I searched the forum for congestive heart failure and didn't find any real answers to my question. I'd like to know if there are any members that have or have dealt with a family member with CHF who is on PD? My Mom is in CHF with underlying congenital heart defects and Type 2 Diabetes. Her kidneys have failed due to lack of blood flow from the poor pumping action of the heart. She is near the beginning of starting PD, but has not had the catheter placed yet. First there will be one more blood work-up on July 2nd as well as a Neph visit same day.I would really appreciate hearing from anyone with heart disease who is on PD. Thanks!
Hello everyone. I've been on PD for a year now. It has been a fast year. Life is a little different but I feel blessed to be able to do the CAPD. My pet tests did NOT say I should be able to do it but my nurse says I'm mind over matter! I feel real good and they watch me very closely at the dialysis clinic. I am getting ready to have the "work up done" for a transplant but I'm really OK with CAPD so long as it works. I'm 57 years old and most nights I've fine with being in bed by 10 pm and up at 8 am. I am a foster parents and fortunately am able to "SET MY SCHEDULE" to suit myself most of the time and I don't do 8 am appts. I've done forsenious and due to insurance (while my husband was still working) I changed to Baxter which worked out great because of the icodextrin solution they have . I am also a very slow transporter....Just wanted to say HELLO....