I Hate Dialysis Message Board

Dialysis Discussion => Dialysis: Centers => Topic started by: bioya on May 09, 2007, 03:28:46 PM

Title: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: bioya on May 09, 2007, 03:28:46 PM
Its not about the party folks, its not about the drunks that come out of the woodwork at night at these "meetings". Its about responsibility to the patient. Its about not wasting millions and millions of dollars a year on stupid events to make staff feel good, it is about the patient. These millions could be, and should be spent on the patients care at the level of the clinic. Most of these people are not bad people. Honestly, they have been brainwashed, or as those of us in Gambro said, they "drank the kool-air".  Its a sad state of affairs when you as a "fourtune 500" company fight legislation to certify and train dialysis technicians to make them more safe to work with the patient because it will cost, honesly, millions of dollars to set up training nationwide. However, you can spend those same millions not on training of techs, but on parties and bands and just another get away party for KT and his boys (and girls) in their 3 muskateers outfits. I promise,

TURN YOUR VOLUME UP!! lol  Here we go!

First one is a national meeting evening party.  This is with the DaVita blues band which I might add are employees of Duh-Vita that are PAID to travel and play at these big drunkfests.  Tens of thousands of dollars spent in salary for these people to fly to get to a location to practice and then more money spent flying them to Duh-Vita events.  Thats right, more money spent on party time people while staffing in the clinics suffer. Here is that one! lol

http://youtube.com/watch?v=pdaTW9RnFHY&mode=related&search=This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by DaVita, Inc. I wonder why.

The second is a DaVita Academy with you guessed it, more paid Duh-Vita employees flown across the US to play music for the academy. Can you imagine how many tens of thousands of dollars are spent flying people around the country just to party?   Duh-Vita does like to drink and party guys. Maybe they should change the name to Drunk-Vita  LOL.   Check out the person dancing. This is typical of the brain washing at Duh-Vita. If you don't play there game, you are not going to make it at Duh-Vita.  These people act like idiots at these meetings. Folks, THESE are the people taking care of you in the clinic every day. Imagine the money spent on each academy if it were put back into a clinic to help us maintain staff and resources for the patient. 

http://youtube.com/watch?v=rpGjvvpxFPM&mode=related&search=This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by DaVita, Inc. HaHa I wonder why.

EDITED: Added Davita's Disclaimer - Sluff/ Admin
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Chicken Little on May 09, 2007, 04:28:15 PM
Not something I can get upset about.  It's their money and I'm not a stock holder.  Those employees in attendance do have to pay taxes on those "free" trips now though, so that may stop their popularity.    ;)  

Compared to the other waste I've seen in corporations though, events like these are (unfortunately) small potatoes.
Title: You are wrong chicken little
Post by: bioya on May 09, 2007, 04:36:16 PM
No employee pays any taxes on any trip. I went to seven or eight. Is a company sponsored event, no taxes are paid by anyone in attendance.

You don't get upset at the waste of dollars at these events when the monies could be spent at the clinic level?????
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Chicken Little on May 09, 2007, 04:52:09 PM
There is a new law requiring employers to count perks, like corporate sponsored trips, as taxable income. 

Of course Davita should be training their employees.  Waste in corporations is rampant though and these stupid events account for a very small portion of that waste.  If Davita doesn't provide adequate services, they will not stay in business.  But how they waste their profits is their business and their shareholders business.     
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: bioya on May 09, 2007, 05:32:34 PM
I just spoke with the lady that took my clinic. She stated they did not tell any of the 2500+ that was in attendance that there were any tax liabilities that went with the trip. This will be interesting. I will try to google that law. I would like to read it. Thanks for the information.
Also, thats not profit they are spending. That money is budgeted each year for the meetings and academies. Again, I just think the money could be better spent on training that party!  Have a good one :)
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Adam_W on May 09, 2007, 05:45:28 PM
I think I can honestly say that the three most  >:D corporations in the world are Microsoft, Wal-mart, and  Duh-vita. (although I can't complain too much because I use Microsoft software, occasionally shop at Wal-mart, and will soon be doing home dialysis through Duh-vita). Oh well, I guess I'm more evil than I thought  :lol;.


Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: reno2360 on May 09, 2007, 06:20:15 PM
After we became Davita office supplies that were old and gross were actually retrieved from the TRASH BIN OUTSIDE rather than let us get new ones.  I am talking about little things like pencil holders and other items in that category.    We were also no longer given wrist braces to help those who have pain from carpal tunnell problems from using the keyboard.  Gambro did that if there was a problem.   

I attended an Academy and the waste of money was really ridiculous.  They hold these dozens of times each and every year.  Oh, yes underage "teammates" were allowed to drink too.  They were the worst off the second day too as they were all hyped up that they were getting away with it.  The second day for most people was really a waste anyway because of the excessive partying the evening before.
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Rerun on May 09, 2007, 06:32:46 PM
I heard they are in meetings 8 to 9 hours a day and these  crazy events are held at night.  Still no excues for the waste.  What makes me mad is the greed (as I keep saying).  Drunk-Vita (love it) asked patients to write congress for more money.  WTF?
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: reno2360 on May 09, 2007, 06:41:05 PM
I heard they are in meetings 8 to 9 hours a day and these crazy events are held at night. Still no excues for the waste. What makes me mad is the greed (as I keep saying). Drunk-Vita (love it) asked patients to write congress for more money. WTF?

Do the patients in your clinic feel pressured to write these letters?
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: bioya on May 09, 2007, 06:54:00 PM
We had to let our ROD know which ones of us wrote letters from our Clinic. Of course, we all lied to the ROD. Its pretty bad when they base part of your evaluation on your writing congress.

Oh and lets not forget the political action committee that all managers were "requested" to join and send money too so that Duh-Vita could have more money for lobbists to get their way in congress.  God, I almost forgot about that!
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Rerun on May 09, 2007, 06:57:07 PM
I heard they are in meetings 8 to 9 hours a day and these crazy events are held at night. Still no excues for the waste. What makes me mad is the greed (as I keep saying). Drunk-Vita (love it) asked patients to write congress for more money. WTF?

Do the patients in your clinic feel pressured to write these letters?

DaVita sent out the information in a newsletter.  My clinic never mentioned it to me.
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: reno2360 on May 09, 2007, 07:25:28 PM
What the government is trying to do is change the way Medicare pays dialysis treatments and medications.  Currently they are paid separately, hence the EPO controversy, and they want to change that to an all inclusive rate for treatments and meds.  Theoretically this would take away any incentive to over prescribe EPO as EPO brings in a lot of revenue.   We'll see what happens with that.   
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: goofynina on May 09, 2007, 07:52:47 PM
I believe they will get theirs in the long run, especially that KT,  he thinks he's got it good now but i believe his days will be numbered once this gets in the hands of the right person...  :twocents;
Title: This is for Rerun
Post by: bioya on May 10, 2007, 05:29:44 AM
Hey, just a note on your comment. Yea, we had "meetings" and "breakout sessions" for six hours or so a day with Duh-Vita, but they were not "meetings" like you would think. With Gambro, we had scientific meetings with data that we could return to our units with and help the patients. You know, Calcium deficiency, bone loss, heart conditions with ESRD, etc, etc.

Now, with Duh-Vita, the "meetings" are always repeats of "how we got here". How we were so bad now we are so good. How to make more profit, how to do more with less, etc, etc. The two Duh-Vita meetings I went to had no breakouts on patient care, just blowing on each other. 

I hope that makes sense. As I had said in earlier posts, at least w/ Gambro, we had breakout sessions that were patient related, but at least for the two that I went to for Duh-Vita, there were no patient related breakouts. Something may have changed this year, that I don't know.  I do know that the person that replaced me at my inpatient center told me yesterday that there was no real good information put out during the four days that helped her in the day to day running of the clinic. And this came from a long time Duh-Vita gal.

I need to add something. One thing we did do in Dallas that was really REALLY nice is that we put together hundreds of bicycles for needy kids. It was very nice to see that you touched a kids life and made them happy, at least for a part of their day. It was very nice. I had to add that or I would not be fair in my post.
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Mongo on May 10, 2007, 12:41:34 PM
Its not about the party folks, its not about the drunks that come out of the woodwork at night at these "meetings". Its about responsibility to the patient. Its about not wasting millions and millions of dollars a year on stupid events to make staff feel good, it is about the patient. These millions could be, and should be spent on the patients care at the level of the clinic. Most of these people are not bad people. Honestly, they have been brainwashed, or as those of us in Gambro said, they "drank the kool-air". 

