I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: AJ1963 on June 28, 2006, 07:42:16 PM

Title: handicapped?
Post by: AJ1963 on June 28, 2006, 07:42:16 PM
So we feel awful after treatment, tired, sore, just wanna go home and go to bed. But we gotta stop by Wal-Mart for a loaf of bread. My wife sez I should apply for a handicapped parking permit so I ain't gotta walk a mile, I say I don't qualify. Anybody???????????
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Sara on June 28, 2006, 08:34:16 PM
I say if YOU feel too tired to have to walk that far after a treatment, why not apply for a permit?  The spots are there for a reason.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Rerun on June 28, 2006, 10:14:56 PM
I have one.  By god if I'm on a damn machine to live I'm at least going to reap "some" benefit other than staying alive.

I have one and....I Know How To Use It.    During Christmas Shopping I'm really popular!  HA
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Epoman on June 28, 2006, 10:19:29 PM
So we feel awful after treatment, tired, sore, just wanna go home and go to bed. But we gotta stop by Wal-Mart for a loaf of bread. My wife sez I should apply for a handicapped parking permit so I ain't gotta walk a mile, I say I don't qualify. Anybody???????????

Most definately, if you are a dialysis patient and have to live via hooked to a machine and have your blood taken out and washed and have the joy of feeling like shit afterwards, then yes ask your doctor for a placard, however be warned some doctors do like giving out the placard JUST because your a patient. When I was NOT in a wheelchair I always had a placard, I told my doctor I was going to college after dialysis (the TRUTH) and I didn't feel good enough to walk 5 miles to class from my car. He gave it to me no questions asked. But now I live the lovely truth of being stuck in the damned wheelchair for the rest of my life so now I really need the placard.  >:(

But ask your doctor, if he says no he is an insensitive prick and you need to change doctors. If those big fat obese people deserve a placard and their only health problem is they do not know how to put down the "Big Macs" or "Double Whoppers with cheese". then surely you deserve a placard. But be warned there are going to be alot of old sons-a-bitches staring at you wondering why you have a placard, some will even have the audacity to come to your car when your getting out and demand to know why you have a placard if your not in a wheelchair. Do what I do tell them to "call the police", it was great one time some old prick did and when I came out the police had blocked my car from backing out and asked me if I was the owner. I said "Yes Sir, Officer" and proceeded to show him my arm and explain my history and showed him my permit and he apologized profusely and scolded the old prick right in front of me, it was bittersweet. The old man gave me dirty looks all the way back to his car, I'm not sure but I think I saw him give me and the cop, the finger.  ;D

The problem with the design is people think you have to be in a wheelchair to deserve a placard, well that's WRONG! I always love it when I see a HUMMER parked in a handicapped spot. I can only imagine what those people are thinking when they see a young man get out. Any age can qualify for a placard. I do know there is alot of abuse of the system but I have learned you can't tell if a person is healthy by just looking at him/her.

I hope this info/story helps.  >:D

- Epoman

P.S. It works great at Disneyland, you never have to wait in the long lines to get on the rides.  >:D >:D >:D
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: hyperlite on June 29, 2006, 07:14:31 PM
hahahaha that's hilarious! I want a permit soooo bad now! I can just imagine the looks on the "old farts" faces when a 20 year old kid jumps out of his car and runs into the store! hahaha
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: kitkatz on June 30, 2006, 12:39:53 AM
No, No.  It is done with panache.  No running.  Just a very regal walk into the store from your car.  Head up, chest out and go for it!
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Panda_9 on July 01, 2006, 02:08:49 AM
My specialist wont give me one. He wants me to walk, which is fair enough I guess.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Epoman on July 01, 2006, 02:12:01 AM
My specialist wont give me one. He wants me to walk, which is fair enough I guess.

Ask another doctor? Can you?

- Epoman
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Panda_9 on July 01, 2006, 03:55:05 AM
I can probly get it from a GP, but I figure if I dont walk I dont lose weight and if I dont lose weight I dont get a transplant. We usually get parks close enough to the shops anyway. The only problem is there is NO parks at the hospital. You have to use the multistory carpark across the road which isnt cheap. Ive been getting the bus in lately, so havent really had a need for a parking permit. I might need one when I have the transplant though. Im not walking up the hospital hill with a massive wound.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Mom3 on July 23, 2006, 05:52:52 AM
Hyperlite, you would not be the only twenty something with a handicapped parking permit. My 27 year old son has had one for three or four years now! He does use a cane sometimes due to dialysis related patella tendon surgeries, but not always...

