I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Centers => Topic started by: DavitastaffRN on June 08, 2007, 12:45:55 PM

Title: DaVita clinics to form unions?
Post by: DavitastaffRN on June 08, 2007, 12:45:55 PM
I have heard over the past week or so and the word going around was that a few of the clinics have some grumblings for union status.
I am not against that at all. My spouse is union and thats not been an issue for our family in the least. It is the opinion of some of the other DaVita staff that it would help not only the staff but the patients. I wonder what KT thinks about this?
What are your opinions?
Title: Re: DaVita clinics to form unions?
Post by: kitkatz on June 09, 2007, 02:42:40 PM
I am in the teacher's union and let me tell you without it we would be the least paid people in the nation, even though we have the MOST effect on the next generation!  I think the techs should have a union for their own protection.
Title: Re: DaVita clinics to form unions?
Post by: Sara on June 09, 2007, 09:30:16 PM
What happens if they strike?
Title: Re: DaVita clinics to form unions?
Post by: livecam on June 09, 2007, 10:04:54 PM
Unionization means a fairer workplace for everyone.  Unionized employees enjoy better wages and benefits, better working conditions, and some protection from layoff and discharge.  Working rules that are part of a union agreement benefit both management and employees because they clearly define various working conditions that are sometimes left to chance or whim in nonrepresented workplaces.  Unionized dialysis employees are going to be better paid, have better benefits, and improved working conditions.  They will be happier and that couldn't be bad for the patients.
Title: Re: DaVita clinics to form unions?
Post by: JerseyGirl on June 10, 2007, 07:46:21 AM
I have mixed feelings about unions.  As far as wages are concerned, unions do not recognize exemplary employees - they set your increases and mediocre employees get the same recognition then the good ones.  Union membership has dropped to an all time low in the US - only 8% of workers are unionized these days.  Unions were good when we had the industrial revolution and helped regulate hours for workers when employers were making them work many hours with no compensation and children were made to work with many hardships - now we have OSHA to help regulate safe worker conditions.  I think unions are antiquated.  They served their purpose and are on the way out.
Title: Re: DaVita clinics to form unions?
Post by: bioya on June 10, 2007, 03:54:20 PM
I would like to see how DaVita reacts to a union shop. My guess is they would shut that unit down and reopen with a "new" unit and that way the union activity would be stopped. And I am sure in the new unit they would screen their new employees for union loyality.  As for what would happen if there were a strike, most healthcare facilities that have union shops have it in their contract to have a long notice period before a strike. Since DuhVita has such good upper management (choking while typing that), I am sure they can take good care of the patients since the upper management for Duh-Vita is the "best of the best" (as we were told in Las Vegas).
Title: Re: DaVita clinics to form unions?
Post by: goofynina on June 11, 2007, 03:22:40 PM
Sorry for taking this off topic for a sec but i just had to stop and ask Bioya if she will be in Las Vegas on October 13th by any chance.  We would love to have you at our meet, then you can see some real partyin' going on ;) ;)  :wine; :wine;