not know what I am talking about  Caretaker for my elderly father who has his first and current graft in March, 2010. Previously in-center hemodialysis in national chain, now doing NxStage home dialysis training. End of September 2010: after twelve days of training, we were asked to start dialyzing on our own at home, reluctantly, we agreed. If you are on HD, did you know that Rapid fluid removal (UF = ultrafiltration) during dialysis is associated with cardiovascular morbidity? http://ihatedialysis.com/forum/index.php?topic=20596We follow a modified version: UF limit = (weight in kg) * 10 ml/kg/hr * (130 - age)/100 How do you know you are getting sufficient hemodialysis? Know your HDP! Scribner, B. H. and D. G. Oreopoulos (2002). "The Hemodialysis Product (HDP): A Better Index of Dialysis Adequacy than Kt/V." Dialysis & Transplantation 31(1). http://www.therenalnetwork.org/qi/resources/HDP.pdf