I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Sara on May 08, 2006, 07:50:57 AM

Title: Need some quick advice..."rotor-rootering" out the fistula?
Post by: Sara on May 08, 2006, 07:50:57 AM
So, Joe just called to say that he's on his way to the hospital to get his vein rotor-rootered out.  He said something about it b/c of all the bruising that he's had, and some blood clots..he wasn't really coherent so I couldn't understand it all.  Is this normal?  He's been using his fistula for about a month!  Is this going to cause problems?  Anything else that can be done instead of it?

Title: Re: Need some quick advice..."rotor-rootering" out the fistula?
Post by: geoffcamp on May 08, 2006, 03:28:54 PM
hey Sara.. still getting slammed by this whole process I see, I am having the same problems.  It started about 8 months ago since the  lost the fistula that had been working great for about 4 or 5 years (I try not to count!!!!) so the put in the cath (god I hate those @#$!%##$%$^^ things) and did surgery to put in a new graft... it failed right away and the doctor cut some nerves and I lost feeling in most of my left hand  :)  so then I requested a surgeon I have had good experiences with and he cut me open again and put in the graft that I found out today when I went to go for treatment was clotted.  Going in tomorrow to see if it can be unclotted.  The only change I made was blood pressure meds and the reason the fistula failed is my blood pressure was too low which is because they put me on too many meds because it got really bad high.. So I guess I am screwed either way High my heart explodes and low I die from not getting dialysis!  Anyway, I rambled about my issues I hope they can unclot him and the fistula lasts a long time, watch his BP if it is always low comming off treatment meds must be adjusted just my humble opinion.
Title: Re: Need some quick advice..."rotor-rootering" out the fistula?
Post by: Rerun on May 08, 2006, 08:16:36 PM
I just had a Fistula-gram last Monday.  It went BAD because I was on Prednisone for 18 years and it made my veins weak.  So, when he inflated the balloon to widen the vein, it split and filled my arm/shoulder/breast tissue with blood and it hurt like a son-of-a-bitch!  It has taken me a full week to half way recover.  Good news is they put in a stint and my fistula is working.  I'm sure Joe's will go fine.  Best of luck.   8)
Title: Re: Need some quick advice..."rotor-rootering" out the fistula?
Post by: Epoman on May 08, 2006, 08:58:00 PM
If off I hate it when nurses and techs call it "Roto-rooter" we are human beings with feelings not pieces of PVC pipe.  >:( but it's OK if us patients call it that  ;D yeah, yeah I know double standard.

But anyway back on topic, luckily I have not yet had the 'pleasure' of needing a "Rooting" I am curious to know how it turns out for him. Remember when I told you that all that bruising could cause problems well it did. So make sure when Joe goes back to his center to ONLY let the best "Sticker" stick him. Ask the Administrator or charge nurse who the best is. Demand an answer. Joe needs to be pro-active in his treatment and stand up for himself. This is just one more reason he should come to this site too.

From what I understand declotting a fistula is not always successful, and they may need to do an Angio-Gram. to widen the clotted area. There is slight discomfort to pain depending upon your tolerance of pain. I felt very little when I had a Angio-Gram done.

I'll say it again, is Joe exercising his arm? if not he needs to. The bigger that fistula gets, the uglier it is but boy it will last him aloooooong time.

Please keep us updated.

- Epoman
Title: Re: Need some quick advice..."rotor-rootering" out the fistula?
Post by: Sara on May 10, 2006, 12:28:33 PM
I will definitely get on him about exercising his arm. 

To update, the dialysis center sucked out some clot stuff (TMI?) and then sent him to the hospital.  At the hospital they used the balloon thing (sorry, not up on the terminology) to widen his vein.  The tech/nurse whoever talked to me when I picked him up said it wasn't blocked completely but they did need to widen it, and said that sometimes it needs to be widened a few times until it finally stays...wide, I guess.  I asked if this would be affected by the dialysis center not sticking him properly, and he said his personal opinion was probably, but that he couldn't say 100%.  He said we need to find the best sticker and bribe them by bringing coffee or something and get them to do it.  I understand why he said that, but it really makes me mad to think that we might actually have to bribe someone so Joe gets the treatment he needs and deserves.  They also put a stent in because he said (I think this is it) there was a vein leading away from the fistula and that could affect it.  Does that sound correct?  Joe's arm was sore the rest of that day and the next but is getting better.  We talked (Joe and I) about not letting that one lady at the center not stick him any more, but today guess who stuck him?  Joe said "she only stuck me twice, then they got someone else who stuck me once."  I don't think he gets it that any unnecessary stick is too many.  I'm going to talk to him again about it tonight.  We may have to call up to the center when he's not there, because he goes early in the morning, so I think he's tired and maybe a little intimidated to say anything about it, or question the lady who does it.  I'm not sure who I should talk to, but I guess there's got to be a nurse supervisor or something.

Rerun, I remember reading about your vein splitting, and that's part of the reason I was freaking out a bit about this.  I'm glad yours is doing OK now.  I didn't know that pred weakens your veins!  Joe's pretty much screwed.  Diabetes f'ed up his veins, the dialysis workers/process is f'ing up his veins, now if/when he gets a transplant, the pred is going to mess with his veins.  He just can't win.   :-\

Geoff, I hope they're able to de-clot it for you.  Sorry about the problems you've been having.  It is nice to talk to you again!  :)