It took him two years to learn how to use the microwave to heat water.
I live with a technophobe. It took him two years to learn how to use the microwave to heat water. He still uses the kettle on the stove! We have had email and internet for eight years and just this year he go into the email without my help and onto Ebay and one other board without help. Technophobes unite! I love gadgets, but know he hates them so new stuff has to come into the house slowly and be my toys, then he wants to play with them. He just now can put in a DVD and play it on the TV/DVD player in my office.
Quote from: kitkatz on November 18, 2006, 06:25:39 PM It took him two years to learn how to use the microwave to heat water. Reminds me of my grandfather - he was so impressed with the microwave and his ability to heat water for instant coffee, and warm up leftovers, he went around telling everyone he had learned how to cook!
Is anyone else irritated by these? I've seen several commercials advertising the "premiere" of some movie trailer. I've seen several different ads saying to watch a tv show because they were going to show a movie trailer for the first time during the show. Like it's a big, important event! It's a commercial - for a movie, for heaven's sake. This is not a mark-your-calender event. An ad for an ad - I think Hollywood is starting to believe their own hype.Okay, it's a silly thing to get peeved about, I realize. . . but honestly, how hard up do they think we are for entertainment?