We were getting going on our first solo treatment tonight when MM started to snap n tap and the arterial line came undone from the saline bag. Squirted saline all over. This is the 2nd time it has happened, first time was during training. It seems the little red cap/screw thingy somehow came undone after he did his initial check and tighten when undoing the cartridge for the prime. Anybody else have this problem?
A small problem to have for newbies I have to admit!
BTW while I am here another strange thing happened....as soon as we got on, hadn't upped the flow yet, we got a yellow 24 and then the Aterial pressure did not display on the left field anymore. The A simply did not ever come up.....it would give time remaining, the flow fraction, the Venous and Effl pressures but would totally skip Arterial, didn't even give a 0. Called the training nurse, she said reset the pressure pod. As soon as I plugged that puppy back in we had an A reading. I am wondering if it is new software or something. Just curious. Anybody know?
Our training nurse did a spectacular job and I told her so. I am so thankful MM isn't sitting in a center next to a person in diapers waiting for a nurse to come help him!!!