I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: ulrika on April 21, 2006, 05:00:04 PM

Title: How many here have pets?
Post by: ulrika on April 21, 2006, 05:00:04 PM
My reason for asking this is that my daughter had the catheter for PD access installed today.
We have heard a lot about the importance of absolute cleanliness with this method of dialysis, as there is a big risk for peritonitis.
We have a dog who is very attached to my daughter, and likes to cuddle up to her at night.
What are the risks for infection through close contact with a pet?
The thought of peritonitis, together with everything else that my daughter is going through worries me immensely.
Maybe someone here could help me?
Hugs, Ulrika
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: kevno on April 21, 2006, 06:14:06 PM
I had a dog and a cat when I was on CAPD, the only thing you must make sure the dog never goes in the room where she is doing her PD. your daughter will still be able to cuddle the dog, but I would not let the dog in her room at night, or when she is doing her PD. In 12years I only got 2 infections (both times I was in Hospital) so you daughter should have no problem with the dog. You just have to be a little bit more careful.


Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: ulrika on April 21, 2006, 06:35:37 PM
Thanks kevno;
We were worried that we may have to find another home for our beloved pet. ;D
Hugs, Ulrika
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Rerun on April 21, 2006, 10:01:44 PM
Pets are very therapeutic.  She is giving up enough.  Keep the dog!  I had a dog while I was on Home hemo and then CAPD.  I think I remember having her on my lap watching TV.  She was a house dog but did not sleep with me.

One time after Hemo, my helper had gone outside.  I started to cramp and started screaming for help.  I yelled at my dog to go get help (Like she was Lassie or something) and she went running.........straight into her dog house.  What a dog!   ;D

Now once you get a transplant.  No cats or birds.  Dogs are fine.  Cat urine has bacteria in it.  The litter bag evens warns against anyone on immunosupressant drugs.  Birds carry bacteria or something too.
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Naggy6 on April 22, 2006, 01:14:17 PM
I have heard that if you already had the the cat for a while it would be OK but not to get one after transplant. I'm not sure of the reason for this but it was just what I was told.

Absolutly no birds though.
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Rerun on April 22, 2006, 07:05:52 PM
I have heard that if you already had the the cat for a while it would be OK but not to get one after transplant. I'm not sure of the reason for this but it was just what I was told.

Absolutely no birds though.

No, cat pee is cat pee.  Pregnant women and transplant patients at LEAST should not touch the cat litter box.  Maybe ask your vet about cats.

I don't know of anyone losing a transplant due to cats, but I have read the warning against them several times.

Another thing.  Since your transplanted kidney is in your front abdomen they don't want you to ride horses.  Western saddles have the horn which could damage your kidney if something happened.  I rode anyway because you have to have "some" quality of life and I trusted my horse.  If I had it to do over again, I would buy and English saddle.

See Kevno?  The English have something to offer.  ;D
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: kitkatz on April 23, 2006, 12:32:11 AM
I have a dog and three cats. I am on hemodialysis, not PD, so it makes a difference.  I have a gentle leader leash to take the dog for a walk so she does not pull me all over the place.  It works great.  I plan to replace it with a gentle leash harness that is out now.  The dog should like it better. 

The cats are all nuts.  I have Siamese, an orange tabby, and a gray cat.  I do NOT change litter boxes ever in the house.  If I have to, I will call my sister over to help me get the boxes changed.  She did it when my hubby was gone for three weeks last year. 

Life is good with pets.  Medical research says pets help to calm the blood pressure and bring joy to our lives.

Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: kevno on April 23, 2006, 03:46:08 PM
Yes Rerun,

A bloody broken arm, got thrown. My fault doing a Hi o Silver away. The horse went ok, I ended up in a heap on the ground about 2 yards from where I got on the Horse. OUCH!! In plaster for 6 weeks. Got back on that horse but treated it with a little bit of respect, no more showing off ;)

what an idiot I was >:(

Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: susie q on April 23, 2006, 03:46:57 PM
I have 2 dogs... would like a cat but the dogs say no way!!  They are quite funny sometimes and very loving...  my only company during the days...  my best friends...  ;D ;)
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Naggy6 on April 25, 2006, 06:16:51 PM
I have two cats like I said but I don't have to change the litter box either   >:D My husband does that for me.