You were in the Army, weren't you bioya??  I've got some buddies that are and were in the military and the stories I hear and have heard about the "partying" (i.e. heavy drinking) that went on would make DaVita's events look like Saturday mass at the Vatican!  LOL  Now, is the Army a bad place because this went on? Is the Army's mission and what they do tainted by this behavior? Are you, a retired service member (thank you, btw) and NCO responsible for the actions of a few? There are idiots in any large group or organization. When you get 2000+ people in one location, you're bound to have them come out of the woodwork. This is not indicative of the company as a whole.

DaVita likes to have fun. You know why? Because the job we do day in and day out is damn hard. It's nice to work for a company that recognizes that and rewards us for our hard work. Music, dancing, adult beverages...it's all fun...in moderation! Sorry you don't see it for that. And, contrary to your beliefs, the meeting time is very productive.

It's hard to get that real specific, scientific training in when you have 2500 people from the whole company (clinical, education, cbo, people services, etc). So, it is used to introduce general ideas and concepts that are applicable to the whole Village and then it's up to the Divisions and Regions to tailor it be meaningful information applicable to what we do.

Again, if you had stuck around long enough, you would know this!

Yes... I drank the kool-aid. In fact, I joke that not only did I drink it but I have it on an IV pole and that I roll it around with me everywhere I go!   :2thumbsup;

I'm fired up about an idea...a mission...values...not a person or people. My ideas about this company aren't rooted in who does what but how it gives me the opportunity to serve my teammates and patients. We use the words "mission", "core values", "teammates" and "One for All...". To you, these are words to be scoffed at...to us...and most importantly, to me, they mean something.

First one is a national meeting evening party.  This is with the DaVita blues band which I might add are employees of Duh-Vita that are PAID to travel and play at these big drunkfests.  Tens of thousands of dollars spent in salary for these people to fly to get to a location to practice and then more money spent flying them to Duh-Vita events.  Thats right, more money spent on party time people while staffing in the clinics suffer. Here is that one! lol


First, 3/4's of the members of the band are senior executives of the company and were part of presentations during the day. I can't speak to their practice habits but I do know that many work at the Casa or in units nearby.

Second, many Fortune 500 companies have bands...Hard Rock Cafe has an annual "Battle of the Bands" that DaVita participates in against other Fortune 500 companies. It's called PR. It's a way to introduce DaVita to segments of the community that would have no idea who or what DaVita is. You think it's wasteful spending but the money that goes into this is a drop in the bucket compared to the overall annual budget and the PR received in invaluable.

You know, you keep talking about staffing in clinics suffering. You could have staffing on a 1:1 basis and if the leadership of the clinic is broken and the training is poor, you're still going to have problems. Throwing money at the problem or bemoaning the fact that money is spent on nationwide meetings or academies that could be spent on staffing is not the answer. It's all about who you hire, how you train them and the expectations you hold them to. As a former NCO in the Army (thanks, again, BTW), I don't see how you miss this. In your case, you had to pair down...and that sort of change is difficult. But you aren't the first to experience the change and there are many wonderful DaVita clinics that provide excellent care under the same circumstances that you couldn't. How change is dealt with starts with the leadership of the unit. If you have a strong leader, change can be successful. If not, you lose people and you quality of care suffers.

The second is a DaVita Academy with you guessed it, more paid Duh-Vita employees flown across the US to play music for the academy. Can you imagine how many tens of thousands of dollars are spent flying people around the country just to party?   Duh-Vita does like to drink and party guys. Maybe they should change the name to Drunk-Vita  LOL.   Check out the person dancing. This is typical of the brain washing at Duh-Vita. If you don't play there game, you are not going to make it at Duh-Vita.  These people act like idiots at these meetings. Folks, THESE are the people taking care of you in the clinic every day. Imagine the money spent on each academy if it were put back into a clinic to help us maintain staff and resources for the patient. 


