I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Centers => Topic started by: Rerun on July 20, 2006, 09:09:47 PM

Title: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Rerun on July 20, 2006, 09:09:47 PM
I don't know why, but I "need" to have the same chair in the same spot.  I need to know where I'm going to be and it makes me nuts to have to sit somewhere else.  They "know" this about me.  So, a week ago I get this other spot because the idiot wasn't done bleeding in mine.  I decide not to say anything.  I mean once a year I can handle.  Well, they must have misunderstood my passave behavior as "it must be okay with her now."  WRONG-O   Today I get the other spot again.  I was so mad.  I hate that chair because it is built for a 6 foot tall 400 pound man.  I get back and can't get up.  I move and it flies back.  I flipped out.  The doctor made her yearly visit and happened to ask me "How are you today."  I let her have it too. 

Then Mr. Always LATE gets my chair!  I was so pissed!   >:D

I'm never late and I'm an easy patient.  I don't ask for much except "Don't "F" with my chair!
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on July 20, 2006, 09:47:08 PM
I pretty much know how you feel.  I got the broken chair the other night and bitched loudly about it.  I was not happy.  I could not go back in the chair or get up.  I was pissed by the end of the night.  Just because I don't care where I sit, does not mean I want to sit in the broken ass chair!
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: deej on July 21, 2006, 09:13:57 AM
I know what you mean. There is some 400 lb. clown who likes to fall into the chairs and he´s always getting my chair in the session before me. So when I get "my" chair, it´s either broken, half-broken or sunken almost to the floor! I complain about the backaches I get from it but who´s listening . . . ?
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kevno on July 21, 2006, 09:38:17 AM
I feel sorry for th idiot sitting in your chair. I bet he/she got the Rerun GLARE >:(  :o
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Bajanne on July 21, 2006, 04:59:14 PM
I don't understand why the chair situation always seems to be like this.  They know how many patients are coming for dialysis.  Why can't they just assign a chair to a person and keep it like that?  I never know where I am going to be
 - in the hot section of the room
 - in the freezing section (which I like)
 - in front of the tv which has lots of stations
 - in front of the tv with only a few stations
 - not being able to see the tv at all.
 - in the section where you don't get a cellphone signal
But I have learnt to accept whichever I get.  They made it clear from the start that this is how it would be, so I don't even worry anymore.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: BigSky on July 21, 2006, 05:51:49 PM
It always could be worse.  Our unit had some real nice comfy chairs and they went and bought new ones.  It was nice and the chairs are nice but they are nice POS that are uncomfortable and make you feel like your sitting in a high chair. ;)
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on July 21, 2006, 10:47:05 PM
We have those damned chairs too.  I finally figured out what is wrong with those chairs, there is no where for your butt to go. The other chairs recline like a recliner, this one just slides, no place for the butt to slide into for a comfy ride!
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on July 22, 2006, 05:08:28 AM
We have those damned chairs too.  I finally figured out what is wrong with those chairs, there is no where for your butt to go. The other chairs recline like a recliner, this one just slides, no place for the butt to slide into for a comfy ride!
Ya we only have these light medical-green plastic-like (I forget what that material is called) recliners that are comfy at first but sitting in them for 3+ hrs is pure hell and your back sweats and your butt aches :( I hate it! But some chair spots are worse than others because in my unit we have our own TV's but not like at the hospital where you can reach the buttons and change the channel (even though most of them are broken and you have to put the buttons extremely hard). At my unit there are big TV's on the ceiling for each of us out of reach so we have to use remote controls. But if you aim it wrong you change someone else's channel and it bugs me when I am watching a good movie and every 5 minutes some channel surfer changes my channel. What makes it worse is if  you get to sit in the middle of the room ... you change everyone else's channel and can't help it. Good thing I normally get the end chair but if I want to learn button-hole this will change :( :(
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Bajanne on July 22, 2006, 06:11:43 AM
Thank goodness, I have no problem with the chairs themselves.  We have nice recliners which are covered with a fresh sheet.  You can sit up, lie back, and when you have a low BP problem, they put your head right back.
What I take with me is a kind of neck pillow I got in KMart some years back when I had a pain in my neck and was travelling in a plane.  With that I am able to rest my head on it to a side to sleep nicely.
The chairs also have trays to both sides, and I am able to park my bag, books, etc. on one side.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on July 22, 2006, 06:23:04 AM
Thank goodness, I have no problem with the chairs themselves.  We have nice recliners which are covered with a fresh sheet.  You can sit up, lie back, and when you have a low BP problem, they put your head right back.
What I take with me is a kind of neck pillow I got in KMart some years back when I had a pain in my neck and was travelling in a plane.  With that I am able to rest my head on it to a side to sleep nicely.
The chairs also have trays to both sides, and I am able to park my bag, books, etc. on one side.
Oh ya my chair has 2 side tables as well but I must put one down or I can't reach the buttons on my machine when it alarms.  Also Sandman bought me one of those neck thingies and I love it  ;D

I can put my chair a little back but not all the way back without a nurses help so that sucks :( I hardly ever get visitors so there is no one to help me if I can't get ahold of a nurse (I have only had 2 visitors and that was during one week the same week in all the whole year I have now been on hemo. At first when I was still in the hospital as an in-patient I got more visitors then but that was different so I am not counting that as dialysis visitors especially since that was so long ago ...

But I find it very hard to fall asleep in the dialysis chairs I have even if I am exhausted .. :(
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on July 22, 2006, 11:12:46 AM
(Off the topic, but here goes)
I have found that the dialysis clinic is overwhelming for most people. That is why they do not come and visit us more often.  Most people are not comfortable with the sight of blood and nurses and all the noise.  We think of it as normal, but it is a very noisy place.  We are there three days a week for hours at a time.  We are used to the noise and confusion and grumpiness around us.  The dialysis center is a scary place.  Remember your first few times in clinic.  It is like that for visitors. They don't know where to look or not look.  They don't know where to sit or what they can and cannot do with you.  And most of the time it is hard to have a conversation because of the noise.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on July 22, 2006, 11:54:25 AM
(Off the topic, but here goes)
I have found that the dialysis clinic is overwhelming for most people. That is why they do not come and visit us more often.  Most people are not comfortable with the sight of blood and nurses and all the noise.  We think of it as normal, but it is a very noisy place.  We are there three days a week for hours at a time.  We are used to the noise and confusion and grumpiness around us.  The dialysis center is a scary place.  Remember your first few times in clinic.  It is like that for visitors. They don't know where to look or not look.  They don't know where to sit or what they can and cannot do with you.  And most of the time it is hard to have a conversation because of the noise.

oh I guess it is hard for me to see it from their point of view but I can understand if I try hard enough. You see, I have been in and out of hospitals since I was 9 years old .. so the dialysis unit was just like the hospital atmosphere and didn't bother me at all. I had to go into the hemo unit even when I was on PD because I needed IV Iron a lot and a few Blood Transfusions over the years.

