For the past couple of weeks, I have been freezing during dialysis. I mean - teeth chattering, body shivering, lay more blankets on top of me, wrap the shawl tighter around my shoulders, get me some hot coffee, I can't get warm kinda freezing. I figured it was due to the temps getting colder here in Michigan, and I dialyze in my basement - so I figured that's what was making me so much colder. I put an electric blanket on my wish list for Christmas. My hubby, bless his soul, had been taking the portable heater, holding up my stack of blankets and letting the heat fill up the space under the blanket (yes, he was very careful - held both at the same time to be sure a fire didn't start). That was the only thing that actually stopped the shivering and teeth chattering and finally allowed me to relax.
We always keep the Pureflow heat setting on 18. Out of the blue - he said - let's check the heat setting. It was on 10!!! I don't know how it reset itself, because every other time it has been on 18. Anyhow, we turned it up and lo & behold I didn't shiver during the last treatment!!
If only I would have checked that sooner!!!! What does everyone else keep their Pureflo set on? Just curious.