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Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: News Articles => Topic started by: okarol on January 29, 2008, 05:47:21 PM

Title: GIFT OF LIFE: James is going for gold
Post by: okarol on January 29, 2008, 05:47:21 PM
GIFT OF LIFE: James is going for gold

Published Date:  29 January 2008
Source: Sheffield Star

JAMES Wright is living proof that organ donations save lives.

He was just eight years old when he suffered sudden kidney failure – which came as a shock because before then there had been no indication anything was wrong.

It started one night when James went into his parents' room complaining he felt sick and during the night starting shaking and had a fit.

He had suffered kidney failure, with only a small amount of one kidney left working normally.

Luckily a suitable kidney donor was found in record time and James, now aged 11, had a life-saving operation at St James's Hospital in Leeds just five days after falling ill.

The doctors have never found out what caused his kidney failure – whether it was a birth defect or something that had developed over the course of his life. His mum Diane had a kidney transplant 25 years ago so it is possible there is some hereditary link, although it remains unclear.

His parents are hugely grateful that thanks to the generosity of the donor, James has been given the chance to enjoy a normal life.

Diane, 45, said: "If it wasn't for the transplant James would not be here."

The Wrights are backing the Gift of Life campaign and want to encourage people to take action and sign up as potential donors so other families can benefit.

Sign up to save a life.Click here to join the organ donor register

"Donors can make such a big difference to someone's life and hopefully stories like James's will encourage more people to sign up to the organ donor register," added mum Diane.

The donation has not only meant that James, from Cusworth, Doncaster, can lead a normal life, but he has competed in two British Transplant Games – in Bath in 2006
and Edinburgh last year.

James, the youngest of three brothers, has taken part in swimming, the obstacle course, running and the long jump and is looking forward to this year's British Transplant Games, which take place in Sheffield in August.

He is hoping to add to his tally of two gold and two silver medals.

"We hope that James acts as an inspiration to show people how much organ donors can help people's lives," said Diane.

"I can't wait for the competition this year," said James.

"I really enjoy it.

"I've made lots of friends by taking part before and it'll be nice to meet up with them again."
