I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Transplant Discussion => Topic started by: bolta72 on November 01, 2007, 11:25:21 AM

Title: colonoscopy
Post by: bolta72 on November 01, 2007, 11:25:21 AM
I am due to have a number of tests done for my transplant evaluation, and I don't want to sound like chicken little but I dread the thought of the colonoscopy. Could you share your experiences with this test.

EDITED:  Moved post to proper thread "Transplant Stories" - Goofynina/Admin.
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: KR Cincy on November 01, 2007, 11:58:47 AM
I had one a couple of years ago and truly, the preparatio was worse than the test. Sure, the realization of what they are going to do to you sends shivers...but they gave me some lovely medicine that put me to sleep and when I woke up a few minutes later, it was over. It's a heavy sedation, not full anesthesia, so you don't feel lousy afterwards.

That being said...the preparation for the colonoscopy is really not fun. You gotta flush out the ol' system, and it's not a particularly gentle process. Get a magazine and a scented candle and just get through it. Don't wander far from the bathroom once the stuff kicks in and then follow all the instructions about what not to eat or drink before the test. You'll have a few hours of being miserable, but eventually all will pass (literally) then you can get some sleep before going for the test.

Good luck!
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: livecam on November 01, 2007, 12:19:18 PM
I am due to have a number of tests done for my transplant evaluation, and I don't want to sound like chicken little but I dread the thought of the colonoscopy. Could you share your experiences with this test.

Let me put your mind at ease.  The prep beforehand does take about a day.  It is no big deal.  The colonoscopy itself is done under a heavy sedative which produces a twilight sleep.  In short the whole thing was a piece of cake.  I was up chatting no time after they finished and we were out of there slightly thereafter for a lavish lunch which you might want after not eating for a day or so.  Don't worry!
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: paddbear0000 on November 01, 2007, 12:47:02 PM
Is a colonoscopy required for everyone who gets a transplant? I'm a type 1 diabetic and there is NO WAY I can go a day without eating! I'd end up in a coma!
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: 2_DallasCowboys on November 01, 2007, 12:53:17 PM

Les had to have a colonoscopy in order to qualify for
the transplant list.  Believe me, my husband is truly the
biggest chicken in the world!  He said the test itself is
no  problem, as all have stated above.  Yes, the prep is
no walk in the park- (if you are in the park you better
know where the restrooms are for sure) :rofl;
Don't know how true this is or if it even can apply to
dialysis patients but I did hear that they now can give
the cleansing meds in a pill form.
Might be something to look into

Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: livecam on November 01, 2007, 01:03:11 PM
Is a colonoscopy required for everyone who gets a transplant? I'm a type 1 diabetic and there is NO WAY I can go a day without eating! I'd end up in a coma!

It all depends on your transplant center.  A colonoscopy was not required for my transplant.  I've had two sigmoid colonoscopies and one full colonoscopy all years after transplant.
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: ODAT on November 01, 2007, 01:20:26 PM
I had a colonoscopy and agree that the cleansing is the worst part of it. Not everyone has the same experience (guess it depends on how full of cr@p they are lol). I felt nauseous and even dizzy. I had the stuff you drink and pills. The procedure itself was fine.
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: paris on November 01, 2007, 02:06:37 PM
As with everything, the unknown is worse than the reality.  The prep is really the worst part.  I didn't want anyone around!  But the procedure was a breeze, thanks to great medication. No discomfort and felt fine shortly after.  I won't be nervous at all next time.  And, yes, I did have to have one for the transplant evaluation.  It may depend on age, whether they require one or not.  Let us know how you do.
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: goofynina on November 01, 2007, 02:16:05 PM
I just seen this done on Oprah and the guy let them do it on camera, he slept the whole way through and woke up feeling fine,  they did show him drinking that stuff and cleaning out his system the night before and he said the stuff he had to drink wasnt that bad tasting either ;)  I think you'll be ok Bolta  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: Chris on November 01, 2007, 09:13:24 PM
Is a colonoscopy required for everyone who gets a transplant? I'm a type 1 diabetic and there is NO WAY I can go a day without eating! I'd end up in a coma!
They adjusted my insulin so I wouldn't go into hypoglycemica. However I was in hyperglycemia and felt like crap from that for the test. Maybe you will not need it pre transplant, so don't worry about it until you are given the nasty stuff to drink.
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: stauffenberg on November 02, 2007, 09:35:21 AM
I had a colonoscopy with absolutely NO medication, and the experience was miserable.  Just be forewarned that not all gastroenterologists use anesthesia for this procedure.
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: livecam on November 02, 2007, 10:02:46 AM
I had a colonoscopy with absolutely NO medication, and the experience was miserable.  Just be forewarned that not all gastroenterologists use anesthesia for this procedure.