Mom 3
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Sara on July 23, 2006, 09:12:07 AM
Can you really take your handicap thing into Disney and skip the lines?  That alone could make it worth it!   >:D
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Epoman on July 23, 2006, 09:36:14 AM
Can you really take your handicap thing into Disney and skip the lines?  That alone could make it worth it!   >:D

Well now-a-days they are a little more strict, you need to go to to Disney's "City Hall" and they will visually examine you but it only takes a few minutes. What I usually do is show them my DMV paper that the DMV gives you along with the placard. And I tell them that do to my low HCT I can not stand in lines for long periods of time. And YES, I used to do this way before I was in a wheelchair. But now a days the wheelchair makes the process much simpler.  ::) We have gone to Disneyland at least 30+ times in the last 10 years and we have NEVER had to wait in line, we would just go to the END of the line, wait a couple of minutes and viola we are riding. But I'll tell you now you WILL get dirty looks from the poor saps waiting in line.  >:D

I remember when The "Indiana Jones" ride opened the first day and the line was literally a 3 hours wait. But not for me and my 5 other guests. Oh that's another thing, the person with the pass can have only a 5 or 6 guests, maximum. At least that's what it used to be. But anyway we went straight to the end of the line and got right on! They do make you wait an hour before you can ride again. But we rode the ride at least 4 times that day. Again that's how it used to be, I have not been to disneyland for over a year. So I would call first if I were you.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: angieskidney on July 23, 2006, 07:40:34 PM
Really? When I had a car people told me I should but I felt like I wasn't "sick enough" to qualify.