Now, you're just grasping at straws, bioya! First, it was probably an Academy near the Casa in CA.

The person dancing is an idiot!   ;D   ..."typical brainwashing"...holy cow have you gone off the deep end!! There is no game...you either believe in the mission and values or you don't. I've said many times, DaVita is not easy...it sets the bar high. Those who wash out or quit don't have what it takes to be successful in the company...period...end of story.

You don't want to acknowledge the benefits of the Nationwide Meetings or the Academies. But for the rest of the folks reading, there is good that comes out of the meeting. First and foremost, since the advent of academies, retention has increased significantly. You get a sense of community...a common purpose...an understanding of why we do what we do that maybe doesn't get communicated by FAs like bioya. Patient care is actually enhanced by these meetings because teammates that attend and are purposeful in their reason for being there come back fired up to make DaVita the best dialysis company the world has ever seen! And that, folks, translates into better patient care!!

Title: wow Mongo
Post by: bioya on May 10, 2007, 01:36:51 PM
You have a line and an answer for anything. By the way, why are you posting on Duh-Vita time? You are stealing from the company!!
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Mongo on May 10, 2007, 02:20:31 PM
You have a line and an answer for anything. By the way, why are you posting on Duh-Vita time? You are stealing from the company!!

Does it bother you that I have an answer for everything?!? It actually comes quite naturally when dealing with people like you...it's just so easy debunking you're line of crap that it's almost unfair!   :lol;

Now...don't go worrying yourself about my time. I assure you, DaVita gets its pound of flesh from me each and every week!!   :2thumbsup;

Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: goofynina on May 10, 2007, 02:21:17 PM
I think Mongo is KT in disguise
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Mongo on May 10, 2007, 02:26:31 PM
I think Mongo is KT in disguise

Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Mongo on May 10, 2007, 03:28:43 PM
We had to let our ROD know which ones of us wrote letters from our Clinic. Of course, we all lied to the ROD. Its pretty bad when they base part of your evaluation on your writing congress.

Oh and lets not forget the political action committee that all managers were "requested" to join and send money too so that Duh-Vita could have more money for lobbists to get their way in congress. God, I almost forgot about that!

Once again, you had an opportunity to stand on principle and you failed. If you thought writing to Congress was a waste, you should have told your ROD where to stick his letters. Instead, you show your true colors and lied to him showing us how much integrity you truly have.

This is for the rest of IHD members who are interested in more than hate-filled rants against DaVita:
PACs (political action committees) are a way to get your voice heard in Washington, D.C. Teammates are requested to contribute and it is up to each of us to decide if we will or will not contribute. That money, in turn, is given to those members of Congress who support the laws and initiatives that benefit the renal community.

Regardless of where you dialyze, your unit has received a 1.6% increase in Medicare reimbursement for the last 2 years because of DaVita's advocacy and leadership in the political world. Prior to that, dialysis providers hadn't received an increase in their Medicare rates for a quarter of a century. Do you know your unit loses money for every Medicare treatment it performs? That is, the composite rate doesn't cover everything that it's supposed to. It's a good thing that medication is billed for seperately or I don't know of any company, including DaVita, that could continue to stay open.

I would encourage anyone who is interested to go to the DaVita Patient Citizens' website at http://advocacy.dialysispatients.org/site/PageServer?pagename=new_homepage to learn more about the issues that affect our renal community as a whole.

So yes, DaVita encourages its patients and teammates to write to their members of Congress. We are encouraged to invite our Representatives and Senators at the Federal and State levels to come tour our units and meet our patients. They are writing laws and funding parts of Medicare that directly affect your lives yet they have no idea what dialysis is all about. At DaVita, we try to give them the unit perspective of what we do in the care we provide and how ESRD truly impacts your life.Yes, those of us who wish to contribute to PACs gladly donate our money because it is just another way that we support those in Congress that are willing to support the dialysis community as a whole. This is all a part of DaVita becoming the greatest dialysis company the world has ever seen!   :2thumbsup;

Title: Hey Mongo, again you don't read very well.
Post by: bioya on May 10, 2007, 04:00:59 PM
I never said I lied to him. I just did not do it.  Do you read in my post that I lied.

