I Hate Dialysis Message Board
Off-Topic => Off-Topic: Talk about anything you want. => Topic started by: tubes on June 28, 2008, 08:09:39 PM
Wow, seems like I haven't been on in ages. But doing better...I had kinda given up and crap like that. But now I'm feeling more like myself. So hopefully u will see more of me. >:D
Yep, going back to Omaha tomorrow morning. Mom came down last night to help move me. Everything is just about packed except for my 7 plants. I hope I can fit them all in my car. Those plants are my babies, just like a pet is to some people. I can't leave a single one behind. One of 'em I've had for about 7 yrs. Hopefully we will be leaving about 8am and it's about a 5hr drive. I also need to find my dialysis unit when I get there. I need to know where I will be going monday. I don't even have to address yet. ugh.....
I'm gonna be living with my mom for awhile until I get my own place. I just can't wait to be back with my family and friends. I will get to see my nephew all the time, thats what I'm most excited about. I'm gonna be such a bad influence. muahahahahahaha
Glad to hear that your are feeling better. Hope your move goes well. Her Royal Highness Queen Ruth also sends love and good luck your way.
Mikey :)
Best Wishes on your move! :2thumbsup;
have a good an safe move
i hate moving YUCK! but it sounds like the wurst is over, the packing. april and i are moving in july, i feel sorry for us. hope yours goes well, glad your feeling more like yourself. hug your nephew/
your nephew is one lucky kid
my son is moving to A&M today
glad you are back with family and friends
Hope it all goes smooth. :2thumbsup;
All the best Tubes. My plants are my babies too, and one of them (a hoya hanging basket) is in the same pot and soil since 1978. Enjoy your nephew, he's such a cutie pie (wonder where he gets that from???)
Wow! Since 1978? That is awesome! I kill all plants. My husband is surprised I have not killed the dogs and the hamster.
Good luck on the move, Tubes.
ha---- I could have killed it off way before that
Tubes I've missed ya, glad your doing better and glad your going to be with those who love ya :cuddle;
Thanx everyone! It's great being home. Love the new dialysis unit, nurses are awwesome, but I'm ready to strangle the social worker.
Hey Tubes! Sounds about right--- I want to strangle my social worker too. She doesn't know her ass from her elbow!
Good to hear from you again Tubes. Hope your move is going as planned. :waving;
8) Tubes you look cool 8)
and I know your mom is thrilled you are home
I am glad for you
and for your nephew
you are an awesome uncle
I bet you are
I am happy you're home. Can't wait to see u in October. :cuddle;