But I guess some people do get queasy. There are a few people I know that when I try to explain dialysis to them make "that face" and shake their head and say "ugh noooo!!"  ... so ya ..  plus an ex-boyfriend of mine said he didn't visit me while I was in the hospital because every time HE went to the hospital someone died. I guess he thought I would too...
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kevno on July 22, 2006, 01:56:52 PM
Never had visitors while on the machine, the unit as no room for visitors. There is only just enough room for the patients. When I first started on Haemo when I was Ten years old, my Mum was told not to come with me to the unit after only one week on haemo. Which I suppose made me more independent as a child on haemo. Plus helped all the times I had to go onto the wards for operations.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: goofynina on July 22, 2006, 03:07:42 PM
They dont allow any visitors under the age of 14 in our clinics and patients under 18 gets dialyzed at the Childrens Hospital here.  Were there other kids besides you in the clinic?  i think that would be traumatic to go through as a child, they should've at least let you mom come with you.  I am sorry you had to go through that Kevno...
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Sara on July 22, 2006, 03:29:35 PM
I'd like to visit with Joe during dialysis but so far I haven't been allowed back and I really haven't had the time or energy to protest too loudly.  I'm gearing up for a big one though!   >:D
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: goofynina on July 22, 2006, 03:32:11 PM
Hi Sara,  you mentioned that you "havent been allowed back"  did they kick you out or something?  Because you being his wife should be able to go with him.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on July 22, 2006, 03:54:37 PM
You definitely need to be in there with him so you can get to know the procedures and nurses and techs better.  Just saying hi is  not going to be enough for you to have any say so in his treatment. You have to get them to let you in.  Be nice about it, but be firm.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Sara on July 22, 2006, 07:16:03 PM
Hi Sara, you mentioned that you "havent been allowed back" did they kick you out or something? Because you being his wife should be able to go with him.

Haven't ever been allowed in the back treatment area with him, is what I mean.  When he first started dialysis, we asked and were told no on 2 different occassions.  Then when he was in the hospital this week and had dialysis I wasn't allowed to stay with him.  From people on this board, I've learned that's not right, but I just haven't had the energy to fight them.  I'm working on that though. 
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Panda_9 on July 23, 2006, 04:36:04 AM
How on earth can they not fit one person in there to visit? What a crock!
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Joe Paul on July 23, 2006, 05:59:37 AM
My chair, as in school, is way back in the corner of the unit. I wonder if somehow my teachers are behind all of it, they always said they would get even  >:D
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Bajanne on July 23, 2006, 07:26:57 AM
So you have your own chair, which you use every time?  That could be nice if it is where you want it to be.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kevno on July 23, 2006, 07:47:54 AM
there was six of us children being dialyized at the same time. But we all had a room to ourself. Just the machine in there plus the kidney which was 6 foot long about 2 wide and less than a foot depth. You needed a spanner set to dismantle it after every dialysis.

All of the children on the unit then where under 16years of age it was a children hospital. Four rooms in one part of the unit had glass all around so you could see the other kids. But not to talk to. Then two single rooms. Alway from all the others.

We could only play at the end of dialysis while we were waiting for transport home. The Nurses where always about to play games. Then the TV. I remember the first time ever on haemo. Being held down to get the needle in. All I could hear was the bloody music from the start of Scooby Doo. I still hate that cartoon today, brings back the memories of that day :-\

There is a picture somewhere on the site of me taking an picture of the Princess Micheal of Kent when she opened the new wing of the unit.

Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Panda_9 on July 23, 2006, 06:31:25 PM
What would you do if someone else liked the same chair as you and also wanted that spot every time?  :P
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on July 23, 2006, 07:15:16 PM
I would play rocks, scissors, paper for the chair.

Throw the other patient out the 2nd story window. Like Little Jack Horner, who sat in a corner, eating his Christmas pie, Put in his thumb, pulled out a plum, and threw it out the window, the 2nd story window. LOL

Wrestle the other patient for it.

Smile sweetly and race them to the chair every night I came into the clinic.

Chase them out with my big stick every night they were in my chair.

Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: goofynina on July 23, 2006, 07:16:38 PM
You go girlfriend,   I got my bets on YOU,,,, "I got 20 on Kitkatz, anyone else in"  :D
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Rerun on July 24, 2006, 06:10:08 PM
What would you do if someone else liked the same chair as you and also wanted that spot every time?  :P

I would pull out a fake ID and say I was from INS.  The other patient would run!   >:D
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on July 24, 2006, 10:30:59 PM
I LOVE that idea. That would empty half my unit.  Teehee.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on July 25, 2006, 08:05:06 PM
What would you do if someone else liked the same chair as you and also wanted that spot every time?  :P

I would pull out a fake ID and say I was from INS.  The other patient would run!   >:D
What is INS?
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on July 25, 2006, 08:31:31 PM
Immigration and Naturalization Service.  These are the people with the power to seize you and deport you back to where you came from if you are in the United States illegally. (So far they pretty much suck at their job! But then I live in California!))
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on July 25, 2006, 08:33:21 PM
Immigration and Naturalization Service.  These are the people with the power to seize you and deport you back to where you came from if you are in the United States illegally. (So far they pretty much suck at their job! But then I live in California!))

I heard that people can come from other countries and live in the USA without actually becoming a US Citizen? Is that true? And if so, then how come people are being deported who have lived in the US for 15 years and have families in the States now?
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on July 25, 2006, 08:36:47 PM
The people with proper credentials and paperwork are allowed to live and work in the United States.  My husband has been in the country legally since he was thirteen, he is sixty now.  He has permanent resident status.  He has to occasionally fill out paperwork so INS can find him.  If he is ever convicted of a felony or larger he could lose his resident status.  He has a permanent resident card which he is required to carry with him at all times.  He even served in the United States Army during the Vietnam War. You already know he is my hero.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: BigSky on July 25, 2006, 08:39:10 PM
Alot of people come here illegaly.  Some come here legally for school or jobs, vacation etc and then when its time for them to go they just never leave.  INS is so incompetent is one of the reasons people can be here illegaly for 15 years before being deported.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: sandman on July 25, 2006, 08:42:46 PM
I heard that people can come from other countries and live in the USA without actually becoming a US Citizen? Is that true?