But now I don't have a car ever since some lady had totalled it anyway ...  and I can't afford a new one :( (it was 100% her fault too .. but she is the one still driving ..)
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Riki on July 27, 2006, 06:33:01 AM
I've had one since I was 17... check your local regulations... the regulations for a parking permit where I live (Prince Edward Island, Canada) says that if the patient has difficulty walking 75 metres or more, they qualify.. I'm also legally blind. so that could be why it wasn't too hard for my mom to get one for the car.. *G*  as for jumping lines.. I used my permit to jump the line to see the Stanley Cup a few years ago... just showed them the permit, and they let me go..  that was cool.. got pics too... we have used it to get on the ferry coming home (I do live on an island, after all... *G*) if you have a permit, they'll get you on priority and sometimes put you next to the elevator... you should remember that if you're ever vacationing on Prince Edward Island.... Another thing I've discovered... when I go to the fair, I always take my white cane with me... me and my "guide" can get on the rides for free... If I ever go to Disney World, I must remember to take my cane... especially if I can jump the lines there.... wonder if it works at Canada's Wonderland??
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: angieskidney on July 27, 2006, 09:01:24 AM
My dad has a disabled parking permit thingy and he can walk quite far. He has a rare form of arthritis which had him stuck in bed for awhile but he has been fine for years as long as he stays away from paint fumes. He loves to take advantage of close parking however.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: goofynina on July 27, 2006, 09:15:21 AM
If he can walk far, why doesnt he leave the "close parking" for those who cant? 
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: angieskidney on July 27, 2006, 09:18:52 AM
If he can walk far, why doesnt he leave the "close parking" for those who cant? 
Ya my thoughts exactly! I have never agreed with half the things my father does! Infact that has a LOT to do with why I did NOT get one for myself when I had a car.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: redheadedangel on August 30, 2006, 12:37:56 PM
Best thing that ever happened to me was when the man walked past me in my clinic and asked if I needed a handi caped parking sticker..I said hell yea..Give me all the perks... Sassy
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: thom on August 31, 2006, 09:05:29 AM
i'm a holiday patient this week visiting my dad and mates back home, and i don't get transport to the unit so i gotta walk, witch is fine on the way but a nightmare on the way back, i know how you feel about walking around afterwards it completely nocks it out of you. i was thinking what if i was walking home and i didn't look properly when crossing the road because i was away with the fairies? it would hurt yeah, but the unit would be responisble i guess?
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: JerseyGirl on August 31, 2006, 01:32:11 PM
In my 20 years working in the dialysis field I have never seen a physician deny a handicapped permit, no matter what the age.  If yours does, find another.  After all, those physicians have dedicated parking spots at every hospital.  To deny a handicapped permit is just cruel.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: angieskidney on August 31, 2006, 09:19:33 PM
In my 20 years working in the dialysis field I have never seen a physician deny a handicapped permit, no matter what the age.  If yours does, find another.  After all, those physicians have dedicated parking spots at every hospital.  To deny a handicapped permit is just cruel.
I agree 100%! That makes sense and maybe that is why some physicians don't realize how much we need it. I mean .. not like they have far to walk .. even on days they might not feel at tip top shape.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Sluff on September 02, 2006, 05:43:51 AM
Funny picture Angie.  As for Handicap parking I wish I had one, but I feel funny asking for one.  Maybe if I lose my leg I won't feel quite funny about it. :-\
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: kitkatz on September 02, 2006, 05:06:23 PM
Now the hubby's doctor is real funny.  The doctor will not give the man a permanent handicapped parking sticker.  He will only give him six months at a time a temporary sticker for our cars.  Okay... now my hubby had a amputation done in May 2006 to his left leg below the knee; an industrial accident.  He is currently healing from surgery in June to debride the wound...  The doctor says that he sees people abuse the privilege of using handicapped stickers all of the time and he does not believe in giving a permanent placard to someone. okay...My question is....Does he expect the damn leg to grow back???If so when is this miracle going to happen???? And is the damned prosthetic going to work like a regular leg and not ever give him any pain??? or problems??? 
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: nettersinaz on September 02, 2006, 05:26:00 PM
By all means, Go for it! I have one and boy does it come in handy. If I am not tired and I have energy (energy what is that? lol) I don't use it. I also use the wheelchairs a lot in Wal-Mart.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Sluff on September 02, 2006, 05:57:22 PM
Now the hubby's doctor is real funny.  The doctor will not give the man a permanent handicapped parking sticker.  He will only give him six months at a time a temporary sticker for our cars.  Okay... now my hubby had a amputation done in May 2006 to his left leg below the knee; an industrial accident.  He is currently healing from surgery in June to debride the wound...  The doctor says that he sees people abuse the privilege of using handicapped stickers all of the time and he does not believe in giving a permanent placard to someone. okay...My question is....Does he expect the damn leg to grow back???If so when is this miracle going to happen???? And is the damned prosthetic going to work like a regular leg and not ever give him any pain??? or problems??? 

That is just retarded. How is he doing anyhow I haven't visited the thread about his accident in awhile but I was here when it happened or at least right after it happened.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: kitkatz on September 02, 2006, 06:24:09 PM
Oh man I was swearing when I found this out.  And you all KNOW when I am upset the mouth goes potty mouth on me.  I cursed all the way to dialysis then growled at them about it last night!  All I could say was WTF? about it.  If the leg grow back, good no sticker needed, but people with a limp and a cane get a permanent placard.  Sheez!  So he is going to ask the rehadilitation doctor for apermanent placard.  If that does not work I am going to ask the soacia worker to give me one. We can beat the ssytem one way or another. lol.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: omapat on September 02, 2006, 10:50:50 PM
When I went blind I was given one, that was about 6 years ago, every one loves to take me to LA & San Franscisco because you don't have to feed any meters with a DP placecard! & and the tolls are free too, I also use it in Las Vegas go right to the front of the line. AND Epoman I know what you mean about the nasty stares I can "feel" them!
You can get 1/2 off all state & federal parks with it too. OR better yet you can get a golden card free to get it free for life!
Get one, if you don't like it you don't have to use it. But for the driver its just a small bit more reason to take you somewhere.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: LT514 on September 04, 2006, 08:07:23 PM
I was given one three years ago because I was really ill. It depends on the doctor. If you explain your situation, they will assess why you need it, and if you should have it. It's really in their hands..
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: angieskidney on September 05, 2006, 02:08:34 AM
I never asked any of mine because honestly .. they didn't even want to approve me for even disability at first! I have no confidence in them understanding my situation .. EVER :( :'(
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Panda_9 on September 05, 2006, 04:13:07 AM
I given up trying to get a permit, I couldnt be bothered explaining why I sometimes might need one. Usually Im fine, but there are those days were you feel like shit and the neuropathy pain makes it unbearable to walk, but you still have to go to the shops!
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: angieskidney on September 06, 2006, 12:00:52 PM
Ya especially with our health when you never know when you might not be able to walk as far. I remember last year when I had pneumonia and Peritonitis and couldn't even stand much less walk very far ... the hallway to my apartment even seemed like it would go on forever (now my apartment manager moved me even farther to the farthest apartment at the very end of the hall ... people have said to me "you would think after the last time that she would have put you near the elevator, especially since when  you first moved into the building she moved you to the apartment right beside hers in case you needed any help.." I just hope I don't get that sick again .. but I have learned .. without kidneys anything (bad) can happen :(

