Great gesture to give the guy free rides to/from Dialysis.. although one hopes he doesn't fall to the bottom of the duty roster or something and winds up having to wait longer and longer because he's not a fare generating customer (you can just see something like that happening, sadly) - though hopefully most drivers would also be mindful of what happened, his age, and the bad publicity anything further would generate so would treat him right.
I do think the real story will never be known and it's very hard to just read some press reports and get the full view. As I said before there's wrongs on both sides (whatever really happened) and that's bad. It sounds like the company has tried to do the best thing in the situation which is good.
Dan mate you're not old - at least you may be older in age - but you're one of the "youngest" people in terms of attitude and outlook that I know - at least the way you express yourself here!!!
Aleta - about your father's view on "service workers" - yikes!! that's horrible. I am almost the opposite in this regard... if it's someone working for McDonald's or the PSA who cleans the machines/chairs and gets us snacks at the unit - I treat them as with everyone else! Polite.. heck the girls at my unit are like friends!! I admire them all the more for getting down and doing the "menial" (as some would say) jobs. They earn an honest living and do that stuff! They are *people* doing a job not some kind of "worker bee" that is best thought of as invisible or someone to blame for things in life. I hate that.
In a similar vein it disgusts me sometimes when I am out and about and say in a food court and people just have their food or whatever and leave their mess and junk on the table when there's a bin and a place for the trays ON THE WAY OUT THE DOOR (ie: they pass it!) or close nearby. It's like this attitude "oh it's someone else's job to clean that up" and laziness.. and it bugs the crap out of me when it's not hard or going out of your way to drop your trash in the bin!!! GA!!!!
sorry you set me off on a rant!!!