Yes, this is called a residency.  You can live in the US without being a citizen.

And if so, then how come people are being deported who have lived in the US for 15 years and have families in the States now?

Because they failed to go through the legal channels to obtain a residency.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on July 25, 2006, 08:45:50 PM
I am looking into getting residency in PA but don't want to lose my Canadian citizenship because .. well .. you never know ... I want to keep it because Dialysis is always covered for me in Ontario at least  ;)
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on July 25, 2006, 08:54:40 PM
You will have to do it the proper way.  Fill out paperwork and apply. I think you can have dual citizenships but I do not know.  Canada may not let you keep your citizenship if you became one here.  Look into it.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on July 25, 2006, 08:57:35 PM
You will have to do it the proper way.  Fill out paperwork and apply. I think you can have dual citizenships but I do not know.  Canada may not let you keep your citizenship if you became on here.  Look into it.
Thx Kitkat :)

I just worry I won't get a chair I like if I do dialysis in the States :P (attempt to bring this back on topic lol)
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on July 25, 2006, 09:00:32 PM
Don't worry you never get a chair you like.  I would prefer one in my house by my TV with a snack close by.

Lucky Epoman, soon he will have his own comfy chair at home, with his own machine at home.  No chair worries for him. He will always have his favorite chair.


(See back on topic)

Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on July 25, 2006, 09:04:00 PM
Don't worry you never get a chair you like.  I would prefer one in my house by my TV with a snack close by.

Lucky Epoman, soon he will have his own comfy chair at home, with his own machine at home.  No chair worries for him. He will always have his favorite chair.


(See back on topic)

Then the only one he would have to say "Don't "F" with my chair" to is family lol :P :D
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: sandman on July 25, 2006, 09:17:32 PM
You will have to do it the proper way.  Fill out paperwork and apply. I think you can have dual citizenships but I do not know.  Canada may not let you keep your citizenship if you became on here.  Look into it.

Already started looking into it.  Canada does allow dual citizenship with the US but if your a US citizen, you can't get dual citizenship with Canada.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kevno on July 26, 2006, 06:57:36 AM
Back to old Reruns chair ;D

I say sit in the chair just to cheese Rerun off >:D you would only get the Glare, plus a couple of weeks rest in ICU :-\

I do not have the chair problem, I am in a room on my own. The same chair, TV, four walls and machine.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: deej on July 26, 2006, 08:31:40 AM
Excuse my asking, but why are in a room by yourself? Are you infectious? ;)
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kevno on July 26, 2006, 12:52:09 PM
No ::) It took me 15 years to get out of the way of the other patients. Nice and quiet in a room on my own. No snoring, no farting, no arguing over which channel to watch on the TV. Plus NO Patient Singing :o Now that was painful :'(

Plus the one which is not very nice :-\ Do not get to know the patients as well as I used too. Lost to many close friends. Do not want to get close to another renal patient on the unit :(
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Mom3 on July 26, 2006, 08:31:15 PM
My understanding that the rules for people from different countries are not always the same, and that people from some countries can get residency status a lot easier than from others, which may be why a lot of people don't try to go through the proper channels...if those channels don't work for them. Canada is a favored country so Angie shouldn't have a lot of problems with that country of origin.

I was amazed at the mention of visitors in the unit. At both my son's units, the door between the waiting area and the patients is LOCKED. I'm sure there are infection control issues but the rules are sometimes enforced erratically. Depending on who is working etc. I have been allowed to go back during hospital dialysis to bring him things he wanted. On his first visit to his new clinic we were INVITED back, but later right after his surgery we were told we could not help him carry his bags in! Once I was even reprimanded by a nurse for LOOKING IN the open door.  Where we are in SC, families are literally LOCKED OUT!!! :(

Mom 3
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on July 27, 2006, 10:03:22 AM
oh in my dialysis unit the door is locked as well and when I had dialysis through my catheter Jeff (Sandman) had to either put on a mask or leave the dialysis room and buzz to be let back in.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: sandman on July 27, 2006, 06:32:29 PM
And here, I thought they locked the doors for security reasons.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Panda_9 on July 27, 2006, 10:00:02 PM
They lock the doors here after a certain time, think its 6pm, for security reasons. One night when I was in there, there was someone dodgy hanging around wanting to come in.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Sara on July 28, 2006, 05:30:32 AM
The people with proper credentials and paperwork are allowed to live and work in the United States.  My husband has been in the country legally since he was thirteen, he is sixty now.  He has permanent resident status.  He has to occasionally fill out paperwork so INS can find him.  If he is ever convicted of a felony or larger he could lose his resident status.  He has a permanent resident card which he is require dot carry with him at all times.  He even served in the United States Army during the Vietnam War. You already know he is my hero.

Joe's a permanent resident too.  Where is your husband from originally?
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Hephs-little-lady on July 28, 2006, 07:22:36 AM
When Heph was in centre hemo patient, they locked the outside door, even the patients (sorry hate to call you all patients) had to buzz. I was allowed in though, some of the nurses didn't like it, but there was no rule against it. I was even allowed while they were putting him on and taking him off. A couple of times when Heph was actually an in-patient with infections his consultant called and suggested I come in and visit while he was on dialysis at the unit! I didn't go very often though, just when Heph needed company or on special occasions, Christmas Eve, New Years eve.........  :D
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: susie q on July 28, 2006, 01:28:33 PM
In my unit you have a choice between a bed or a chair.. I use a bed.. always in the same spot.
We are allowed visitors.. except when patients are being put on or off.. no locked doors.. wide open.. anyone can walk thru..  ::)  And, everyone has their own tv..  ;D
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on July 28, 2006, 07:49:32 PM
In my unit you have a choice between a bed or a chair.. I use a bed.. always in the same spot.
We only have reclining chairs.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Black on July 28, 2006, 07:58:54 PM
...  Where we are in SC, families are literally LOCKED OUT!!! :(

Mom 3

Which is part of the reason we are working on getting Mike's home training in a clinic in GA instead!

Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: GuyIncognito on August 14, 2006, 09:42:27 AM
In Hamilton they locked the doors to keep the second shift people out, they were coming an hour early in hopes of getting on early but as the unit was always full they ended up just causing the nurses and us to feel rushed... and thats when mistakes can happen.

I reccommend home hemo to everyone I meet, I bought myself a lasy boy and was able to work a full 8 hours 5 days a week and then jump on the machine from 6 to 10 on M/W/F or if I had something going on do a couple hours and make up the extra the following day.
 I have recently transfered to a private clinic which only has 6 chairs it's a nice quiet environment and as it's the same people everytime we all have our own chairs we sit in, there almost like family now!
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Panda_9 on August 15, 2006, 05:24:38 PM
Why did you go from home hemo back to in centre? Bugger that!
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: nkviking75 on August 22, 2006, 05:39:55 PM
In my unit, whenever a patient finishes the old chair is rolled out and another rolled in, so I never know what chair I'm getting.  I'm not crazy about any of them.  I call them "Lousyboys".  I have been seated in every position in the unit and even a back room once when they were installing a new water system.  I have no idea why they move me where they do, since I'm on first shift.  The chairs each have TV's mounted on an arm extending from the wall behind me.  About half of the arms are too short, so I have to have them position me at a goofy angle, tolerate a stiff neck, or find some other way to entertain myself.  I have an MP3 player, a mini-DVD player, and usually a book available to suit whatever mood I'm in.  We have cable TV, but someone decided to get one cable TV line and use amplifiers and splitters to send the signal to all the sets.  That means the higher number channels are fuzzy and generally unwatchable.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on August 22, 2006, 09:38:32 PM
Sounds like my dialysis unit!  Maybe were are seatmates and don't know it! ;D
But they do not roll the chairs out and in where I am. They just do a lousy job of cleaning the chair.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on August 23, 2006, 12:56:06 PM
Ya one time I noticed my chair had the grosses looking puke all down the inner side of the arm that they never noticed for a month's time. Gross!! And our TV's don't even HAVE cable like the hospital unit does! And they hang from the ceiling and we each have our own remote controls but if one person aims just a little toward someone else's they change your channel too! The guy beside me is a channel surfer >:( but the middle seats are the worst because then I change everyone else's no matter how hard I try not to  :'(
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: MattyBoy100 on August 31, 2006, 03:46:39 AM
The chairs in my unit are cleaned and disinfected by the nurses after each patient is finished and they put on clean sheets/pillowcases as well.  I don`t mind getting the broked chair cos I`m 6ft 2" and the broken chair has no foot rest so I can stretch my legs without a barrier being in the way.  The nurses know this and always try to ensure I either get a bed or the broken chair!!!
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Rerun on September 14, 2006, 06:38:52 PM
Bad day today!  Last Tuesday I didn't get my "assigned" chair and I'm very annal about that (I don't know what annal means except I'm an ass).  I didn't throw a fit.  She said she didn't know but I told her it is supposed to be in my chart, but I understand it happens once in a while.

WELL today I didn't get my chair.  What they don't understand is my "suppressed" anger from Tuesday was unleashed on top of today's anger.  DAMN!  I think I take it as a matter of respect.  I'm a compliant patient as in:  I show up on time, I get my weight, BP, once I'm on I never ask them for anything.  All I ask is MY OWN CHAIR.  My own little space in that crazy deformed, sickly room.  Just a place I can say is mine and I'm safe.  Surrounded by people who are familiar even though they are on oxygen, blind, no limbs and a constant reminder of my future.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on September 14, 2006, 07:11:53 PM
Easy, Rerun, Easy....relax....You will get you chair back soon.

I tell them I do not really care where they put me as long as I have a machine that works good and a chair. THey usually threaten to put me out in the parking garage. However one night I did have a fit because I had a cold and did not want to sit where the cold air blows upon my head.  It was directly under an air vent. I hollered and said I will not sit there. I do not feel good already and if I sit there I will really get sick.  So they moved my dialyzer and put me in another seat.  It meant a wait of half an hour.  It sure is funny how the little things get to you when you walk into the unit.

It was blood work day Wednesday in the unit and here I am on last shift, not on until 3:40. I am usually on by 3 or 3:15.  What can you do but wait on them.  Damn it!  The people in the other shifts know it is blood work day.  They should get there on time and run their time.  But then there are those times when I am late, too due to work stuff.  But then I do not effect anyone else's time but my own except the techs and nurses.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Panda_9 on September 15, 2006, 04:09:49 AM
How about giving some of the staff a break? Just because you get there on time doesn't mean you will be put straight onto a machine. Problems often arise, therefore they may be late taking people off who are on the run before you. Its not always smooth sailing. Take a look around. Its no different doing it at home either. If all goes well, it takes me an hour and 20 minutes to get on the machine. Often there are things that happen that prevent getting on at the planned time.
Not every single nurse in the unit is thinking every shift, oh this person HAS to have this chair, and this person HAS to have this blanket etc. It just doesn't always happen that way.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Rerun on September 15, 2006, 04:15:00 AM
How about giving some of the staff a break? Just because you get there on time doesn't mean you will be put straight onto a machine. Problems often arise, therefore they may be late taking people off who are on the run before you. Its not always smooth sailing. Take a look around. Its no different doing it at home either. If all goes well, it takes me an hour and 20 minutes to get on the machine. Often there are things that happen that prevent getting on at the planned time.
Not every single nurse in the unit is thinking every shift, oh this person HAS to have this chair, and this person HAS to have this blanket etc. It just doesn't always happen that way.

Ya THINK?  NO SHIT Dick Tracy! 

I have told them I would wait.  Not a problem.  I am the easiest patient they probably have.  That is why they run over me.  I just want one thing.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: sandman on September 15, 2006, 11:05:11 AM
I know this may seem wrong of me to say this but all this talk reminds me of a song.  I can't remember the name of the artist right now but the artist name is not important in this case.  Anyway, there is a sentence in that song that goes something like this....