What can I say he is a good guy.
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: ulrika on April 26, 2006, 09:55:41 AM
Buddy (the dog) has been so conciderate since my daughter came home from surgery. He seem to sense that he can't jump up on her, and he is now sleeping with my granddaughter.
Thanks for sharing your experience with your pets. :)

Hugs, Ulrika
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Panda_9 on May 14, 2006, 11:16:11 PM
We have a cat too, and if I get a transplant there is no way I would get rid of him. He is like a child to us. I dont see how the litter tray can be harm to you if you are hygenic about it. We disinfect the tray when needed, and I dont touch the litter at all when Im changing it. I always scrub my hands afterwards, even if I have worn gloves to change it. Hell I'll wear a mask if I have to.
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Gil on May 15, 2006, 11:33:09 AM
We have a cat for 12 years and I am 5 years after txp, so both can coexist.
Our cat is an equal rights family member and I wonder why people that don't see it this way take pets.
The only time we didn't let him into the bedroom was during the few months I did PD. At the beginning he was quite upset and gave us the silence treatment for a few days…… >:(
I was warned about cat litter but I was also warned not to do yard work (digging), wood work, and to stay away from construction sites.
So my wife cleans the litter box and I am careful not to let him bite or scratch me.
We wash our hands a zillion times a day, I always use paper towels on top of the placemat and don't eat anything that touched the table (for a cat, crossing the kitchen by jumping over the table is a shortcut). ;D


Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: ulrika on May 18, 2006, 07:36:30 PM
We are absolutely heart broken. I went for pd training with my daughter. We had to be away for 5 days, so we had to leave Buddy with a sitter for the first time.
Yesterday we got the devastating news over the phone that Buddy had somehow gotten out of their yard, and was seriously beaten up by the neighbours dogs....one of them a pitbull. They just missed the jugular vein by a few millimeters. He has 2 tubes sticking out of his neck, and he was bitten everywhere, including his penis. The vet stapled many, many wounds, but there are still lots of puncture wounds open. When we picked him up from the vets today, we could not believe what we saw. Have never seen an animal so badly beaten up. The vet thinks that he will eventually recover, but we are so scared of loosing him. This dog is the sweetest dog you can imagine.
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: kitkatz on May 18, 2006, 08:23:07 PM
Poor baby doggie. I hope all goes well for him.  It is a terrible thing when you are gone and something happens.  Prayers for Fido are heading your way.

Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: ulrika on May 18, 2006, 09:36:18 PM
Thanks Katherine.

Hugs, Ulrika
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: kevno on May 18, 2006, 10:22:32 PM
Sorry to hear about your pet, I hope he gets better soon. I know how much a pet means to the household, they become one of the family.

Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Panda_9 on May 19, 2006, 02:48:41 AM
Oh dear the poor thing!! Sounds awful, hope he recovers asap. It would be heartbreaking to see any animal in that state. A couple of weeks ago I had plumbers here and they didnt shut the screen door properly and I couldnt find the cat. I was convinced he had got out, as there was no sign of him anywhere. He didnt even come when I shook his food container. I went to phone a friend for help as I was in a pretty bad state and didnt know what to do. As I went to pick up the phone, I saw a cord move behind the computer, and the little twirp mosies on out from behind the computer desk! It was such a terrible feeling when I thought I had lost him, never had that before. He is a very spoilt cat!
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Black on May 19, 2006, 07:42:17 AM
We are absolutely heart broken. I went for pd training with my daughter. We had to be away for 5 days, so we had to leave Buddy with a sitter for the first time.
Yesterday we got the devastating news over the phone that Buddy had somehow gotten out of their yard, and was seriously beaten up by the neighbours dogs....one of them a pitbull. They just missed the jugular vein by a few millimeters. He has 2 tubes sticking out of his neck, and he was bitten everywhere, including his penis. The vet stapled many, many wounds, but there are still lots of puncture wounds open. When we picked him up from the vets today, we could not believe what we saw. Have never seen an animal so badly beaten up. The vet thinks that he will eventually recover, but we are so scared of loosing him. This dog is the sweetest dog you can imagine.

I'm so sorry that happened to your baby; he's lucky to be alive.  I do dog boarding and grooming at my home and my greatest fear is losing someone's baby or them getting injured while they're here.  We have 4 shih tzu and 1 shih tzu mix, (all rescued) so I can imagine how it would feel to have something like that happen -- awful beyond words!!

I hope the vet has prescribed something for pain -- and antibiotics, as infection is the greatest threat now.  Watch for swelling around the puncture wounds which may indicate an abscess and watch for drainage.  Any drainage which is smelly and anything other than clear or slightly bloody may also indicate infection.  If it's any shade of green or yellow or has a strong smell get back to the vet ASAP.  Be sure you are providing a high quality diet -- when mine are recovering from surgery I switch to puppy food for a week or so.  Jars of beef, chicken, turkey or lamb baby food are great for tempting them to eat and a good source of high quality protein.  If you think they are not drinking enough water try giving warm chicken or beef broth, or try mixing half and half w/ water.

Please keep me posted and feel free to email me direct at blackwxyz@aol.com

Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: susie q on May 19, 2006, 09:55:02 AM
So sorry to hear about your dog...  so sad ..  Hope recovery is quick..
Pitbulls are banned here in Ontario... mean dogs...  >:D
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Black on May 19, 2006, 10:35:02 AM
So sorry to hear about your dog...  so sad ..  Hope recovery is quick..
Pitbulls are banned here in Ontario... mean dogs...  >:D

Check out this site.