So anyone driving probably should have a disability parking permit. I mean, we do have to go out and get food once in awhile and pick up our medication...

But since I don't have a car anymore .. I just walk everywhere or ride my bicycle. (I miss a car ... but it is just too expensive to get one again no matter HOW old.)
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: GuyIncognito on September 07, 2006, 05:56:48 PM
I have to admit after parking with my wife in the expecting mothers spot I AM SPOILED and there is no going back... first thing next week I'm going after the handicap sticker... shouldn't be too hard I did just have two stints put in my right leg (However after the operation the leg is 100% but I won't tell if you don't)
 At 27 years of age I should probably feel guilty but seeing as my peer group is actually people generally over 50 I don't really have an issue.

Some of those spots are so wide you could park sideways.... which means no doors bumping into the VW and also you could just park sideways.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Zach on September 09, 2006, 09:10:05 AM
I've been meaning to get a handicap bus/subway farecard.  Just haven't got around to it.     :beer1;
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: MelissaJean on September 13, 2006, 09:56:02 PM
When I went blind I was given one, that was about 6 years ago, every one loves to take me to LA & San Franscisco because you don't have to feed any meters with a DP placecard! & and the tolls are free too

Do you mean that Bridge Toll to San Francisco is free if you have a handicap sticker?  I pay everyday.   :o
I have had a handicap sticker since I was 17 due to Cystic Fibrosis.  It keeps getting renewed and I don't complain.  Though I am not one to abuse it because I like walking, but if it's raining and I have a cold... I am whipping that bad boy out!
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Toni on September 15, 2006, 11:30:13 AM
You should qualify.  Get the form from your dialysis social worker and have your nephrologist complete and sign the form. 
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Fox_nc on September 15, 2006, 02:35:51 PM
Ok - I'm inspired! I hit my state's DMV site and pulled up the form and regulations.  Looks easy enough ... I'll just print it out and get doc to sign it next week.  Worse he can say is no, right.  I just got out of the hospital today and I soooo do not feel up to walking anywhere!  I can get a temp one here for 6 months or one for 5 years.  Even if I only need it for a short time, why not use it?  That's what the program is there for, right?   
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: angieskidney on September 16, 2006, 12:03:44 PM
Ok - I'm inspired! I hit my state's DMV site and pulled up the form and regulations.  Looks easy enough ... I'll just print it out and get doc to sign it next week.  Worse he can say is no, right.  I just got out of the hospital today and I soooo do not feel up to walking anywhere!  I can get a temp one here for 6 months or one for 5 years.  Even if I only need it for a short time, why not use it?  That's what the program is there for, right?   
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: livecam on September 16, 2006, 02:40:20 PM
Should you get a placard if you need one, yes without a doubt.  Should you get one just because you are a dialysis patient and want the "perks" if you don't really need one, no without a doubt.  I see a ton of fraud in the use of those cards almost every day.  For example the bright shiny SUV's, the showroom new BMW's, and Mercedes being driven by snobby teenagers and young adults who open the door and sprint off into the mall or movie theater.  In alot of these cases a card might have been obtained by someone who is disabled but is then used by other perfectly able bodied family members who are too lazy to walk or want their car payment to remain dentless.  It just amazes me to no end that the majority of handicapped parking spaces around here are occupied by the finest, most expensive vehicles a person could hope to see.  Yes disabled persons are driving some of those cars but I'll bet not most.  The placard system doesn't work very well because it is so open to abuse.  It should be done another way.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: kitkatz on September 16, 2006, 04:24:33 PM
But then there is my husband who lost the bottom part of his leg due to a work injury; his doctor will only give us a six month at a time disabled placard. We do not own a BMW or a shiny new car, just old 1999 and 2000 cars.  Is his foot going to grow back? If so in six months when the placard runs out?
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Rerun on September 16, 2006, 06:12:25 PM
But then there is my husband who lost the bottom part of his leg due to a work injury; his doctor will only give us a six month at a time disabled placard. We do not own a BMW or a shiny new car, just old 1999 and 2000 cars.  Is his foot going to grow back? If so in six months when the placard runs out?

