I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Centers => Topic started by: angellady07 on April 22, 2008, 12:38:13 AM

Title: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: angellady07 on April 22, 2008, 12:38:13 AM
I found out today that I may be rotated to another section of my dialysis center. Last week I was told I was in my permanent section and I wouldn't be moved. I work very well with my current technician. She isn't in favor of losing me as a patient either. My tech told me to be firm with the charge nurse about what I want. I've had bad experiences in the past with other techs in my center. How far should I go? Should I give names of techs that I prefer not be assigned to me ? I may need to borrow the big stick.  :thx;
Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: twirl on April 22, 2008, 04:18:45 AM
I was sitting by a lady and we became friends and Davita moved us way across the room from each other, felt like a student, we never were loud or disturbing, we would talk and sleep and talk and watch television but we did take up for each other when needed, we requested to be moved back together and we were told no because it would set a pattern where everyone would want to be by a friend, I came and left 30 minutes before her, there are patients arriving at my same time that sit next to her and people by me that come the same time she does...It is not like we would go around and tell patients that Davita was nice and we got to sit by each other, I know we are not there to socialize but to dialyze, but it sure helped pass the time, our techs are rotated, we never know who we will get but there are several I would never let shot me, I hate the days I have some techs, they act like it is an act of God to get ice. Some techs comment on getting off to go to the bathroom, my time is 6am until 10 am----normal bathroom time for most people, take up for yourself, when things are comfortable Davita will screw it up, let them move you but tell them to assign the same tech to you and refuse the others
I guess Davita does not want you to get too comfortable; they think you will not want to leave... Yes, give names and I bet these techs have been complained about before, I talked to the director about my problems and the social worker and I got no where. I my talk to the owner, this director can't keep employees, I have been there almost three years and it's  a big unit and only 6 employees have been there longer than me and they are not all techs

Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: kitkatz on April 22, 2008, 06:27:03 AM
They rotate patients and techs so that the techs do not get too close to the patients emotionally.  I know, I know, crazy, huh? I was told this by one of the techs I was talking to in center.
Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: bdpoe on April 22, 2008, 07:43:07 AM

I guess things differ state by state even county by county but from what I've seen
clinics and public hospitals with out patient dialysis are deficient.

Not enough trained knowledgable nurses with a patient oriented attitude,
techs who are barely trained and whose last job was in fast food.

Unresponsive management.

But these places put on a good face like lipstick on a pig.

Everyone who can must push for better service and care.

Your state and national representatives need to hear from you.

With all the bugget cuts coming thins may get worse.

......bdpoe/ Florida
Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: thegrammalady on April 22, 2008, 08:01:05 AM
even within the same company centers operate differently from state to state. at my center we keep the same chairs and the techs rotate each treatment. the only time i sit in a different chair is if the machine won't operate properly for some reason. if a tech i don't want near me is assigned to my section somebody else deals with me. the only time i had a problem with not wanting a particular tech was the first time. the director sent the social worker to tell me i couldn't refuse specific techs. i sent her back to tell the directer "nice try, now tell me someting i'll believe, this is my life, you do it my way or not at all"  i've never had another problem on that subject when i visit my family in oregon the center operated totally differently from mine here in colorado.(i've never had any problems in oregon) they are both fresenisus centers. you have every right to refuse treatment from a specific tech.
Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: flip on April 22, 2008, 08:50:17 AM
We always sit in the same section but not necessarily the same chair. The nurses rotate. I always demand that a certain nurse stick me and they always agree. I don't mind waiting until she is available. I do not like infiltrations.
Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: Adam_W on April 22, 2008, 09:41:27 AM
I usually sat in the same section, almost always in the same chair. The techs would rotate, and although I couldn't request a particular tech, I could refuse to have a specific tech treat me, and I would be treated by a different one. They did try to honour requests to sit by certain people, and I was almost always able to sit next to my friends.

Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: David13 on April 22, 2008, 03:50:08 PM
At the center with which I am familiar, only the first shift patients always have the same seats.  Seats for second and third shift patients are determined based on the times the first shift patients finished and the length of treatment of those following them in the second and third shift spots.  Although it usually works out that the second and third shift patients are often in the same seats for each treatment, it does change if, for example, there are delays in getting a first shift patient on the machine.  Both techs and nurses are rotated from day to day.
Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: angellady07 on April 24, 2008, 02:33:57 PM
I probably should have explained how my center operates a little better. Most patients are assigned permanent chairs. Others who are frequently late or no shows are placed wherever there is an available chair. I'm always on time and have never missed a treatment. When I was told that I had a permanent chair and then told I may be rotated I became upset.I'm not trying to be difficult I just expect fair treatment. Most of the time I'm quiet therefore, I think they felt they put me wherever they wanted to. There are a couple of techs who I will simply refuse. Both I've had a bad experience with. One particular tech yanked my arm when the machine was beeping. She said " I told you to hold your arm straight". I guess I interrupted her while she was reading a book. The other tech always tells her patients that it's easier for her and us if we don't report when we aren't feeling well before we start as it takes to long to document and put us on the machine. I spoke to the charge nurse about the situation. She seemed annoyed and openly discussed our conversation with another patient. Which I feel is violating my privacy. She told me not to worry about it right now. I won't be moved. We are totally at the mercy of these people for our survival. It would be nice if we were treated with a little compassion. Thanks so much for all of your replies and listening to my rant. :rant;
Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: flip on April 24, 2008, 03:09:35 PM
Fortunately my center does use techs. Most are RN's with a couple of LPN's. My understanding is that most techs only have about 3 months training before they are turned loose. I know they can't do patient evaluations or administer medications. I love my nurses and have never had a problem with any of them. They really do care about the patients.
Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: David13 on April 24, 2008, 03:54:19 PM
I can certainly understand your frustration, especially when you go take your concerns to the "charge nurse" and he/she can not be bothered to do anything meaningful to address you.  It must be quite difficult to be put in a situation in which those in charge not only don't take your situation seriously, but also won't even reprimand techs who are clearly not doing their jobs.   :banghead;

I sympathize with you, and would recommend that you take your concerns "up the line" to the charge nurse's boss and so on.  If nothing else, it might help you to feel more in control of circumstances. 
Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: angellady07 on April 24, 2008, 04:20:48 PM
Thanks flip and David. Good suggestion David.
Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: flip on April 24, 2008, 04:28:54 PM
My tendency would be to start at the top and work my way down. In my center the nurses answer to the Charge Nurse who answers to the Unit Administrator who answers to the Unit Director (Nephrologist). Here the neph makes rounds once a month and listens to all complaints.
Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: David13 on April 24, 2008, 05:31:46 PM
Here the neph makes rounds once a month and listens to all complaints.
Wow!  Once a month?!  It must seem like a visit from royalty!  How fortunate that he can tear himself away from the golf course so frequently. . .  :sarcasm;
Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: flip on April 24, 2008, 05:36:49 PM
Well...sometimes he is called in if a patient has an emergency. We also have a Care Conference once a quarter when family can come in and discuss treatment with the staff.
Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: Kitsune on July 10, 2008, 10:52:25 AM
Well...sometimes he is called in if a patient has an emergency. We also have a Care Conference once a quarter when family can come in and discuss treatment with the staff.

Ooooh, now that would make me so mad I'd refuse! I am going to be 31 years old this Sunday and I don't need my mommy coming in and discussing my treatment with the doctor like I wouldn't tell her if I really thought she needed to know about it so badly.

See, one more way for dialysis centers to treat us like schoolchildren....idiots.  :puke;
Title: Re: Dialysis Center Woes .....
Post by: flip on July 10, 2008, 04:08:20 PM
Sorry, I don't see it that way. I think if a patient wants to bring a spouse,sibling, caregiver or whatever to the conference it's okay. It gives everyone and chance to sit down and discuss treatment and transplant options, dietary adjustments that need to be made, and other factors crucial to the patient's case.

I'm 60 years old and I wish my mother was still around to attend these meetings with me.