I phoned the Dr. first thing Friday morning, had to wait on the phone line for 10 minutes, was put in a queue of nine. She had no more appointments left for Friday, got one for Monday morning at 10.50. Yes, John's surgeon said when the test results come back if there was anything untoward he would let us know. He said not to worry as what happened to John was very rare and not likely to happen again (John's now had 2 strangulated hernias)
John also had a Renal check up at his clinic last Thursday, I didn't go with him this time as there was no room in the hospital car. But on his notes that we can read on line said John was at stage 4 renal failure, any one know what this means please?
If I'd gone with him I would of asked but John still has his head in the sand and if he had his way he would not attend anymore hospital appointments. He said that on Friday as we were waiting to go in to see his surgeon, they were running an hour late and he said "I'm not making any more appointments after this one there is nothing more they can do for me"
I don't know what he will do when he has to start dialysis, because the Renal hospital and the Urology Hospital are about 20 miles from each other. Still we are both retired what else would we be doing if all was well