Congrats on the opportunity! I had plasmapheresis, IVIG and Rituxan post transplant, since I got a kidney off the list we didnt know I was sensitive to it until after.
Plasmapheresis was no biggie for me, made me feel a bit weak for an hour or so after treatment. I had 12 of these.
IVIG made me tired the day after, but no other side effects. I had 12 of those too.
Rituxan made me just a bit ill during reatment, they pre treated me with benedryl and tylenol. I ran a low grade fever the following day. Did this one 5 or 6 times.
Its all worth it to have a little kidney inside of you doing what kidneys do!
Best of luck! If you have any specific questions feel free to PM me or ask here and I will try to keep checking!