I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: General Discussion => Topic started by: Sara on March 08, 2006, 07:25:11 AM

Title: The antsy/restless feeling
Post by: Sara on March 08, 2006, 07:25:11 AM
Why does that happen?  Joe says he got it yesterday and felt like he was going to rip out his lines and run out of the place.  They gave him Benadryl and it didn't help.  So he has to go back today to finish dialyzing him.  What causes it, and is there anything that can be done to prevent it?
Title: Re: The antsy/restless feeling
Post by: Rerun on March 08, 2006, 10:30:05 AM

It would happen to me and I told my Dr. that I wanted something to calm me down.  She gave me Diazepam 2mg tablets.  I think it is Valium.  It helps.  I call it the "Fight or Flight" syndrome.  You just want to run away from the monster that is going to get you.

I took it the first 5 or 6 times and now that things go smooth, I forget I have it.   :o

I usually take it before I have a surgery too.  I get pretty antsy then too.
Title: Re: The antsy/restless feeling
Post by: kevno on March 08, 2006, 11:25:10 AM

I Have an idea what Joe is feeling.  I get very antsy  too,  a few time when a nurse who as not put me on before. I have started Panicing.  Say stop all walked off the unit.  I stay away for 15 to 30 Min's to try to calm down. That does usually works for me.  But once you sit  down in that chair you know you are trapped for the next few hours. It is alway a horrible feeling for me. I will never take tabs for the antsy, they used to force me to have Valium when I was child. "Never Forgot" 5mg 30 Min's before I go forced on the machine.
I was only ten at the time.  But sometimes it all comes flooding back. Thats when I must get off the unit to get rid of those feeling. Then if a nurse misses with the first needle, my bp drops. I feel really panicy and anxious, have to get off the unit as soon as possible. Go for a coffee. Stay away for about 20Min's then come back to start again. A bit calmer, plus feeling like a fool for going off the unit :o ::)

We will never get over it, But we can manage to live with the antsy.


Look at "I hate Needles!!!!!!" The last post.
Title: Re: The antsy/restless feeling
Post by: Sara on March 08, 2006, 05:59:16 PM
Thanks for the replies.  Joe told me today that the feeling got worse after they gave him the Benadryl and they told him he probably had a reaction to the Benadryl - where it is supposed to make you sleepy it actually had the opposite effect on him.  I will let him know about the Valium if the feelings get worse.
Title: Re: The antsy/restless feeling
Post by: kitkatz on March 18, 2006, 09:23:11 PM
Have Joe bring something pleasant to do at dialysis. Relaxing tape playing music or a radio set on classical music if he likes that music.  Also have him take a walk before coming to dialysis.  It will get the kinks out of his legs and maybe he can rest during dialysis. 

Also look up Restless leg syndrome.  It is mentioned somewhere on this site.   

I know sometimes with Benadryl I feel like I need to push my legs back and forth and want to get up and run out of the room.  Not often.  I figure it is a weird reaction to the drug.

Title: Re: The antsy/restless feeling
Post by: Panda_9 on May 19, 2006, 03:54:30 AM
I take gabapentin and it has worked pretty good for me. Its also improved alot since being on nocturnal.