I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Centers => Topic started by: kitkatz on November 12, 2007, 08:29:35 PM

Title: Stop Messing with Me!
Post by: kitkatz on November 12, 2007, 08:29:35 PM
I was called today for dialysis between 2 and 2:15.  I show up and they look at me like I am nuts.   So for someone who was told to show up for dialysis at 2p.m. they did not get me on till 2:45.  Why did they call me?  I could have come in at three and gotten on as usual.  I was furious.  They took an hour from my life. 
Title: Re: Stop Messing with Me!
Post by: goofynina on November 12, 2007, 08:59:17 PM
Kit, i am sorry you are having all these complications with this damn disease, if it isnt one thing it is another  :banghead;  I hope you let them have it good  :boxing;  Hang in there girlfriend and always come here to let it out, we all know what you are going through cuz i am sure at least one of us has had it happen to them too.  Although it is hard, keep your attitude and wave that big stick when you need to.  We love you girlfriend  :grouphug; 
Title: Re: Stop Messing with Me!
Post by: tamara on November 12, 2007, 09:32:13 PM
Yes I wonder if we added up all that time down the drain, waiting getting held up, etc...........................  :banghead;
Title: Re: Stop Messing with Me!
Post by: angela515 on November 12, 2007, 10:33:08 PM
Give me a nickel for everytime they ever wasted my time... man... I tell ya... I'de take us all to the bahamas. :thumbup;
Title: Re: Stop Messing with Me!
Post by: Joe Paul on November 12, 2007, 11:29:49 PM
That really sucks Kitkatz, I know what you mean its like our time doesn't mean a thing. Freaking puppets at their beck n call  :rant;
Title: Re: Stop Messing with Me!
Post by: Sluff on November 13, 2007, 04:13:30 AM
Not just the time wasted but the disruption of your schedule also.  Some people are so inconsiderate.  :grouphug;
Title: Re: Stop Messing with Me!
Post by: 2_DallasCowboys on November 13, 2007, 08:48:55 AM
It is really aggravating when they tell you to
come in at a certain time, and then leave you
waiting!  This used to happen to my husband
alot, and when he was very weak and sick, extra
time spent in the waiting room was very stressful.
I hope it does not happen anymore, Kat!

Title: Re: Stop Messing with Me!
Post by: kitkatz on November 13, 2007, 10:06:53 AM
I have a feeling they are not going to call me in early again.  I told the lady I had things to do and a life and to please allow me to live it.
Title: Re: Stop Messing with Me!
Post by: jbeany on November 13, 2007, 01:08:19 PM
One more reason to push for a NxStage, kit - your schedule, and the only people you have to arrange it around are you and your hubby.  By the end of this month, I'll have rearranged my dialysis schedule 3 weeks out of 4 - once for a party, once so I could go out to celebrate my birthday, and once so I could have Thanksgiving off.  I do not miss the clinic and the endless waiting in chairs at all!