You CAN'T always get what you want.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Joe Paul on September 15, 2006, 11:43:52 AM
Thats the stones aint it?
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Joe Paul on September 15, 2006, 11:46:15 AM
You cant always get what you wanted....but you find sometime, YOU GET WHAT YOU NEED...AH YEAH, you get what you need.
 Sorry if I'm wrong, but it sounds good to me  :chillpill;
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: goofynina on September 15, 2006, 11:49:45 AM
Rolling Stones sing that song, sorry off topic but to jump back on,  when i was in hemo and on the early shift, that was the only time i got the same chair every morning,  when we moved to another center and different times, we were always shuffled around, although i did complain a couple of times cuz they would try and sit me in a chair that was broken,  i didnt mind otherwise, but believe me, there were those that did and always got their way.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: sandman on September 15, 2006, 12:31:12 PM
You cant always get what you wanted....but you find sometime, YOU GET WHAT YOU NEED...AH YEAH, you get what you need.
 Sorry if I'm wrong, but it sounds good to me  :chillpill;

Yeah, you got it.  ;D  But I believe the words go like this.....

You can't always get what you want..... but if you try sometimes...... well you might just find.......... YOU GET WHAT YOU NEED !

Here are the lyrics.  http://search.able2know.com/About/16605.html  Sorry if I took this off-topic.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Rerun on September 15, 2006, 06:57:58 PM
You guys are dorks!   ;D   :wine;  (new one had to try it)

OK... I won't bitch anymore about the chair, but I'm going to stop bringing them goodies on Saturday.  If by some miracle I start getting my chair the goodies may reappear.  I think that is called "Passive AGGRESSIVE."    ;)
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on September 16, 2006, 09:57:16 AM
I can hear it now  Rerun: "No goodies for you guys until I get MY chair every time" Stamps foot and pouts at the techs and nurses.

Oh well.  As far as giving them a break. Come on now. I always give them a break. I wait patiently.  I take whatever chair is available.  I do not complain unless it is a legitimate complaint.  I try to be friendly with everyone.

But come on. I am not getting home until eight O'Clock at night now and I am to be on the machine at three or three fifteen.  Not getting on until 3:30 or later.  I work a full time job. I know what deadlines are.  I know how hard these people work!  I work too.  I am out of my house at 6:30 every morning and on dialysis days I do not get home until 8pm.  I suggest you check yourself before making a snap judgement on how we should act when we do not get the chair we want or put on the machine on time.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on September 16, 2006, 12:17:10 PM
You guys are dorks!   ;D   :wine;  (new one had to try it)

OK... I won't bitch anymore about the chair, but I'm going to stop bringing them goodies on Saturday.  If by some miracle I start getting my chair the goodies may reappear.  I think that is called "Passive AGGRESSIVE."    ;)
I think that is the right idea though! I mean, if they want their treats they WILL remember right?  :clap; :2thumbsup; ;D
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Rerun on September 16, 2006, 06:54:24 PM
I can hear it now  Rerun: "No goodies for you guys until I get MY chair every time" Stamps foot and pouts at the techs and nurses.

Oh well.  As far as giving them a break. Come on now. I always give them a break. I wait patiently.  I take whatever chair is available.  I do not complain unless it is a legitimate complaint.  I try to be friendly with everyone.

But come on. I am not getting home until eight O'Clock at night now and I am to be on the machine at three or three fifteen.  Not getting on until 3:30 or later.  I work a full time job. I know what deadlines are.  I know how hard these people work!  I work too.  I am out of my house at 6:30 every morning and on dialysis days I do not get home until 8pm.  I suggest you check yourself before making a snap judgement on how we should act when we do not get the chair we want or put on the machine on time.

Kit, you are trying to work.  To me you take priority.  You should get the shift you want, the chair you want, ANYTHING you want.  People who don't work (includes me now) have all day.  I can wait.  But, I still want my chair.  That is one reason I quit work.  The old center (the one I quit) wouldn't set me in a good light where I could read my procedure.  Plus I was freezing.  There was a chair that was accommodating and it sat empty because they wouldn't give it to me.  I was trying to work, keep my life.  But, No.......... a few bitches got together and put an end to that.  Plus that place wouldn't allow cell phones and a bunch of other "crap".
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on September 17, 2006, 10:07:51 AM
I am totally with you Rerun.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Rerun on September 17, 2006, 04:44:19 PM
See EVERYBODY me and Kit we are like this :cuddle;
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on September 17, 2006, 08:18:08 PM
More like  :banghead;
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kevno on September 19, 2006, 01:32:18 PM
Yeah I agree to that Kitkatz :banghead; I am on the early start too ;D But I get there after all the arguments have stopped. Some of the patients get in for 6.30am just to be first on  :D the Nurses do not start till 7am ??? So I ponder in about 7.30am and usually get on straight away. Can not be bothered with the waiting thing.

Rerun! You bring the Techs Goodies and you are going to stop. Bringing the goodies is called "CREEPING"  ;) or in Kitkatz case "TEACHERS PET" >:D
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Treasure on November 16, 2006, 11:21:47 PM
Hi, everyone.

Ooooh, I love this subject. Everyone knows at my clinic that I don't want to be reclined, because it puts a lot of pressure on my neck. But sometimes, there's a visiting nursing student or a new tech and without asking, they'll flip me back. Instead of getting angry at the newbie, I just say*loudly*:

The only time you're going to find me with my legs up in the air like that is when I'm working in a brothel-- and today is my day off!

hehehe... they don't forget to either leave me upright or ask what I want, after that!

Michelle ~ Treasure  <~~~~ vying for "most perfect patient"...yeah, right!
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Inara on November 19, 2006, 07:26:56 AM
The only time you're going to find me with my legs up in the air like that is when I'm working in a brothel-- and today is my day off!

Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: tubes on November 19, 2006, 04:10:49 PM
I'm always in the same chair.  I have been shuffled around a few times.  I'll stay in the same area for several months.  One thing I like is they always keep me and Tanya sitting right next to each other.  We are the youngest in my unit, so we can goof and talk all we want.  Plus we have our own tv's and we like to watch the same shows.  The bad thing is we are under the vents.  I like the cold...... sometimes.......it's down right ridiculous how cold it gets.

My on time is about 6 15am.  I usually get there 10 till 6, and they usually get me right on. 