Man, you sound more like a suit (oops, Duh-Vita don't wear suits) and less like a FA. Seems like you have all the company driven BS down pretty pat for just being a little ole FA. YOu sure you don't work at the Casa? (is that how it is spelled?)

Oh, and in the intrest of fair play, I will say that was one thing I did like about Duh-Vita. With Gambro, when we went to company functions, we had to wear business casual clothing. But with Duh-Vita, we could wear t-shirts, shorts, tennis shoes, etc, etc. That made it much more comfortable to sit in their BS love me fests! As I live in one of the hottest states in the US, I loved wearing those shorts and t-shirts!!!

Why don't you come out and tell us your real position with Duh-Vita? 
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Mongo on May 10, 2007, 04:17:13 PM

I never said I lied to him. I just did not do it. Do you read in my post that I lied.

Take a look below....

We had to let our ROD know which ones of us wrote letters from our Clinic. Of course, we all lied to the ROD. Its pretty bad when they base part of your evaluation on your writing congress.

Oh and lets not forget the political action committee that all managers were "requested" to join and send money too so that Duh-Vita could have more money for lobbists to get their way in congress. God, I almost forgot about that!

Once again, you had an opportunity to stand on principle and you failed. If you thought writing to Congress was a waste, you should have told your ROD where to stick his letters. Instead, you show your true colors and lied to him showing us how much integrity you truly have.

Take a look above...in red...and in bold...what does it say?  ???  That's all you, buddy!   :lol;   :lol;  How great is this?!?   :clap;

Man, you sound more like a suit (oops, Duh-Vita don't wear suits) and less like a FA. Seems like you have all the company driven BS down pretty pat for just being a little ole FA. YOu sure you don't work at the Casa? (is that how it is spelled?)

Oh, and in the intrest of fair play, I will say that was one thing I did like about Duh-Vita. With Gambro, when we went to company functions, we had to wear business casual clothing. But with Duh-Vita, we could wear t-shirts, shorts, tennis shoes, etc, etc. That made it much more comfortable to sit in their BS love me fests! As I live in one of the hottest states in the US, I loved wearing those shorts and t-shirts!!!

Why don't you come out and tell us your real position with Duh-Vita?

Man, why don't you stop trying to "out" me?!? I am who a say I am...a simple FA doing my best to make DaVita a better place. Does it bother you that I sound more intelligent than you? There are many more of my types out there doing incredible work, taking care of our teams and our patients...NO BRAG, JUST FACT!!

Remember, I walk around with an IV pole with fresh DaVita Kool-Aid pumping into my veins!!   :thumbup;

Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: bioya on May 10, 2007, 04:59:40 PM
LOL.. wow man, your ate up with it. "Being the best diaysis company the world has ever seen". Right out of the academy!  You got the lingo down pat!
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Mongo on May 10, 2007, 06:50:16 PM
LOL.. wow man, your ate up with it. "Being the best diaysis company the world has ever seen". Right out of the academy! You got the lingo down pat!

Yeah...I guess I am. The mission and values resonate with me. I don't follow people, I follow ideas. And...if I'm the only person in all of DaVita that actually believes and lives this, then I will continue to do so because the philosophy behind it all is right.

Safe travels to Nevada...

Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: glitter on May 10, 2007, 07:20:40 PM
seems like alot of people here have bad experiences, since they are the actual patients-who actually have to live and die by Davita's rules, I think I will be more prone to believe what they say...and it seems like you are blowing off a lot of legitimate opinions. Just my  :twocents;
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Mongo on May 10, 2007, 07:35:48 PM
seems like alot of people here have bad experiences, since they are the actual patients-who actually have to live and die by Davita's rules, I think I will be more prone to believe what they say...and it seems like you are blowing off a lot of legitimate opinions. Just my :twocents;

That's the great thing about this country...you get to believe what and who you want. Dialysis is local...a bad experience is the responsibility of the FA not the company. It's my job as an FA to make DaVita's mission and values real and alive to my patients. If I fail in that job, it is because I did a poor job not because the company's philosophy is faulty.

