My heart is very heavy today for many reasons, I will probably just be popping in and out for the next couple of months. My beautiful 18 year old grand daughter Amanda has been diagnosed with kidney problems. We have appointments for her to have sonograms, scans, lab work and bunches of other test to determine what exactly is going on. These test will be performed out of our area and I will be going with my daughter and my son will be staying near Len to take care of him. I know that I am only one person and have to put my priorities in the right order. Recent events on IHD have added to my mental status at the moment. I'm sure things work calm down in a bit, at least that is what I am praying for. I wish each and everyone one of you a wonderful holiday season and if you can take a moment, please say a prayer for my baby and her baby. I will have my laptop with me but sometimes it wont let me log on