My best friend's son and his wife are on the board of directors and currently have three pit bulls living in their house -- two rescues they now own, and one they are fostering until she can be placed in a permanent home.  All three are very sweet and very well trained.  Do you remember the dog "Petey" in the "Little Rascals" movies -- he was a pit bull, a child's dog.  Most pit bull attacks are the result of human stupidity -- poor breeding practices, poor training or abuse, and poor judgement by the owners.

I just read a news story about a dog that saved a 9 year old from drowning.  It wasn't his dog and wasn't a rescue dog -- he just heard the cries for help, dove in and swam back to shore with the boy hanging on.

I am happy every time I read another medical related article which supports the fact that pets add so much to our lives.  I think every hospital and every nursing home ought to have a "mascot".  Pets are such a blessing; we owe them a debt which is impossible to repay. 

Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: susie q on May 19, 2006, 01:43:14 PM
You are right... I shouldn't have said they were all mean...  it is just that when the attacks do happen, they are out to kill.. very viscious..  I know they are not all bad.. but they are so dangerous...   :o
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Black on May 19, 2006, 03:35:18 PM
... when the attacks do happen, they are out to kill.. very vicious..  I know they are not all bad.. but they are so dangerous...   :o

ITA, I believe a small pack of aggressive pits could easily kill any other animal except possibly an elephant.

IMO, breeders of aggressive pits ought to be prosecuted when one of their dogs is involved in an unprovoked attack.  Maybe someday we'll have all dogs DNA registered, so we know where they came from and can stop the reckless breeding.  There is no other animal which will so willingly risk their life to save us, and often prefers our company to the company of their own kind.

Before my cousin got his heart transplant he had to find another home for his dog -- he was devastated by the loss of her company, especially because he lives alone.  By the time he got well enough to go visit her, she had already died of old age -- so sad :'(  Maybe someday the anti-rejection drugs will not be necessary.
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Rerun on May 19, 2006, 05:52:10 PM
I'm so sorry for your baby.  If it was a child someone would be held responsible.  I would try and find the owners.  Kisses to your doggie and I hope he/she recovers soon.   :(
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Len on June 03, 2006, 07:02:08 AM
I have a black lab 6 years old  who sneaks up on the bed at night while I'm on dialysis  he always waits till the TV and lights are out  and curls up at the bottom  (( fire me a email Ulrika))  carlisle1@shaw.ca
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Sara on June 03, 2006, 09:38:50 AM
So sorry to hear about your dog...  so sad ..  Hope recovery is quick..
Pitbulls are banned here in Ontario... mean dogs...  >:D

Check out this site.

My best friend's son and his wife are on the board of directors and currently have three pit bulls living in their house -- two rescues they now own, and one they are fostering until she can be placed in a permanent home.  All three are very sweet and very well trained.  Do you remember the dog "Petey" in the "Little Rascals" movies -- he was a pit bull, a child's dog.  Most pit bull attacks are the result of human stupidity -- poor breeding practices, poor training or abuse, and poor judgement by the owners.

I just read a news story about a dog that saved a 9 year old from drowning.  It wasn't his dog and wasn't a rescue dog -- he just heard the cries for help, dove in and swam back to shore with the boy hanging on.

I am happy every time I read another medical related article which supports the fact that pets add so much to our lives.  I think every hospital and every nursing home ought to have a "mascot".  Pets are such a blessing; we owe them a debt which is impossible to repay. 


Great website Lorelle!  I am totally with you on the value of pets.  When it's time for us to get another dog (many years hopefully), I will seriously consider rescuing a Pit.  I work at a vet's office, and the vast majority that come in are very nice.  I'd sooner ban Chows than Pits - those suckers try to bite just about every time. LOL
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Bajanne on June 07, 2006, 05:21:23 PM
So sorry to hear about the dog.  Could you please keep us updated.
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: ulrika on June 07, 2006, 06:37:38 PM
I am happy to give you an update. Buddy is doing great, the staples he had all over are gone, and so are the drainage tubes in his neck. He is back to his old self. We can't believe that he survived this ordeal with body and spirit intact. The vet is absolutely amazed. Last Friday, at a bbq, we discovered that Buddy is a pro soccer player. A previous owner must have taught him how to play, he knows all the rules. There were two female dogs at the bbq, and they were totally charmed by him. He is the most special dog, and we spoil him rotten. :)
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Sara on June 07, 2006, 07:11:20 PM
Glad Buddy's doing well!
Title: Re: How many here have pets?
Post by: Panda_9 on June 07, 2006, 07:39:27 PM
Great news!  ;D