I will not argue with a patient's first hand experience and it has not been my intention to give the impression of "blowing off" anyone who has had bad experiences. Remember, also, that I'm "the other side of the coin" responsible for the care my patients receive. I see what I see and I know what I know and I, like everyone on this board, has an opinion. Doesn't make me right or wrong...just another voice in the wilderness.

But I would hope that discussions on this board are not the only thing you base your opinions on...

Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: kitkatz on May 10, 2007, 10:14:56 PM
Epoman would have had you for breakfast Mongo.  I wish he were here to explain his experiences with DuhVitah!   One of the main reasons this site was started was because his posts were disappearing at an alarming rate on the Davita sites where he posted how things were going in his treatments.  He decided you cannot keep a well-informed dialysis patient down, so he started this site.  That is one reason YOU can have your say here, because he truly believed that people need to hear the truth whatever it may be.
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Mongo on May 11, 2007, 06:01:13 AM
Epoman would have had you for breakfast Mongo. I wish he were here to explain his experiences with DuhVitah! One of the main reasons this site was started was because his posts were disappearing at an alarming rate on the Davita sites where he posted how things were going in his treatments. He decided you cannot keep a well-informed dialysis patient down, so he started this site. That is one reason YOU can have your say here, because he truly believed that people need to hear the truth whatever it may be.

I think I would have enjoyed discussions with Epoman. From what I can tell from his posts, he was truly passionate about dialysis patient advocacy and empowerment through information. This website is his legacy to all of us in the renal community.

Often times, "truth" is a matter of perception. The more information we have, the more informed our perceptions become.

Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Hawkeye on May 11, 2007, 07:13:44 AM
Davita likes to have fun. You know why? Because the job we do day in and day out is damn hard. It's nice to work for a company that recognizes that and rewards us for our hard work. Music, dancing, adult beverages...it's all fun...in moderation! Sorry you don't see it for that. And, contrary to your beliefs, the meeting time is very productive.

Ok these meetings are all for the Managers and higher ups right?  What gets done for the Nurses, Patient Care Techs, Dialysis Assistants, Biomed Techs, Social Workers, and Dietitans that actually work with the patients day in and day out?  Do they get some big corporate sponsored party too?  The people that go to these meetings don't have as big of an impact on a dialysis patient as any of these professions I have mentioned.  The only way to have better experiences and treatment outcomes for the patients is to get the "grunts" to buy into the same beliefs you seem to hold.  That ain't happening in any dialysis company, and you would be lieing if you said they do.  It's the people that take direct care of the patients that hold the most influence over their treatments besides the patient themselves and they get dumped on while you all go to "meetings" and party for a week.  Sorry, but I just don't buy what your selling.  I'm also not saying that it is just Davita, but you are the only ones that seem to get caught in the act with all this overindulgent BS.  The bottom line is that every dialysis company has huge room for improvement because they spend too much time on the managers and the higher ups and not enough time on the patient care staff where it matters most.  Mind you this is just my opinion, but I'm pretty sure it's not too far off.
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Mongo on May 11, 2007, 08:26:04 AM
Ok these meetings are all for the Managers and higher ups right? What gets done for the Nurses, Patient Care Techs, Dialysis Assistants, Biomed Techs, Social Workers, and Dietitans that actually work with the patients day in and day out? Do they get some big corporate sponsored party too?

The Academies mentioned are primarily for the nurses, techs, bmts, sws, dieticians, etc. In addition, I send my nurses and pcts to ANNA conferences and events sponsored by the Network. I send the social workers and dieticians to NKF and AKF sponsored functions as well as the Network-sponsored conferences. All of this is encourged and covered by DaVita (tuition/seminar costs,airfare, hotel, food, etc.) In addition, we often times get to take "shining stars" to the Nationwide Meeting...those teammates that have added special value in providing care for our patients.

The only way to have better experiences and treatment outcomes for the patients is to get the "grunts" to buy into the same beliefs you seem to hold. That ain't happening in any dialysis company, and you would be lieing if you said they do. It's the people that take direct care of the patients that hold the most influence over their treatments besides the patient themselves and they get dumped on while you all go to "meetings" and party for a week. Sorry, but I just don't buy what your selling.

