I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Centers => Topic started by: bioya on July 11, 2008, 12:37:16 PM

Title: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: bioya on July 11, 2008, 12:37:16 PM
My son said he was told that FMC, when building new clinics, are putting in internet access at their stations. Does anyone know for sure? I think thats a fantastic idea and would sure help patients pass the time if they are into the internet.
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: flip on July 11, 2008, 12:48:36 PM
Yes, they just built a new one here and the chairs have TV/WIFI with touch screens. They also have heated massage chairs.
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: Treasure on July 11, 2008, 06:44:22 PM
Whaaaaaa? Where is this magical FMC place?  I have laid the hints down about getting patient access to the Internet in our unit.  My grad classes are all online now, and it would help out a bunch if I had Internet access so I could attend classes real-time.  I would also like to see Internet in the center so that there could be a computer station for patient use, so that patients could search for kidney disease-related information online. I am willing to donate one of our family's unused computers for that purpose-- if the center gets access.

My goodness, though, if there was heated massage in the chairs...I would be making all sorts of unseemly sounds during each dialysis session...hehehe...
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: flip on July 11, 2008, 07:13:06 PM
My center (not the Fresenius one) has had wifi for a long time. They even have "loaner" laptops for the patients who don't own one.
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: Hawkeye on July 12, 2008, 09:41:38 AM
Yes it's true all the new build Fresenius clinics are having high tech systems built in for the patients to use.  Each station has it's own flat screen TV which is also a touchscreen that can be used for watching TV/DVDs and surfing the web.  There is no traditional keyboard but there is a touch screen keyboard at the bottom of the screen.  Along with this TV upgrade the units are getting satellite TV or cable is sat isn't available for some reason.  I have seen it a 2 clinics now and it seems like a great system.  I haven't heard about any of the long term problems with the system yet since it's still fairly new but I'm sure with it being touchscreen wear and tear will become an issue at some point.
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: thegrammalady on July 12, 2008, 11:29:40 AM
i haven't heard anything about internet access but the clinic in albany oregon has heated masage chairs. very comfy.
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: Hawkeye on July 14, 2008, 10:24:53 AM
i haven't heard anything about internet access but the clinic in albany oregon has heated masage chairs. very comfy.

The heat and massage chairs seem to be an optional thing as apposed to the TVs which are standard issue now. I have heard that a lot of clinics that have the heat/massage chairs have big issues with them breaking down and causing problems.
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: Adam_W on August 23, 2008, 01:50:31 PM
My centre (die-vita) is in the process of adding a new section set aside for all of us home patients. There will be six hemo training stations, and they will each have wireless internet, wi-fi and plasma tv. Now when I have to do "emergency" hemo in the centre, I won't be stuck staring at four tiny walls, and hoping a nurse walks by in the hallway and sticks their head in so I can have at least a little bit of human contact.
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: thegrammalady on August 25, 2008, 05:50:01 PM
the head dude (i was complaining again  :rofl; only way to get anything done is go straight to the top) did tell me that the new clinics will have wi fi. but they have to update some clinics first, like the clinic in albany oregon that still charts by hand!
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: Hawkeye on August 26, 2008, 06:22:36 AM
the clinic in albany oregon that still charts by hand!

Yeah the other upgrade that clinics are getting aside from the TV/entertainment systems and heat/massage chairs is a computer system called chairside.  The machines link directly to the computer system and it records all the info from them for the techs.  The only bad thing is when the system isn't working for some reason even the techs that did the sheets by hand for 20 years seem to forget what they are doing.
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: Kitsune on August 29, 2008, 10:20:43 AM
I have been going to a Fresenius center since June of 2007 and we are lucky we even have a 5 inch arm TV with basic cable. And forget Internet, they say that even a laptop would blow their electric.

Heated massage chairs, hah! We're lucky if our (10 year old +) chairs that are basically metal covered by a thin layer of Naugahyde don't have taped-up tears in them. We pay $50,000 a month and they can't even be bothered to give us ice chips or tissues. They say it's "too expensive."

Well, karma's a bitch and I hope whoever is doing this to us ends up in the chair next to me so they can enjoy their center that they keep calling "comfortable" and "modern".  Honestly, I'm surprised we even get Epo, and if there weren't laws against it, they'd probably still be giving us blood transfusions because they are "cheaper". And then they have the nerve to pass out surveys and for the week the surveys are being passed out and collected in that stupid box, they are all nicey-nice and willing to accomodate you in any way possible, but then when the week is up, it's back to the same old "We ignore your cries for help, but we bill you as soon as we are allowed. Don't you dare ask for anything unless you are bleeding to death" attitude of the past.

But wait! Next year during surveys, you will again be treated like a person, so there's something to look forward to. That said, I'm not holding my breath for our center to get anything different than what it's had for 10+ years. At least we get EPO and should be grateful for it, or that's what we are told, anyway.

I f***ing hate Fresenius with a passion....REALLY REALLY hate Fresenius....all they care about is money, but at least we get our vitals checked....woo hoo, makes me want to recommend the place to anyone needing dialysis. Methinks it's time for home hemo.
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: kitkatz on August 29, 2008, 04:48:57 PM
I felt when I was at Fresenius they were trying to kill me off slowly.  Now I am at nocturnal and feel a whole bunch better.
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: draven on September 16, 2008, 11:00:32 PM
We dont have internet access at all. and there are just 2 tv's in our unit that are to far away to see or hear whats on them.

Can anyone provide a link as to where these mini 5inch tv's or similar can  be bought. as i would like to give it to the doctor in charge.
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: Hawkeye on September 17, 2008, 07:47:09 AM
We don't have internet access at all. and there are just 2 tv's in our unit that are to far away to see or hear whats on them.
Can anyone provide a link as to where these mini 5inch tv's or similar can  be bought. as i would like to give it to the doctor in charge.

The upgrades are done on a FMC corporate level so unfortunately I don't have any information to give you.
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: Mr.N on September 17, 2008, 06:57:40 PM
I'm in the process of switching from Duh-Vita to FMC next month. The overall facility is spacious and inviting with internal fed lines for the bicart and the newest dialysis machines. I'm actually getting excited to start!  :yahoo;
Title: Re: Is it true FMC is putting internet access at their stations?
Post by: thegrammalady on September 17, 2008, 10:30:17 PM
i was told that all fmc units will eventually be upgraded (yes this includes wifi) the first units to be upgraded will be the units that are still charting by hand.