I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Centers => Topic started by: bioya on May 10, 2007, 06:17:20 PM

Title: I am done
Post by: bioya on May 10, 2007, 06:17:20 PM
I am done posting about Duh-Vita. Someone said it was getting old, and I agree. I have done my part, I have made sure that everyone that could see, has seen the true DaVita. We all know what the truth is, and nothing one person says is going to change that. As I said earlier, a picture is worth a thousand words. Everyone saw the screen shots of the 2005 meeting and everyone saw the U-Tube videos that were posted. We all know what kind of company DaVita is. Nothing will change that until they get new managment that cares more about patient care than their own pockets and their party time. I am not alone, many are fighting this battle while still getting a paycheck from DaVita, I wish them well.
I hope, I truly hope, that I have shown the people of IHD.com the true DaVita. My only points have been made, there is no more need to keep arguing the points made. I am happy that I was able to shed some light into the true company for all to see.
Good luck to the dialysis community. As I have said to my paitients many times, I can't say I know what you feel like, what your going through, none of us that are not ESRD patients can possibly know. You have done your time in hell, there are only good things waiting for you in the future!
I am taking a job in Nevada, and will be moving in about 3 weeks. Its a long haul from sunny Flordia to sunny Nevada, so I will be offline for a week or so till I get settled in.
Again, good luck to all of you, and keep up the pressure on DaVita. Make them more responsible to you and for you. As they say on John Boy & Billy in the morning... "Love ya, mean it".
Goodbye for now!

Title: Re: I am done
Post by: Mongo on May 10, 2007, 07:54:01 PM
...save travels to Nevada!

Title: Re: I am done
Post by: Sluff on May 11, 2007, 06:25:21 PM
Talk to you when you get settled have a safe trip.
Title: Re: I am done
Post by: Sara on May 11, 2007, 06:28:26 PM
I think you are right, people know the truth, no matter what one Kool-Aid drinking mystery man (or woman) is saying.  I hope you have a safe trip, and I hope you do post more about Duh-vita.   :cuddle;
Title: Re: I am done
Post by: Rerun on May 11, 2007, 06:46:58 PM
Have a safe trip.  I enjoy your posts.  Please come back. 