Agreed...and that is where I as a leader come in. If my team feels "dumped on", I'm not doing my job. Sometimes, the battle is to get the team not to reject the values of the company...like many on this website have. Not everyone is going to have the same level of committment to what is going on around them...evidence this website. However, it comes down to me and the job I do in making DaVita's mission and values come alive for my patients and teammates.

It is a complete waste for me to go to the Nationwide Meeting, spend 4 days away from my units and fail to make changes or try different things when I get back. Granted, that probably does happen in some units but DaVita's intent is to give us additional tools for our tool box to make dialysis treatments better for our patients and to help us better support our teams.

Title: Mr. Mongo is not a DaVita FA
Post by: DavitastaffRN on May 11, 2007, 11:53:12 AM
Ok, I have been reading for awhile and I have to post and make this statement about Mongo.  Its my opinion that the person known as Mongo on here is actually someone high up in the Davita management.
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: goofynina on May 11, 2007, 12:01:12 PM
Thank you for clarifying that DavitastaffRN ;)  I do hope you stay awhile, continue to read and see how we have become very close as a community and how we support each other.  If you wouldnt mind letting your patients know about us, i am sure they will enjoy themselves here as well.  If you can also go to the introduce yourself thread and just tell us a little something about yourself so we can formally welcome you ;)   Looking forward to hearing more from you... :2thumbsup;

Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Sara on May 11, 2007, 01:03:22 PM
Epoman would have had you for breakfast Mongo.  I wish he were here to explain his experiences with DuhVitah!   One of the main reasons this site was started was because his posts were disappearing at an alarming rate on the Davita sites where he posted how things were going in his treatments.  He decided you cannot keep a well-informed dialysis patient down, so he started this site.  That is one reason YOU can have your say here, because he truly believed that people need to hear the truth whatever it may be.

I was just thinking that, KK. 

Mongo, step away from the Kool-Aid.
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Mongo on May 11, 2007, 04:54:03 PM
Thank you for clarifying that DavitastaffRN ;) 

Ok, I have been reading for awhile and I have to post and make this statement about Mongo. Take it from me, this gentleman (or lady) is not a DaVita Facility Administrator. He/She knows much too much about all of the inner workings, all of the lingo, all of the talk that is so much of DaVita. No FA that I have ever met in my years with DaVita, including myself, knows all of the verbage that Mongo knows.

 :lol;  :lol;  Guys...I am who I say I am! I am a Facility Administrator who has been around since DaVita's inception. Why is this so hard to believe!!   :lol;  :lol;

Now, granted, I'm probably not your typical FA when it comes to DaVita...remember the Kool-Aid and the IV pole that I walk around with. I've been to enough meetings, trainings and on plenty of conference calls to know this stuff inside and out. Apparently, DavitastaffRN, you know the verbiage too as you are confirming what I'm saying to be true DaVita. Is is so difficult that a simple FA can believe in what this company stands for?

This is not just some Facility Administrator that just happens to know what he/she is doing. This person is one of the very high level managers at DaVita. You should be proud that DaVita cares enough about what is said on this board to have one of their high level administrators reply to every negitive post.

Although I hope to be a high level manager some day, I'm not even close!

I don't know if senior management knows about this site or if they even care. I was "lurking" (as Sluff put it) for many, many months before deciding to post. I started posting because I could no longer stomach some of the things I was reading about my comany. My whole goal in posting is to show that DaVita is not the evil company most on this website believe it to be. As long as I make the mission and values come alive in my units, I'm doing all I can do.

DavitastaffRN, what are you doing to make DaVita "the best dialysis company the world has ever seen"?

Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Sluff on May 11, 2007, 06:38:56 PM
The great thing about this site is the openness for everyone to voice their opinion as long as it is kept civil and respectful to all members.