I dont mind what chair I sit in...as long as I sit next to Tanya.  I dont like sitting next to anyone else! ! ! ! 
There is one guy they sit him in a corner by himself.  He farts....ALOT.   Silent and very deadly.....It is SOOOOOOO not funny.  The nurses are always spraying air freshener.  Some days I wish I could smell the Feed Lot and not him.  :-[

The charge nurse told me we are getting new chairs.  There are a few to choose from.  So she is bringing one in at a time and letting a few patients test drive them b4 she buys.  That'll be nice...letting the patients help choose.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Rerun on November 20, 2006, 02:36:40 AM

There is one guy they sit him in a corner by himself.  He farts....ALOT.   Silent and very deadly.....It is SOOOOOOO not funny.  The nurses are always spraying air freshener.  Some days I wish I could smell the Feed Lot and not him.  :-[

Laughing my guts out!   :rofl;
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on November 20, 2006, 03:06:00 AM
Sometimes when the fluid is being taken off you just gotta fart :P Not like you can run to the bathroom ;)

But man those stinky guys :P You can't run from them neither :P
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on November 20, 2006, 01:59:31 PM
I have had days where I am the stinky fart patient.  Oh those poor people!
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Rerun on November 20, 2006, 10:10:24 PM
Once.......I thought I had to fart but it was poop!  GOD!  I was only a half hour into the run too. Then what the hell do you do.  I wanted to die, but then the ambulance people would have found it.  You just KNOW that when you get up the chair will be creamed!  I can't believe I'm writing this!  So, I waited about 45 minutes and couldn't stand it.  I told them "I think I have to go to the bathroom"  I'm sure when they were taking me off they were thinking "MY GOD you must have already went"!  And they would have been right!  So, I get up and go to the bathroom and it was only a little bit.  But, still!  When my run was over I grabbed my stuff and was OUT of there.  I took an Immodium everytime run for about two months.... just in case.    :-[

Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on November 20, 2006, 11:50:50 PM
lol that reminds me when I was hospitalized last year and was at the hospital unit instead of the Self Care one I am at now. I was still an in-patient so I had my gown with the open rear and they had me on so much laxitives because I had gotten so constipated for some reason while I was in hospital for over a month. So anyway, I am in my dialysis chair, hooked up, still new to it all, and realize I have to go. You know how it is. You fart hoping to relieve some gas and realize CRAP I HAVE TO GO!! But since it was the hospital unit they have these curtains and bed pans and they don't disconnect you for anything :P... so here I am trying with one arm while the other is still connect to the HD, to get all my gown up so none of it is in the bedpan cuz I know I will be stuck with a nasty gown if I don't. Man that was fun and I felt bad for all the neighbours!  :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

I can't believe I just said that! Look what you got out of me Rerun! :P
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: babi68 on November 21, 2006, 02:40:35 AM
rerun and angie, gosh you made me laugh. I haven't pooped myself but sometimes when I nap I suddenly wake up and think, 'Did I just fart or what?', however, I just hold on for the 5 hours I am hooked on. I get into my car when I am finished and then I let them rip. They are beauties. you can get disconnected if you need to go,but I find that embarrassing as everyone knows why you are getting disconnected and where you are off too, even though it is a normal function, its still embarrassing... back on topic...I usually have the same chair, but there is one spot I can't stand as they dont turn off the light, so if I am in that spot I change it. I let the nurses know and they don't seem to mind. I set up myself so it really makes no difference to them. I am happy if I am sitting next to people I like and can chat with. Haven't really been next to farters lately, but alot of snorers. Liz :waving;
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: nkviking75 on November 21, 2006, 08:40:34 AM
I've managed to avoid "accidents" except for one time when I tried to use a plastic urinal while seated.  It didn't all get into the urinal for some reason.  So on the rare occasions I use one on treatment, I stand up.  And in a way this is on topic.  There are four rows of chairs in my unit.  Two rows are against the far walls, and the other two are back to back and separated by a wall just slightly taller than the chairs.  I don't like to use a urinal when seated in one of those chairs.  If a staff member gets close to the wall they can see what I'm doing.  Since they are almost all female, I find that inhibiting to the task.  As medical workers they may not care, but I do.  The other people on that side of the wall can see me standing up but not the "naughty bits", but I still draw attention to myself.

Once a week I get stuck with a chair where the machine is on the wrong side.  I have to deal with the tubing going across my chest.  My movement is even more limited than usual.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: tubes on November 21, 2006, 09:08:10 AM
OMG....LMFAO   :rofl;  Thanx, nice stories rerun and angie.  hehehe
That hasn't happened to me YET ! ! !  I won't let 'em rip in the unit.  I have to hold it until I get out to my car.  lol.....

About that guy the is always letting 'em rip.  When I first found out about him (smelled him)  :'( I told the charge nurse if YOU EVER sit me by him I will walk out.  After that, they never sat me anywhere close to him.
This one guy will walk out if they sit him under a vent.  MAN, I should of thought of that.  >:D
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on November 21, 2006, 11:15:16 AM
lol if I waited til I got outside i wouldn't wait til I got into a car. My cab driver would kill me lol!  :rofl;
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: BigSky on November 21, 2006, 01:52:38 PM
A long time ago they had an old guy that would seat next to me.  He had a colostomy bag and he would "burp" it I guess you say.  Could the old guy do it before he came?  Oh heck no!  He had to do it once he was on the machine.  That has to be the rankest smell.   :o
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: RichardMEL on November 21, 2006, 11:07:47 PM
back on topic a bit from this interesting digression :)

We have mostly those medicine green chairs that someone mentioned on page 1 - comfy initially but pure hell after 3 or so hours.. and I have a 5 hour session so by the time that is up GETTING UP is one of the most wonderful acts of the day!! LOL. I have tried a few pillows and other things but they don't help too much.. I need to find a better solution because I am SURE it is no good for my back !
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Panda_9 on November 22, 2006, 03:36:47 AM
When I was in hospital once I was sitting on the bed reading and I thought I just need to pass wind (quite a bit), so I did it and OMG I did more than just a little bit. I didnt care about the man next to me hearing me fart coz he was a cranky old prick. I then had to tell the nurse who was looking after, it was probly the most embarrasing moment of my life. What made it worse was it was a young male nurse lol
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Zach on November 22, 2006, 04:38:56 AM
back on topic a bit from this interesting digression :)

We have mostly those medicine green chairs that someone mentioned on page 1 - comfy initially but pure hell after 3 or so hours.. and I have a 5 hour session so by the time that is up GETTING UP is one of the most wonderful acts of the day!! LOL. I have tried a few pillows and other things but they don't help too much.. I need to find a better solution because I am SURE it is no good for my back !

