I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) => Topic started by: jasperkat on May 18, 2007, 06:35:41 AM

Title: Valium and Dialysis
Post by: jasperkat on May 18, 2007, 06:35:41 AM
My hubby is being treated for essential tremor.  Unfortunately the drug of choice, primidone, is dialyzed out.  The doctor wants to try Valium.  Does anyone know if this is dialyzed out or if there is a website where I can get this info.  I have tried searching but to no avail.  I know I can ask the Dialysis Unit but I like to do my own research.
Title: Re: Valium and Dialysis
Post by: Amanda From OZ on May 18, 2007, 07:30:23 AM
I tried doing some research i found a few contradicting information but from what i gathered it is Not dialyzable

From what i found the more protein-bound a drug, the less dialyzable it is

Best bet would be to ask your doctor just in case.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Valium and Dialysis
Post by: jasperkat on May 18, 2007, 08:05:04 AM
Thanks, I will ask at Dialysis.  It is interesting how little other docs know about Dialysis.  I invariably have to educate them on issues like this!
Title: Re: Valium and Dialysis
Post by: bdpoe on May 18, 2007, 03:34:52 PM
I strongly suggest you consult the Nephrologist on this matter.
I have been on Hemodialysis for 6 years and I have gotten bum/bad info
from Doctors, nurses, dietitians and social workers, so check with multiple
sources. See if the Neph, nurse and practitioner agree. Don't let one
know you asked another the same thing.

I take valium before treatments/sessions and when it used to put me to sleep
I'd always wake up after two hours on the machine, so it seems that some of it
does dialyize out - but don't take my word for it.

Good luck...........bd
Title: Re: Valium and Dialysis
Post by: kianhu on May 18, 2007, 06:36:20 PM
I am going to check on that and let you know shortly.  ;D
Title: Re: Valium and Dialysis
Post by: kianhu on May 18, 2007, 06:51:30 PM
I checked in my book at work.  Conventional hemodialysis, drug is not affected.  High flux dialysis, no data.  PD, drug is not affected.  Your hubby is more than likely on high flux dialysis, most facilities FMC, Davita, etc use high flux.  So there is no data for this type.  Wish I could have helped more. 
Title: Re: Valium and Dialysis
Post by: jasperkat on May 20, 2007, 09:52:52 AM
Found out that Valium does not dialyze out.   Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be helping tremors.  With regard to checking with Neurologist.  I find that hubby's other doctors depend on me for info.  God forbid they should talk to each other!!