Take it easy for buying and selling kidneys. If more than half of patients do buying, I would get my kidney very soon. So we, patients on the waiting list, are benefiting from this. Whether this law itself is moral or not is debable. This law is making more patients die each day.
My wife is Filipino and it would have been very easy to by a kidney with my connections to the Phillipines which I would never do. I find it absolutely reprehensible that renal disease is now becoming an excuse for a new colonial behavior in the western world. This is most especially true when we consider that daily dialysis has equal survival to cadaveric transplant. The only manner in which to keep the facade of morality of selling organs is to ignore that proven fact. I will live or die with my renal disease but I will not enslave another human being by virtue of the wealth I have to escape it. Anyone that spends even a modicum of time on the plight of the poor that become organ vendors in Pakistan and other parts of the world would not view it as anything but an evil act of greed upon them by merchants treating them as a commodity. DSEN has many posts discussing the moral and ethical and medical reasons why this should never be allowed in this nation.
I applaud IHD and Okarol for her stand to maintain the standards of IHD.
So, the medical community should make a monetary fortune of a kidney transplant? Yet, the donor, who takes the biggest risk, is not compensated, at all? It is amazing to me that the very same people who cry and moan about greed, are the very first ones to stick their hands out. The medical community is going to charge $250,000 for a kidney and they are concerned about greed? The same people who do a wallet scan out of an individual who needs that transplant, before anything else happens, are going to have a hissy fist over money for a organ donation? So, you are willing to force your viewpoint on how other people should live, what if they do not agree with your viewpoint? You think that the Nephrology and the Dialysis industry does not treat us as a commodity? There are many things that you could give to a kidney donor, besides money. I have had people in the transplant industry or the hospital tell me that they have the right to act as a business, but, that a kidney donor does not have the same rights as they do, OH, THE HYPOCRISY!!!