I've been on many a dialysis chair, and very few are "comfy".  The best here in the States that I've found isn't a true dialysis chair, it's a Lazy Boy chair.  But 4.5 hours and 5 hours are no match.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: RichardMEL on November 22, 2006, 05:21:08 AM
I dream of the day we could have like a lazy boy!

damn my back is hurting just thinking about being back again for another 5+ hours tomorrow :(
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on November 22, 2006, 09:30:28 AM
I hate these new chairs we have in the unit.  Instead of going backwards the foot rest comes up and the chair slides out instead of back.  So you end up with your butt sliding out from under you instead of sitting back with the feet up.  Hate them!  There is no way to get comfortable.  They have promised new machines and chairs by the end of December.  I bet the chairs will suck big time!
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: BigSky on November 22, 2006, 11:26:57 AM
I've been on many a dialysis chair, and very few are "comfy".  The best here in the States that I've found isn't a true dialysis chair, it's a Lazy Boy chair.  But 4.5 hours and 5 hours are no match.

I have tried to suggest myself to be a test subject for a nice heat and massage Lazy Boy chair but so far it isnt happening. ;D

Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: susie q on November 22, 2006, 02:24:21 PM
One thing about my trip to the Dominican Republic... the chairs they have are awesome..
remote control on the armrest... will go as flat as a bed or any position you like.. very nice.
I'm in a bed at my unit because of back problems... can't stand the chairs here.  8)
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: tubes on November 22, 2006, 06:12:49 PM
I hate these new chairs we have in the unit. Instead of going backwards the foot rest comes up and the chair slides out instead of back. So you end up with your butt sliding out from under you instead of sitting back with the feet up. Hate them! There is no way to get comfortable. They have promised new machines and chairs by the end of December. I bet the chairs will suck big time!

I know the feeling kit.  When i went on vacation to Houston.  The unit had the same chairs.  It was the worst month of dialyzing ever.  Never Going Back There ! ! !
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on November 23, 2006, 01:25:24 AM
I hate these new chairs we have in the unit.  Instead of going backwards the foot rest comes up and the chair slides out instead of back.  So you end up with your butt sliding out from under you instead of sitting back with the feet up.  Hate them!  There is no way to get comfortable.  They have promised new machines and chairs by the end of December.  I bet the chairs will suck big time!
Ya that is the kind I have and I feel like telling the nurse to grab my shoulders and help me fricken forward and I am not even that old! What do the older patients do? Man!! I mean come on who designs these frickan chairs!!!!!  :banghead; :banghead; :banghead; :banghead;
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on November 23, 2006, 10:06:17 AM
Some sick, twisted, morbid person with a sick sense of what a chair should be designed the damn things.  Obviously they did not sit in them for four hours or try to get comfortable! Or try to keep their stuff on the small table beside you.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on November 23, 2006, 04:22:20 PM
Some sick, twisted, morbid person with a sick sense of what a chair should be designed the damn things.  Obviously they did not sit in them for four hours or try to get comfortable! Or try to keep their stuff on the small table beside you.
Oh ya don't even get me Started on that small side table!! Crap the nurse always bumps her butt into it and doesn't even seem to notice or even CARE that she just knocked my ice over and then doesn't get me another!!

Yesterday I asked for ice and the nurse said something about .8 being the max allowable to add on as drinks and ice on the machine and didn't get me the ice I asked for!! I had to ask another patients wife to get me my damned ice!  :banghead;

As it is when I weighed myself once off the machine I was right on target even with having the ice that wife brought me!!  :wine;
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Rerun on November 24, 2006, 06:29:30 PM
THAT is when you would like to tie them to a chair for 3 hours with no ice.   :wine;
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: sandman on November 24, 2006, 09:54:43 PM
THAT is when you would like to tie them to a chair for 3 hours with no ice.   :wine;

More like tie the nurse to the chair and ignore them for 4 hours.  >:D
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on November 24, 2006, 10:00:18 PM
Today I grabbed 2 cups of ice prior to hookup ;)
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Panda_9 on November 25, 2006, 02:55:06 AM
I saw a new chair that was on trial for the new unit and they looked very uncomfortable. The seat part was that eggshell matress stuff and there were two wing type things on the headrest, which for me would be uncomfortable as when I fall asleep I put my head to the side. I think those chairs would make that uncomfortable. Not that Ive really been sleeping on the machine lately. Too busy checking BP.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on November 25, 2006, 09:41:03 PM
what is the most comfortable chair for hemo dialysis?
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Zach on November 25, 2006, 09:51:48 PM
what is the most comfortable chair for hemo dialysis?

They're at a small dialysis center in the République et Canton de Genčve.  Oui. It was the best!!!
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on November 25, 2006, 10:29:12 PM
I sat in a fairly comfy "new" chair on Friday.  It was pretty comfy, I was surprised. It looked like it had been kicked to a curb a few times.  That was probably why is was comfy! I had a place for my butt and it did not slide out like the other chairs.  If the chairs would just lay back and not slide out your butt.  If the new chairs they buy for the unit suck, I am going to lose my mind totally.  (And you all thought I had lost it already!)  Just wait.  They say new chairs and machines in our unit by December.  Holy crap!  There has not been a changeover in machines since I have been there.  They were changing over to new machines when I started at this unit eight years ago. They went from really old machines, to slightly newer ones.  We are supposed to be getting the "gee whiz bang" new machines.  I am not holding my breath!  We got new chairs around four years ago, not as comfy as the old recliners we had.  I adjusted to them. 

I really will lose my mind if the new chairs are not comfortable.
I will tie the director of the place down to a chair with paper tape and clamps and ask them if they want to sit there for four hours at a time!!! >:D
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on November 26, 2006, 02:55:02 PM
I really will lose my mind if the new chairs are not comfortable.
I will tie the director of the place down to a chair with paper tape and clamps and ask them if they want to sit there for four hours at a time!!! >:D

lol you go girl!!  :clap; :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: tubes on December 14, 2006, 02:45:51 PM
here is a pic of our new and old chair.
brownish red=new

The new chair has been making its way around the unit since last week.  Wednesday was my day to sit in it.  >:(  I was not a happy camper.  At first it was uncomfortable...then I asked if the head went down any further.  Head went down, feet went up, it was so much nicer in that position.  But I got very hot sitting in that chair.
Well I can Bitch all I want but thats the chair we are getting.  :(

Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on December 14, 2006, 05:00:53 PM
wow your new chair looks like ours. But ours I hate because they slide your butt out and are so hard to get back into a sitting position at the end of your run without cramping. How do you find them? Yours (both old and new) are different than the ones at my unit, but looking at  your old chair, damn that looks comfy lol
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: tubes on December 14, 2006, 05:46:17 PM
What do u mean angie,
How do you find them?

