I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Introduction => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Mr.N on August 28, 2008, 06:15:09 PM
I was diagnosed with ESRD caused by glomerulonephritis in Oct. '06, and I've been on hemodialysis since. I tried PD, but it didn't work out due to too many hernias. It's been a very rough 2yrs. mentally and physically, but I've adapted and I'm hanging in there. I hope the best for all of you going through dialysis treatments, and wish the best to your overall health!
:welcomesign; to IHD. I look forward to getting to know you better through this site.
G'day Mr N. and welcome!
A hearty welcome, Mr. N
Welcome to our community. So glad you joined us. This will be a place you can turn to for information, support, a chance to vent, rant, rage or rave when you need to, and fun. Please read as much as you can and post as much as you can. After all, this is your IHD family :grouphug;
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Bajanne, Moderator
:welcomesign; Mr.N. Glad to have you.
Welcome Mr N, good to have you aboard.
:welcomesign; Glad you joined us. This is an incredible site for information, sharing and support. People are always willing to help each other. I like your avitar. I want to hear more about the emu (and you!). Looking forward to your posts.
Good to have you here!
Welcome Mr. N glad you joined IHD. I have freinds in Fresno and used to hunt ducks in the Gustine area
Boxman, Moderator
Hi Mr N! Is the emu a pet?
I work at a private boarding school as a Biology teacher and our campus also has a few animals; emus among them. My class and I pretty much raised this guy after he hatched, so he's very comfortable around humans, especially me.
:welcomesign; aboard MR N
Welcome Mr. N! Cool emu! They have really scary eyes! ;D Glad you found us. I have glomerulonephritis, as well. I'm pre-dialysis, but will be starting soon.
Welcome to the site. Come on in and get to know everyone. Lots to read everyday.
kitkatz, moderator