He shouldn't be having negative UF's.That is defeating the purpose of taking toxins out of the body.When ordering order more of the stronger bags. I order the bags that work best for me. My unit doesn't tell me which to use or not to use.
I use heparin nightly in my bags too, to ensure that the tubes aren't being obstructed.
Being in the US, I'm not sure which of your colors equal ours. Our lowest is yellow (1.5), mid one is green (2.5), and highest is red (4.25). Most folks here use the greens. The yellows are usually used if you don't have a problem with fluid or have diarrhea. The reds are seldom used, as they can pull off anywhere from 800 to 1400 ml overnight. I'm also wondering why he's doing a midday exchange if he is using Extraneal. Usually a midday exchange is only used with Dianeal. Hope you can work everything out. I love my PD!
Check to make sure he is not constipated, hubby has to take 2 senna and lactose twice a day whether he needs it or not.
Our neph told us that because hubby is a stocky man (100 kg) that PD wasn't as effective as it would be for a smaller person.
What does the nurse and/or neph say about his membrane and what about his adequacy evaluation??