That is a pic of my unit, if thats what u mean.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on December 14, 2006, 07:00:51 PM
If I want to slide my butt out in a chair and be super uncomfortable for four hours, I just go to my dialysis center three days a week!
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on December 14, 2006, 08:46:56 PM
What do u mean angie,
How do you find them?

That is a pic of my unit, if thats what u mean.
I mean how COMFORTABLE did you find them.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Zach on December 14, 2006, 09:30:53 PM
The blue=old looks a lot more comfy.  Is it a Lazy Boy?
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Sara on December 15, 2006, 07:27:02 AM
Just speaking as someone who doesn't have to sit in those, that old blue chair looks pretty nice, and that new red one looks like a torture device!  Who the heck designs these things?  I completely agree that the directors and nurses should have to spend 4-5 hours in these chairs before forcing them on the patients.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on December 15, 2006, 12:54:17 PM
Just speaking as someone who doesn't have to sit in those, that old blue chair looks pretty nice, and that new red one looks like a torture device!  Who the heck designs these things?  I completely agree that the directors and nurses should have to spend 4-5 hours in these chairs before forcing them on the patients.
Exactly my point!  :clap;
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: BigSky on December 15, 2006, 03:25:16 PM
Dialysis chairs are made for medical advantage, not necessarily comfort.

While the Lazy boy is more comfortable it has several disadvantages.

The biggest one being it is does not let patients be put into the Trendelenberg position when needed.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: sandman on December 15, 2006, 04:52:15 PM
For those of us ( like me for example ) who don't know what the Trendelenburg's position is, here is what that means.

Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: tubes on December 16, 2006, 06:00:32 PM
What do u mean angie,
How do you find them?

That is a pic of my unit, if thats what u mean.
I mean how COMFORTABLE did you find them.
Sorry angie, had a brain fart.  I didnt like it at first, but after my nurse reclined it all the way back it was bareable. 

The blue=old looks a lot more comfy. Is it a Lazy Boy?
It reclines.  Not sure if it is an actual "Lazy Boy" brand.

These chairs do have the "medical advantage" as Bigsky was saying.  For the nurses, the chairs are higher up so the nurses dont have to bend so far over.  The blue chairs are not sanitary, I was told.  The red chairs, the side of the chair opens up on both side for easier cleaning and removing a patient that needs taken off quickly.
One thing I like about the chair is the pillow.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: angieskidney on December 17, 2006, 07:50:36 AM
Ya the pillow is unique! It looks like mine but mine doesn't have the pillow! lol Mine when it reclines slides the butt out .. which I find at the end of dialysis when your run is done and you want to sit up, the only way to sit up since you butt is out and you are on your back .. is to either use your stomach muscles and cramp OR to use the side tables as leverage which inturn releases the lock and the tables fall down and so does all your stuff :(

Just my take on my chair ;) lol I'll try to remember to take a pic as well!

Anyone else posting pics of their chairs?
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Panda_9 on December 29, 2006, 03:34:22 AM
The pillow on that new chair looks awful. They always seem to make the pillow part for tall people so you end up with a kinked neck. Our remote controlled chairs have the pillow bit and for me to be comfy I have to recline the chair. We also have chairs similar to the blue one and they are comfy, however if you need to lay flat the nurses have to push the back of the chair down for you, and because Im short, it slowly creeps back up. The other chairs you can recline the foot and the head seperately, and you can raise or lower the chair. Only thing I dont like about them is they are really hard on your bum.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on December 29, 2006, 03:27:10 PM
We had a chair that was broken and if you reclined in the chair it would slowly recline you all of the way into a lying down position and then you would get stuck in that one position.  They had to put a trashcan behind it to get it to stay up and not flatten you all the way down.
They claim we are getting a brand new redo of the entire center.  They plan to close down parts of it each time until it is all finished.  I am not holding my breath.  I will believe it when I see it.  We have all new Fresenius machines now.  One of the brand new machines has a touch screen that is already a "pound on it" screen.  It was interesting withing the tech try to get it to accept commands while he is putting me on it the other day.  Sheez!  They say they will have new chairs and new TVs for us soon.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Sluff on December 29, 2006, 03:29:18 PM
We had a chair that was broken and if you reclined in the chair it would slowly recline you all of the way into a lying down position and then you would get stuck in that one position.  They had to put a trashcan behind it to get it to stay up and not flatten you all the way down.
They claim we are getting a brand new redo of the entire center.  They plan to close down parts of it each time until it is all finished.  I am not holding my breath.  I will believe it when I see it.  We have all new Fresenius machines now.  One of the brand new machines has a touch screen that is already a "pound on it" screen.  It was interesting withing the tech try to get it to accept commands while he is putting me on it the other day.  Sheez!  They say they will have new chairs and new TVs for us soon.

Well I hope you do get the updates.
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: goofynina on December 29, 2006, 04:40:21 PM
We had a chair that was broken and if you reclined in the chair it would slowly recline you all of the way into a lying down position and then you would get stuck in that one position.  They had to put a trashcan behind it to get it to stay up and not flatten you all the way down.
They claim we are getting a brand new redo of the entire center.  They plan to close down parts of it each time until it is all finished.  I am not holding my breath.  I will believe it when I see it.  We have all new Fresenius machines now.  One of the brand new machines has a touch screen that is already a "pound on it" screen.  It was interesting withing the tech try to get it to accept commands while he is putting me on it the other day.  Sheez!  They say they will have new chairs and new TVs for us soon.

Well I hope you do get the updates.

My prediction is that you have your transplant before all these changes take place ;)  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on December 29, 2006, 06:21:39 PM
 :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: Adam_W on August 23, 2007, 09:21:20 AM
Hmmm, I'm surprised I missed this thread. At my old centre we had those ugly medical green chairs. At first they were absolutely awful to sit in, but after a while my bum would just go numb and I wouldn't feel the pain of the awful chairs. Now I just sit on my bed when I dialyze, and if I get uncomfortable, I just get up and walk around my room a bit and stretch my legs. I'm probably one of the most "mobile" dialysis patients because I regularly get up and do things around the room while I'm on the machine (I put extra tape around my lines to make sure my needles don't come out).

Title: Re: Don't "F" with my chair!
Post by: kitkatz on August 24, 2007, 09:25:11 PM
I changed dialysis centers recently. Nice staff where I am now. Friendly people. No cable TV!  I need cable TV, oh well they do have a DVD player that can play movies for all of us.  I guess I am going to be up to date on movies.