Bring it on.
Title: Mr/Mrs Mongo
Post by: DavitastaffRN on May 11, 2007, 08:24:57 PM
You ask "DavitastaffRN, what are you doing to make DaVita "the best dialysis company the world has ever seen"?"
I do my job everyday, and I do it well. I don't have kool-aid coming out of my nose when I cough and I don't have an IV pole following me around.  If your life revolves around the DaVita core values, you are one sick puppy.
As the patients who suffer from ESRD must have to survive their situation, I have a life outside of dialysis. I have to, or I would go crazy. DaVita is no better than any other dialysis provider. As a matter of fact, in some respects, it is worse than others. I will not debate you as I truly believe you are not who you say you are.
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Chicken Little on May 11, 2007, 09:37:24 PM
Oh, I get it.  FA stands for Facility Administrator.  I was thinking it was Fuc, um, errr, something else.   :rofl;
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: glitter on May 11, 2007, 09:58:42 PM
 :rofl; :rofl; :rofl;
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Mongo on May 11, 2007, 11:06:16 PM
You ask "DavitastaffRN, what are you doing to make DaVita "the best dialysis company the world has ever seen"?"
I do my job everyday, and I do it well. I don't have kool-aid coming out of my nose when I cough and I don't have an IV pole following me around. If your life revolves around the DaVita core values, you are one sick puppy.

OK...that's cool. And I do my job everyday...and I to do it very well, too. Our common ground is that we do what we do for our patients and, although you haven't stated it anywhere that I've seen, I'm sure you do it for your teammates as well.

The kool-aid and IV pole is a sarcastic, over-exaggeration response to some accusations made about me so lighten up a bit, will ya?    :wine;

I don't know what brought you to work in dialysis or DaVita for that matter but never before did I work for a company that set out to try to do the things DaVita has done and continues to do. I found that my personal goals career-wise and who I was as a human being matched up with DaVita's values.  A simple fit...an understanding that resonates with who I am as a person...nothing sick, twisted or devious...just someone who found a job that I love. Why so many on this site find that ridiculous, absurd or threatening is beyond me. I would think everyone would welcome someone who has chosen a career to serve dialysis patients to want them to be the best they possibly can be.

And yes, I get it...a lot of people dislike...ney, hate...DaVita on this website. In a nutshell, I think the belief is that DaVita's words and deeds don't match. DaVita is a company...an in antimate object...devoid of thought, feeling, conscience. It is up to you and me and many of our teammates to make the values of DaVita come alive for our patients. Some are more successful than others at accomplishing that goal. Regardless of who is at the top running the company, I am the "gatekeeper" to my facility as FA. It begins and ends with me. So people can hate KT on this website because they think he is a phony; people can resent DaVita because of the financial success DaVita has experienced but they are all chasing a strawman argument. I believe the focus should be on their individual facilities and what can be done to improve their care at that level. It probably feels good to "rail against the man" but it's a waste of time...IMHO.

As the patients who suffer from ESRD must have to survive their situation, I have a life outside of dialysis. I have to, or I would go crazy. DaVita is no better than any other dialysis provider. As a matter of fact, in some respects, it is worse than others. I will not debate you as I truly believe you are not who you say you are.

I, too, have a rather fulfilling life away from dialysis and some might still say I'm crazy.  ;D

I'm sorry if you mistook my question of you as an invitation to debate. It was merely an invitation for you to tell the site how you, a DaVita FA (?), provide excellent patient care...something that doesn't appear to be something that the patients on IHD experience very often.

If you can't trust a person with a funny name, who posts in complete anonymity, that they are who they say they are...who can you trust?!?   :lol;

(BTW - I am really a DaVita FA!!)

Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Mongo on May 11, 2007, 11:10:21 PM
Oh, I get it. FA stands for Facility Administrator. I was thinking it was Fuc, um, errr, something else. :rofl;

You know, that is actually quite funny...never saw that in the initials before!   :2thumbsup;   :clap;

Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Mongo on May 11, 2007, 11:40:13 PM
Epoman would have had you for breakfast Mongo.

The more of Epoman's posts that I read the more I truly believe I would have been banned by now or taking a time out for 90 days!

Mr. (for those questioning) Mongo
Title: Re: U-tube video clips of the great Duh-Vita in action. You must see to believe!
Post by: Sluff on May 12, 2007, 06:45:08 AM
Epoman would have had you for breakfast Mongo.

The more of Epoman's posts that I read the more I truly believe I would have been banned by now or taking a time out for 90 days!

Mr. (for those questioning) Mongo

Nah... Epoman liked a good debate..he always had an answer and yes sometimes it would get heated but he loved it.