I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: 7piglets on June 12, 2008, 08:36:56 PM

Title: First week and sick
Post by: 7piglets on June 12, 2008, 08:36:56 PM
This has been my first week of dialysis and I am just curious if anyone has any ideas ..
My bloodpressure has been dropping and bad. The first treatment they stated it was due to taking too much fluid out so next time they didnt take any out and bp still dropped. This am I woke up so sick to my stomach and vomiited ..all day have been so lightheaded and now I have no appetite.. Before dialysis I was eating and not sick but due to my numbers they said I needed to start.. I was still doing everyday things ..(caring for kids, eating, shopping etc) Now I cant leave the house because I am so lightheaded and wont watch kids alone because I am so afraid of passing out ..Will this get better or is this my new life ??  I feel better now and was able to eat dinner but only to have dialysis tomorrow and it to start all over again...
Title: Re: First week and sick
Post by: thegrammalady on June 12, 2008, 09:02:13 PM
are you on blood pressure meds, they might need to be reduced. lightheadedness is one of the signes of low blood pressure. i have lost 25 pounds and we have just dropped one of mine.
Title: Re: First week and sick
Post by: 2_DallasCowboys on June 13, 2008, 05:24:00 AM

If you are on BP meds that may be the reason, they probably
will have to be adjusted.  My hubbie's was changed at least
3 times.  Also, be aware of how much fluid they are taking
off- that also causes the lightheaded feeling if they are removing
too much

Title: Re: First week and sick
Post by: stauffenberg on June 13, 2008, 05:25:20 AM
The two likely causes of hypotension in dialysis patients are excessive doses of anti-hypertensive medication, if this has been prescribed, and too much fluid being withdrawn during dialysis.  With dosage adjustment of anti-hypertensives and/or better determination of your dry weight on dialysis the light-headedness should go away.  Vomiting as well can be a symptom of hypotension, and can also be eliminated or reduced once the dry weight is properly determined.
Title: Re: First week and sick
Post by: monrein on June 13, 2008, 05:28:51 AM
Ditto to all that's been said in the previous posts.  My pressure was dropping into my boots too and they've taken me off at least half my meds and we may still need to adjust them some more.  It's an awful feeling as you try to sort out the medication/dry weight business.
It should get better, but keep telling them exactly how you feel and if you're still peeing you may need to drink more.
Title: Re: First week and sick
Post by: MyssAnne on June 13, 2008, 05:32:07 AM
Ditto also, BP meds need to be reduced, greatly! That's one thing about dialysis, your medications will change monthly, or more, depending upon how often you see your doctor.   I sympathize, low bp is the pits.  Drink caffeine, that will help somewhat with the low bp til they get your meds adjusted.
Title: Re: First week and sick
Post by: lola on June 13, 2008, 05:47:37 AM
They had to "play" with Otto's bp meds since he also was having low bp with dialysis. Otto say's he feels worse now on D then he did b-4 so I feel for you, they told Otto his body is getting "use" to it and it will get better. :grouphug; :grouphug;
Title: Re: First week and sick
Post by: kevno on June 13, 2008, 09:27:28 AM
How is his BP when not on dialysis. He may not need to take BP tabs anymore. Over 8 years since I stopped BP Tabs. My BP was dropping while on dialysis. So I checked my BP at home it was LOW. So was taken off the BP tabs, but reduced a small amount at a time. Some BP tablets if taken off to quick can cause side effects. ;)
Title: Re: First week and sick
Post by: 7piglets on June 13, 2008, 01:45:08 PM
I am not on bp meds and they are not taking any fluids out ..Today was 3rd treatment and still the same.. bad headache , nauseous, lightheadedness..At least I have 2 days off and hopefully will get one normal day of activity in..
thanks for the response.s..
Title: Re: First week and sick
Post by: monrein on June 13, 2008, 04:42:34 PM
The first time I was on D, I felt like you describe you feel.  What I was told at that time was that the headaches and other yuck was that my body had adjusted to coping with such high levels of toxins (I was rushed into emergency D) that it was reacting adversely to the quickly lowered  levels.  It did take a while to feel better and not have the headaches which are truly awful.

I'm so sorry its so rough for you right now. :cuddle;
Title: Re: First week and sick
Post by: Ang on June 13, 2008, 04:50:20 PM
do  you  have  an  IBW-ideal  base  weight?

do you  weigh  each  time  before  and  after  dialysis?

demand  to  know  why  fluid  is  not  being  taken  out,anyweight  above  your  IBW should be  removed,by  not  being  removed  it  causes  your  heart  to  work  at  a  faster  rate than usual  and  over  the  journey  if  their taking  major  amounts  of fluid  you  can/will  have  heart  problems.
sorry  to  be  so  brutal,just  tellin  like  it  is.
good  luck  7p :cuddle;