Kit, you get one.  At least you will have one in the family.  You should be able to get one for ESRD.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on October 25, 2006, 08:42:31 PM
I'm trying to decide whether to get a handicapped sticker for winter use.
I'm doing good walking and want the exercise but after having my hand
broken, I'm scared of walking a long way on snow and ice.  Always was
anyway, but especially now.  I don't want any more broken bones!!!!!!!
Besides I am always so cold if I had to walk a long way in the cold, I'd
probably have hypothermia.  I think my gp would give me a prescription
for one or whatever I need for it.

Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Zach on October 25, 2006, 09:17:00 PM
I'm trying to decide whether to get a handicapped sticker for winter use.

Go get the the parking permit, absolutely.  Your health comes first!
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Black on October 26, 2006, 07:50:40 AM
I'm trying to decide whether to get a handicapped sticker for winter use. ...

GET THE STICKER!!!  You won't have to use it all of the time, but when you do need it you'll have it!
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on October 26, 2006, 09:41:54 AM
I talked to my gp's nurse about it. 
She'll talk to doc and I imagine I'll get what I need for one.
I probably shouldn't feel this way but it makes me feel like this
disease has taken it's first step in defeating me.  I'm trying to
keep my life as normal as possible  and this is not normal.
It is hard for me to deal with.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: okarol on October 26, 2006, 09:51:10 AM
When Jenna was attending the city college here I would drive her to class and drop her in the blue-curbed cul-de-sac marked "HANDICAP DROP OFF ONLY - NO PARKING" and also pick her up there afterwards. (The next closest place to drop off is about 2 blocks away as the curbs surrounding the campus are either red or permit only.) One day I asked her boyfirend to take my car and go pick her up. He called me a short time later, very upset, and said that a college police office had written him a parking ticket for picking her up. It was a $220 ticket!! I took it to the campus police office and asked what was the reason. The recruit on duty said "You must have a Calif. issued Handicapped Placard to use the drop off." I said "WHAT the heck, he wasn't parking, he was picking up a student who is one of your Disabled Students, registered with the Office of Disabled Students!" I explained that we don't have a parking pass because Jenna doesn't drive, never has, and that we never park on campus. He basically said too bad. So as my voice got louder and I was demanding to have the ticket waived, the sergeant came out - made me calm down and explain it again. He said that there was nothing that could be done, and that I could explain it to the judge in 3 weeks. No. I am not going to do that, I told him. I am going over to the College President's office and I am going to wait there until he can see me. And then I am going to ask him to explain it to me. You need to train your staff about things like this, about helping disabled people, not making it worse. I am going to make sure that this never happens to anyone again. He then said he would waive the ticket "this one time" but that we had to get a Handicap Placard in the future. When we got to dialysis the social worker said, "oh, of course she qualifies, I have the forms in my office, let's get her a placard." It's such a joke - it doesn't seem right. Now Jenna's is taking a break from school and we haven't used the placard at all. But I guess it's nice to know we have it if we get stuck at a hospital driving around forever looking for a parking place!
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on October 26, 2006, 10:21:48 AM
That is ridiculous that they would do that.
They are so misused. 
Like a wife using her husband's when there is nothng wrong with her.
I always feel like they should be available for those who need them most.
I'm hoping for a mild, very mild winter and I won't even have to use it.
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Black on October 26, 2006, 10:43:26 AM
... I'm hoping for a mild, very mild winter and I won't even have to use it.

And I'm hoping your will use it when you should -- no more broken bones!

Also, keep in mind that all of us who live long enough will eventually need one. :lol;
Title: Re: handicapped?
Post by: Ohio Buckeye on October 26, 2006, 10:49:21 AM
That is probably true.
I just got the message from the doc. office and they have the
pres. for me.  That was quick.