I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: KICKSTART on September 09, 2007, 05:23:27 AM

Title: Pain in the A***
Post by: KICKSTART on September 09, 2007, 05:23:27 AM
Well not quite ! Does anyone get pain over the kidney area? I'm usually fine but this morning i have a nagging pain right over my right kidney area and its something i've not had before , its quite strong.  Off to find a hot water bottle see if that eases it !
Title: Re: Pain in the A***
Post by: SpeedFleX on September 09, 2007, 06:24:04 AM
I use to get these, bladder infection. You should just in case check it if anythings wrong, could just be your back through.
Title: Re: Pain in the A***
Post by: karen547 on September 09, 2007, 06:25:13 AM
I get the same thing, and the doctors say that its a muscle spasm~! I'm like no it is NOT.  I find that a hot water bottle really helps, as does Tylenol.
Title: Re: Pain in the A***
Post by: lola on September 09, 2007, 06:26:52 AM
I know Dani will cry and say her tummy or back hurts and her Neph says it's kidney pain she just doesn't know that's what it is.
Title: Re: Pain in the A***
Post by: Ken Shelmerdine on September 09, 2007, 02:27:33 PM
If you've just woken up with it maybe you've strained a muscle in your back by turning awkwardly in your sleep. I know the feeling though. The first thing you think of is OMG it's my kidneys. It's happened to me occasionally and I always think the worst and by the next day it's usually gone.
Title: Re: Pain in the A***
Post by: jbeany on September 09, 2007, 06:27:38 PM
The lower my iron and hemoglobin, the worse my kidneys feel - anything from a burning heat sensation to so bad I end up taking a lot of drugs to knock me right out.  Being overtired also makes it worse.  It's an unusual symptom, but not unheard of (at least among the patients on here!), so if it persists, you may have to fight the docs to get them to believe you.  Heat does help it a bit. Rest and an increased dose of Arenesp has done wonders for me - I rarely get it anymore.
Title: Re: Pain in the A***
Post by: Romona on September 09, 2007, 06:47:45 PM
I recently found out I had a bladder infection. I have had them before but this time it was a different type of pain. I had no burning ect..... The area was a dull pain at first in my back and moved to my right side.
I have had pain in my kidney area before and it turned out to be nothing. Hope you feel better. :)
Title: Re: Pain in the A***
Post by: Sluff on September 09, 2007, 07:30:11 PM
Some mornings I wake up with severe pain in the kidney area, sometimes on one side and other times both sides, it doesn't last long maybe a few hours, but it's hard to get motivated to go to work those days.
Title: Re: Pain in the A***
Post by: silverhead on September 09, 2007, 09:13:20 PM
Most everyone here already has been diagnosed with Kidney problems, in Sharon's case long before she was finally diagnosed with  kidney Failure, she went to her GP and complained of great pain in her back, (over the Kidney area), He failed to take the appropriate blood tests and said she just had back problems, gave her pain pills and dismissed her, when the pain became unbearable for her I took her to the emergency room and they quickly found the problem was completely blocked Ureters causing the Kidneys to fail, course wouldn't you just know that the Urologist they assigned her very quickly determined it was kidney stones and inserted stents to cure it, a couple of weeks went by with no improvement, Sharon was really upset with his cavalier attitude she fired him, the New Urologist did the proper tests and found that it was all scar tissue from long term chronic infection that was the problem, He did an operation that utilized a section of her bowel to fashion a section of Ureter and all went pretty well for about 3 years before scarring again caused problems and she finally had to go onto Dialysis. So if you are not on Dialysis yet and experience pain in the Kidney area, use caution and have them check labs for Creatanine and any other tests to check their function please......
Title: Re: Pain in the A***
Post by: keefer51 on September 10, 2007, 02:51:28 AM
Since i was only born with one kidney located in my right pelvis my transplanted kidney is located in my left pelvic area. I have had constant pain since it rejected. It doesn't matter what position i am in. Once i made a mistake and told the doc. he said it was just gas. I said stick around doc. till about a half hour before my treatment was over. I'll show you some gas. :yahoo;