I had two sigmoid (partial) colonoscopies with no medication which is standard where I'm treated.  The second one was hell on earth and I made them stop shortly after they began.  The full colonoscopy was done under twilight sleep and was no problem.
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: Zach on November 02, 2007, 10:15:11 AM

The second one was hell on earth and I made them stop shortly after they began.

Ain't that the truth!
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: Chris on November 02, 2007, 01:08:13 PM
I wasn't asked nor gave them the chance to tell me. I told them I want to be out, I do not want to know what is going on. I had to do this with my eye surgery to, no light sedation for me, I want to be out. Do not want to hear or feel anything. can't elax if I know what is going on and they want you to be still.
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: Razman on November 02, 2007, 06:50:34 PM
Hey , they can give you something to kind of put you out and the colonoscopy is no big deal.  It's what you have to go through the night before to flush you guts out.  ( I could have used other words but I won't)   I don't if I want to do that again !
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: livecam on November 04, 2007, 09:19:51 AM
The second one was hell on earth and I made them stop shortly after they began. 

I was just remembering the bad one and as I recall it was an on the job training session for one of the nurses who was performing the test.  OJT on me for that did not work!  It was worse than a newbie tech using your arm as his or her first pincushion. NO MO of that!
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: KT0930 on November 04, 2007, 11:00:07 AM
Is a colonoscopy required for everyone who gets a transplant? I'm a type 1 diabetic and there is NO WAY I can go a day without eating! I'd end up in a coma!

The only time I've had to have it done had nothing to do with transplants or work-ups. I think it depends on your age at the time of applying for the list. I believe 40 or 45 is the magic number for most teams.
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: bolta72 on January 08, 2008, 01:22:31 PM
Well finally got it done today, I must say it was a piece of cake, when they were done I didn't even know they had started. I was a big baby over nothing. The results were all is clean and will have one again in 5 years. So now all my tests are done for the transplant evaluation except for the eye doctor. I will see the transp;ant coordinator at the end of the month. Thanks for all your in-put on the colon thing.
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: willieandwinnie on January 08, 2008, 03:00:36 PM
:thumbup; Good for you bolta72. Glad it is over with and everything looked good. May you get additional good news at the end of the month.

Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: okarol on January 08, 2008, 03:31:47 PM
I have to get one soon too - so I am glad to hear it wasn't too awful.  :-\
Glad you are progressing with your evaluation!  :2thumbsup;
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: Romona on January 08, 2008, 08:42:18 PM
I have to get one soon too - so I am glad to hear it wasn't too awful. :-\
Glad you are progressing with your evaluation! :2thumbsup;

Me too! Jan 25th.
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: Fumabella on February 23, 2008, 06:41:23 AM
I recently had a colonoscopy. The worse part was the anticipation of the prep.This anxiety came from "colonoscopy stories" and the inherent embarrassment/privacy issues.
 I was given a huge jug of the usual renal cocktail to take home and instructions of a special diet clear fluid diet the day before. I simmered a pot of chicken soup seasoned with garlic, vegetables and cumin. I strained the soup and it satisfied my hunger during the day. Then I started the cocktail about 4 PM drinking 8 OZ every 20-30 Min. I kept busy on my computer near a bathroom. Yes, I was up and down but if your careful not to fill up your colon in the two days before the procedure by eating lightly; the process will only take about three hours.
 We dialysis patients know that three hours is nothing to whine about. The process was smooth and relatively easy, while a nuisance, it was not the horrible experience most make of it.
I suppose discomfort is a relative issue. I had a catheter in my chest replaced a week before which was accompanied by heparin induced bleeding and an hours worth of hard pressure applied by a nurse. I was in extraordinary pain for four days. Even walking made my chest ache.
All this to say; Colonsocopy's are a breeze. Make sure your appointment  first thing in the morning so you don't get backed up behind someone else who could be delayed. You can also eat sooner when scheduled early. My husband had a chicken club sandwich lined up on discharge.
The staff at Cedars Sinai in LA could not have been more considerate and kind. I was under light anesthesia but do not remember a thing and it was over. Any discomfort (prep )was  well worth the benefit of meeting pre-transplant requirements and knowing you are healthy.
Be careful not to let horror stories influence good decision making. I am thankful for the technology available today, this all would have been much more challenging in years past.
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: isurvived on February 26, 2008, 06:02:32 AM
You know, there are different preps. If you get one that has pills plus a small amount of fluid (yuck!) it is not as bad as if you have a whole bunch of fluid. I have had it both ways and believe me, the pills plus some liquid aren't near as bad. IMO
Title: Re: colonoscopy
Post by: willieandwinnie on February 26, 2008, 06:23:38 AM
Fumabella, Glad it is behind you.  >:D
When Len had his colonoscopy the GI doctor admitted him the day before. Len has short gut and they monitored the amount of the cocktail they gave him. Only about half of what normal people use. He was scheduled to be first and the GI doctor also did an endoscope while Len was under.