The day after tomorrow I'm scheduled to have my Fistual done. Ya know... there was one final place on my ravaged body that looked kind of normal... my forearms. They are smooth, baby soft, graceful and a lovely color. NOT FOR LONG! Heh... as if i didn't already have body issues, now I have to do this too.
I know, I know... it has to be done. My GFR is 14 and it really can't be postponed any longer. I'm just a little frightened. I've read most of the posts from other folks here at IHD... and I guess the procedure isn't so bad. I'm just worried about the fact that I apparently have tiny veins (they can never find a vein to draw blood from and I end up having a butterfly done on the back of my hand).
The idea of a long incision from my elbow to my armpit is terrifying. I hope I don't need that. And what if they can't do the Fistual? Then I have to have a "graft"? Whats that all about??
And whats all this "buzzing" about? Can I be "buzzed" while I'm buzzing??
I used to smoke pot occassionally... will that help with any of the side effects of Dialysis?? Can other people hear the buzzing?? I supposed I could pretend to swat a pesky bee away or something!?
What about Button Holes? Why would I get those?
Argh!! Can't we get on with all that stem cell research and start farming new Kidneys??? Maybe they'll have designer Kidneys? "I'd like a Paris Hilton Kidney, please". Surely if we can send pictures back from Mars... we can improve on this whole dialysis stuff and get new Kidneys from "KidneyMart" or "Kidneys-R-Us". Sheesh.
Seriously... any advice before I get my Fistula? It's a more invasive procedure then I thought... and I'm once again back to my familiar state of FREAKED OUT!